Recommended reading for rifle marksmanship

Another shooter, a hands down Iconic legend, was Lones Wigger. If there's a good bio on the man, please post it; I'd really like to read it.
Wig as he was known to his friends was a coach at the olympic training center in Colorado Springs for many years, he occasionally went to local silhouette matches but was nearly always at 22 benchrest matches, he even ran a few of his own. I went to all of them, he wasn't real forthcoming with tips if it was a bigger match but I always really enjoyed talking to him and his kids who are the same age as me.
Once when I was really struggling with my ammunition during the warm up and was about to call it quits he gave me a box of Tenex that he had sorted somehow, it shot wonderfully so he gave me 3 more boxes for the match, ended up in 3rd place behind him and Danny.
He never would tell me how he sorted Tenex!
We miss him.
Good post, DK. I remember seeing his name a lot from many years ago, and his standings in the shooting world was amazing...for many years. Hopefully a good bio on the man might/could come down the literary pike in the future. Quite the man in the shooting world, a real American icon.
Thanks all for the reading lists and the tips.

I met my older bro for some shooting at a 300yd outdoor range today and shot for around 6 hours. I am very pleased. No more whinging on my stock. I'm comfy with the rifle now.

Printed on paper off-hand with a hasty sling at 100yds. Very pleased.

Used my bro's M1 to score a hit on a static target at 330 yards with iron sights (please don't ask how many it took :) ). What a fun day!