Recommendations needed on higher end .22 pistols

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I bought a pistol today. I was all ready to pay for the Ruger Mk.II slabside when I saw it in the used section...a S&W 2206 stainless long barrel. It is an ugly gun, but it fit my hands and points well. I bought it. $240 including tax for a very nice condition with two 12-rd magazines. Not a bad buy when S&W .22 plastic junk guns sell for that much new.

Dirty inside, it seems, as it wouldn't come into battery or eject reliably with Zapper .22 (that ammo is seriously crappy and won't even fit into the chambers of some revolvers I have used). Worked just fine with SuperX and Stingers.
I was teaching folks from India (who enjoyed the trip and want to come again and plan on buying guns soonest), so I fired few shots tthrough it and cannot yet comment on accuracy. It appears good and the gun handles well. Recoil is nil.

I wonder where I could pick up another 12-rd mag and how much $$ it would be? Might have to go with 10-rd mags... BTW, do mags from cheaper plastic .22 pistols interchange?

I did not get a manual with it. I will request one from S&W, but for now...any sites with field-stripping info? I'd like to clean it (magazines were too filthy to function well, could have been part culprit in malfunctions).

Only problem - the grip is *big* - the GF won't be able to use it. Rats!

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
cr: The 2206 uses the same magazines that the S&W 41 does. They do NOT interchange with those for the new S&W 22A series, the polymer-framed .22 pistols.

You might be able to find a used 12-rounder at a gun show. Finding new 10-rounders shouldn't be hard.
Talked to another owner of a 2206. He suggested that 10-rd mags would make feeding more reliable, so I bought one. He also clued me in as to the take-down (use an empty .22 case as a tool) and I cleaned it. Ack! It was clean enough on the outside, but lead SHAVINGS came out of the chamber! Hope that will help. I got a variety of .22 ammo to run through it.

On a dry run, its extractor won't even grasp CCI Blazer rims reliably, but seems to work OK with most others. I wonder if a new extractor is needed.

On the plus side, the handling is GREAT.

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
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