Red dot reflex on compact

Using a red dot equipped handgun is one of the best means I've ever seen to quicken the pace of becoming a better shooter. The feedback is both instructive and humbling. Spend some range time with a proper modern red dot setup and see what I mean. I believe they are truly a game changer.
Red Dot on Compact

I personally have two pistols with a Trijicon RMR attached. I also have suppressor sights co-witnessing the sight. I use both as duty gun and back up pistol while on duty at the Sheriff Department where I work patrol.

Is the sight faster? No not for me, but I am 54 years old and have to now wear glasses. All iron sights appear fuzzy to me unless my head is tilted back to acquire a good sight picture.

What the RMR does for me is provide me with a clear sight picture, with or without glasses, in the daytime or night. I can effectively hit targets out to 100 yards with my G17 and G26 with a solid rest.

To me the benefits are numerous. It may not be for you if you have good eyesight.

Just my perspective.
My shooting buddy recently took up close range (some targets barely 10 feet away), rapid fire .22lr pistol and rifle competition. I tried it using a reflex red dot sight and was slower on the first shot. After the first shot, I had acquired the red dot position and was faster on the remaining shots.

Using my pistol, he was faster on the first shot and slightly slower on the following shots. He's faster all around than I am.

For self/home defense practice, I use pistols with open sights and do not use the sights for the first two shots. I shoot them like I'm pointing my finger, then go to the sights. Up to ten yards, those first two shots are always in the main body mass of the target. After 70+ years of shooting like that, it has become instinctive.

All of my home defense and carry guns have open sights.