Red Jacket Firearms...and their NFA gatling gun?

This tv show does not push my like button at all.In real life,if one of these young guys were near me in public,my hand would be going onto the butt of my revolver out of fear.They look like some king of gangbanger or wannabees.

Then you don't need to be carrying a gun gramps. Not everyone who doesn't dress like leave it to beaver is a gangbanger.
Response from Will at Red Jacket when asked about this.

well yes it's a machinegun , ya'll here ought to know that . You also know all that is required to get a post sample . we follow the law closely

That pretty much means the man who took it home is properly licensed or authorized by police/govment agency to possess post sample machineguns.
Thank you for the clarification David.

tobnpr, gatling guns are title 1 arms. (Not machine guns.) If* the motor was registered as a post sample it could be used to make the (not a machine gun) gatling gun fire full auto. By removing the motor the gatling gun would once again be a title 1 firearm. It never would or could be a transferable machine gun.

*I have heard stories from old farts at the KCR shoots about registering 110 volt drill motors as post samples for the exact purpose of making a hand crank .22 gatling gun have an on/off trigger rather than a hand crank trigger. These stories could be BS. They could be true. If they were, I don't know if the BATF would let something like that slide these days.

However, if the junkyard owner bought the electric powered gatling machine gun (post-sample machine gun) , he is obviously in possession of a Federal Firearms License of some kind.
Thanks. We eventually got to the answer...
Obviously, selling junked cars/parts isn't the guy's primary business...

It would be beneficial, to the extent of furthering the general knowledge of the public on such issues, to indicate so as part of the program.

There was a similar episode where they put together a few MG 42's...they made it clear there that the guy putting up the money couldn't own, or possess it.
Why in the world anyone would spend that kind of dough (even air-freighted the kits) to have RJ build a weapon system he couldn't even own is another issue....

Guess we can call it case closed. Thanks for getting the answer.
It's possible the guy was prototyping a weapon system, but couldn't put thought on paper to reality in a working model, just imagine the utility of such a device in keeping pest birds from damaging crops or firing some form of OC Capsium round as a perimeter security device, some of the greatest weapons and weapon systems started out with a strange idea and many evolutions before the finished product made the market.

As far as the MG42's, maybe a friend or family member was the eventual end recipient, who knows since I imagine a lot of those type of details get edited so one can see more 'Bang" and less Government red tape and regulation, kind of the case in point in this thread, with the lack of information on the post sample MG.
Junk Yard guy or not, he would almost have to be a Class 2 manufacturer to take posession of that thing. The ATF would probably never approve a Form 3 for a Class 3 dealer to use as a dealer sample. It's hard enough to get demo letters approved for Department Demos for duty weapons. But who knows, I guess anything is possible.

You guys totally overlooked the other story, a young lady bringing in a .50 Desert Eagle for help with recoil and they build her a shoulder stock!!!! that becomes a SBR and also requires the necessary stamp and transfer...:eek::eek::confused:
I notice that too, the guy was like you can have it for $15k. I WAS LIKE WHAT? that was made after 1986.... :mad:
It's a shame, some of the stuff they made in the first season seemed pretty practical, like the silenced AK and precision AK and a few other ones I can't think of now. But now they are going way out there and making guns that noone will buy and "solving" problems in the most convoluted, backasswards way possible. This shows already going downhill. Shame, it started out good.
They need to work on NFA stuff that citizens can buy, not post 86 samples.... We cannot buy that, or $125,000 cannons.
Man it's a TV show... We wouldn't watch if all you saw was the "average" trigger job on a 1911... Over and over again...

Okay let me rephrase that... 98% of us wouldn't watch that...

But if they made a 12 gauge Gatling type gun... I guess we would.

Young Kim
Sent from my iPod touch.
Don't forget that we are all gun people here so we obviously have different views that that of the other 90% of the audience.
It's a Discovery Channel TV show, and Discovery is famous for over-dramatizing daily activities and jobs. As was said earlier, how many people would stay tuned to the show if all they ever did was convert and modify Saiga's and AR's.

The same goes for Orange County Choppers. Who would watch the show if all they did was build their production bikes, and not the un-rideable rolling advertisements they are now famous for. Or how about Pawn Stars? It's "reality TV", and there's nothing real about it.
I watch the show simply for the comedy. Like the owner putting his scary daughter into a skimpy dress at a gun show then telling one of his knucklehead employees he couldn't "fraternize" with her. The most comedic part of that is that the daughter is...well...let's just say she will never be a supermodel. Then there's the absurdity of a custom-milled shoulder stock for a Desert Eagle. Did the thought never occur to them to just tell her to buy a cheap carbine chambered in whatever that DE was chambered in? How much did that shoulder stock cost plus all the taxes the customer would have had to pay? Absurd. But as comedy, highly amusing.

Oh, and for the OP, it's probably not the guys with their hides covered with artistically done, multicolored tattoos obviously done in a parlor costing many thousands of dollars you should be worrying about. It's the guys with crappy black prison tats should be of most concern to you.
lol.. Its a great show. TV is for entertainment! Will is a big boy and knows what and what he can not do.

I like the show because I know every time it airs some gun contol person is out there beating his head against the wall.

I have watched the folks folks here second guess the show over several times and crash and burn after Will explains it.

If you watched the show about the Desert Eagle they told the lady that she had to wait until the papers came back. If the lady has the money to buy a shoulder stock for her DE then whats the problem as long as it doesn't become a safety issue?

In the capitalist system you make money by meeting demand.
Oh I remember that, the DE with stock, wasn't RJF engraved in it? The funny part is she probably won't shoot it that much... .50AE is so much.

then telling one of his knucklehead employees he couldn't "fraternize" with her.

Kris is crazy, so hyper around firearms. It's like everytime I turn around when hes on camera hes like "I LOVE MY JOB, I GET TO BLOW STUFF UP"
I heard about this thing from a buddy who watches the show. I immediately Youtubed it and my jaw dropped to the floor. I have this thing against firearms I think are absolutely ridiculous to give to the public, this is now number one on the list. Trailed by the 20mm Vulcan rifle. I don't understand how it was legal to build or how someone didn't die from it but...they must have a real good system of lawyers... And I mean REAL good.
"Vulcan" rifle? Are you referring to the Lahti rifle they welded up and reassembled? Those are actually somewhat common - there are a number of videos on Youtube of individuals firing these things.