Red or green front sight?,,,


New member
Which is better,,,
A red or green fiber optic front sight?

In a different thread a gentleman posted a link,,,
It is for a replacement fiber optic front sight for the Beretta NEOS.

EWK Arms sells them,,,
They come in red or green,,,
Is it just ones personal preference,,,
Or is one color actually better than the other.

I have a vague remembrance of reading an article that said,,,
Green for the front and red or orange for the rear,,,
This was supposedly backed up by science.

Does anyone have the true skinny on this?

I'm ordering one as soon as I decide on the color.


Color of the month ???

Is it just ones personal preference,,,
Or is one color actually better than the other.

For a number of years, I used mostly fluorescent Red and lately have gone fairly exclusive to Chartreuse/Yellow-Green. Yes, it's a matter of personal preference and for "me" it's working better. .... ;)

I have a vague remembrance of reading an article that said,,,
I too have heard about this study but have not read it myself. .... :confused:

Now, some of the sets that I buy, use to be all red and now the same sets are coming in as Red on Front and Chartreuse for the rear. Perhaps Hi-Viz or Williams could shed some light on this subject. ..... :)

Be Safe !!!
Hello Pahoo,,,

Perhaps Hi-Viz or Williams could shed some light on this subject.

Okay Pahoo, but,,,
No More Puns!

Great idea though,,,
I went to the Wilson fire-sight site,,,
They were all red in the front and green in the rear.

I had completely forgotten because it's been scoped for years,,,
But my Henry Acu-Bolt rifle has Fire-Sights,,,
Red in the front and Green in the rear.

Question answered. :)

Then I went to the Hi-Viz site,,,
And they had multiples of both configurations.

Answer confounded. :confused:

I've been Google-ing for two hours and can't find a consensus,,,
I think I'll flip a coin and get what the fates tell me to order.


Red it is.



So, I think I'll order
Order red....and ask them to include a replacement light pipe in green ....

( you'll need one if you break it anyway...)...
when home computers first made it to the public 25+ years ago they had black screens with green font. They were all like that because they did a study and green was the easiest color to track with your eyes which means less stressful when looking at a screen all day.

I like the green myself and I'm working on getting a few sets.
It depends. What do you see when you look at your sights? Are you able to call your shots and see your front sight in recoil? What kinds of distances and targets are you shooting? What are the environmental conditions? How is your eyesight?

Your eye to front sight relationship is, for the most part, the gas pedal when we are talking about speed. For precision, it is also the micrometer.

For the most part, anything bright or shiny or luminescent in the rear sight is, for most people a detractor to speed and precision. The manufacturer's sell a lot of rear fiber optics and rear night sights to people who don't know any better. A serrated or flat black rear keeps the eye from wanting to focus on the rear. That aside, lets talk about colors.

Old time revolver shooters used to file a notch in the front sight and lay in a thin gold rod for precision work. If you have never fired a well tuned revolver or pistol with a fine gold dot, try will teach you a lot. Our eyes want to look for differences and they want to align things. Sure, there is a component of muscle memory to that as well, but they still try no matter what.

For the most part, red is easy to see, but it flares and reduces precision due to the flare. For some eyes, it is the fastest because of the flare. The greens and yellows have less flare, but draws the eye a tad slower than red. In low light, they won't be as visible as red, so you might consider violet or orange if that is a concern. Violet is not as fast, but has no flare and is likely the most accurate for most peoples eyes. Orange is probably one of the widest appeal since it flares less than red, is brighter than yellow or green indoors and does not give up much accuracy.
Mounted a fier-optic front on a shoot gun, it came with red, green, orange and yellow rods you could change out. Time has shoon the green ( its a bright yellow-green ) to be the most visable under most lighting conditions. If you can have only one I vote for green.
Orange and Yellow are the two most visible colors in daylight. I have florescent orange and yellow fingernail paint from WalMart that I use.
What say, Y'all

See if this might shed some light on this subject and a new word or term, for me, is; Purkinje Effect. Again, the color is not really green, it's Yellow/Green or better yet, "chartreuse". ... ;)

Since about 1973, a sort of fluorescent chartreuse yellow has been adopted as the color of fire engines in parts of the United States and elsewhere. The reason behind this is that chartreuse fire engines are more visible on the streets than the traditional red fire engines, especially at night (the reason for this is the Purkinje Effect, i.e., the cones do not function as efficiently in dim light, so red objects appear to be black). In Australia and New Zealand this form of chartreuse yellow is also known as "ACT Yellow" as this is the color of the fire engines in the Australian Capital Territory. The use of chartreuse fire engines began in the 1970s, when New York ophthalmologist Stephen Solomon produced research claiming that sparkling bright lime-yellow paint would boost the visibility of emergency vehicles.[22][23]

Might also add that a friend of mine, makes killer lead head jigs and he swears by chartreuse. ..... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
At age 57 I put a green Hi-Viz on my Bisley 45 and it improved my shooting about 50% (group size). It helps me a lot.

Hello Pahoo,,,

That's good science based info right there,,,
And not one pun anywhere. ;)

I'm old enough to remember back in the late 60's and the 70's,,,
When the Oklahoma City FD changed over to the "Gawd-Awful Green".

That's what my Mom called the color anyways,,,
But they surely stood out in the dark.

There wasn't any consensus early yesterday,,,
So I flipped a coin and ordered red,,,
Now everyone is saying green.

~Sheesh!~ I can't win. :p

I have two NEOS pistols though,,,
So if the red front sight seems ineffective,,,
I'll order a second one in the green color for comparison.

If the green seems to be better for me,,,
I'll order a green light tube like BigJimP suggested.

Thanks for your input gentlemen,,,
I'll post my impressions of the new sight after I try it out.


For target shooting(bullseye) a plain black front and rear sight. For action shooting a lot of people use red, green fiber optic or a gold bead on the front or even white dots. I like black rear sights no matter the front, you want to focus on the front sight but for bullseye you need a nice square black front sight instead of the blob you get with the fiber optic or the big shiny spot with the gold bead.
My 2 cents.
My Hi-Viz front sight came with the red installed and red and green replacement pipes. After my first trip to the range I switched it to green and have been much happier.