Red or green front sight?,,,

It is much more than just personal preference for many people. A form of color blindness (actually color deficiency rather than blindness) is called red-green weakness. This is VERY prevalent (in varying degrees of severity) in Caucasian males. I have it. I can't use red dot sights in anything other than indoor, dim light conditions. Ditto red lasers, and red fiber optics. I simply can't see them.\

Green dots and green lasers are not a problem.
I had a set of red/green on my GP100 with green in the back and red up front. Awesome sight but I would have preferred green on the front sight and red in the rear. I would try them out at last light in my tree stand and the red always faded out first and the green was still bright.
I have 2 S&W snubbies, one with a red Hi-Viz front sight, and one with green. I had assumed that the green would be better, but I never compared them side by side until I saw this thread. I did a side by side check just now in moderate indoor light, and the red is brighter. But it might be different outside. Indoor light may be slightly redder than outdoor light, and maybe the red fiber picks that up.
I prefer green over red, but that's not saying anything against red. In some ways red stands out more, but green just seems more precise for whatever reason.
I prefer to paint my front sights white. I am colorblind and red/green sights are hard to pick up. Of course I am probably the minority in that regard but I have thought about trying yellow out.

It is much more than just personal preference for many people. A form of color blindness (actually color deficiency rather than blindness) is called red-green weakness. This is VERY prevalent (in varying degrees of severity) in Caucasian males. I have it. I can't use red dot sights in anything other than indoor, dim light conditions. Ditto red lasers, and red fiber optics. I simply can't see them.

I posted the above before I saw your post. Nice to see others struggle with this haha.
I purchased some bulk optical fiber in various colors and diameters to try out in my various fiber optic sights. Ultimately, I chose green front and red rear for my sights. I didn't know about the Purkinje Effect or anything at the time I did this; I chose my color combo because I run into more red bullseyes than green ones, so the green stands out more to me.
Personally I've never been a fan of fiber optic sights just for one reason..... Their not visible at night. If it's just a range gun then I'd go with green up front
Personally I've never been a fan of fiber optic sights just for one reason..... Their not visible at night.

You just need a brighter headlamp. :D

BTW, there are several options out now that are Tritium with Fiber optic.
well...I'm a little late to the dog fight, but I did put fiber optic sights on 4-5 revolvers last year, or the year before... yes, Williams typically uses red on the front, & green in the back... I ordered several rods to try, in my custom machined front sights, & my favorite set up, is orange in the front, & green in the back ( I actually found my eyes picked up the orange as "brighter" than the yellow or green, & still had enough red contrast to stand out )...

so choose as you may, but if you get the chance, give an orange rod in the front, & green rods in the back a try... I think you might like them ;)
In reality they are more visible at night than iron sights.:D
My vote:

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From what I've read green is easier for the human eye to see then red. That's why green lasers appear brighter when they are the same power.

That said if I have a red front I have a black rear greens r to bright. I prefer a green front with white dot rear. Like straight eights. Greens bettter for me and its similar to my preferred night sight combo.
I wear high index prescription corrective glasses, and have noticed that the red front sight "shifts" noticeably in my field of vision due to lens refraction when I move my head. A green front sight does likewise, but to a much lesser extent. For that reason I stuck with the green ones.
I have a set of Williams on my 10/22 that has red in the front and green in the rear. However, my 22/45, that only has the front changed out, has a black rear and green front. This seems like the easiest to acquire set up for myself.
...not visible at night.

Personally I've never been a fan of fiber optic sights just for one reason..... Their not visible at night.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic here,,,
But that's the problem with almost all sights.

I received the red sight and installed it on my 4.5" barrel,,,
It truly attracts the eye very nicely.

I scored another small windfall of cash so I decided to order another one,,,
This one I will get in green just because there's no reason not to. :rolleyes:

Here is the red one installed on my barrel.


In the picture it is very orange colored,,,
I think that was a result of using direct flash,,,
In reality it's a nice red and very bright even in office lighting.

There was a moment of panic though,,,
I thought I has stripped the 1.5mm Allen screw,,,
It turns out that I stripped the cheap Allen wrench instead.

The sight dropped right into the slot,,,
Nice and snug without being tight.

So the product itself is made very well,,,
With their standard shipping it's a 30-dollar bill,,,
That's not too bad if it helps me to better see the sight.


Hello Shadi Khalil,,, 22/45, that only has the front changed out, has a black rear and green front.

What brand of fiber optic sight is on your 22/45?
I have a matching pair of them and might change their front sights as well.

On the Williams FireSight website,,,
I only see the front and rear sold as a pair.


Sitting on the side of a swamp tonight with my slug gun. Overcast and heavy fog, dark out. My slug sights are red in the front and green rear. Twenty minutes before last shooting time and I couldn't see the front sight but the green rear was very bright.
Well I received the green sight,,,

Well I received the green sight,,,
And I have to say I believe the red is brighter.

I held both of my NEOS pistols side by side,,,
One with red and the other with green,,,
To me, the red pipe is brighter.

Now this was last evening in my home under lamp light,,,
It was dark when I left for work this morning,,,
So I wasn't able to get an outdoor look.

But as of now my personal preference would have to go to the red.

