Recommend pocket pistol...


Thanks for the welcome and info. Lots to digest here. I have been interested in the LCR in .327. Will definitely need to look at a slightly larger grip.

Great info. Thanks again.
one last word from me on this, what looks like it conceals in your front pocket when standing does not always work well once you sit down.
J-Frame esqe’ revolver.
-Grip options galore/easy to find one that fits you.
-easy draw from pocket. Little autos never draw as easy.
-tend to look like a wallet in a pocket. Autos tend to still look like guns.
-Models available in weights from light as a feather to chunk of steel and everything in between. Should be able to find the one for you.
-Caliber options include most commonly .38 and .357 magnum but options in 9mm, .327 magnum, .22/.22magnum etc. can be found. Again you have options.
-tend to be more reliable then itty bitty pocket autos.

That’s my 2 cents.

Take care , shoot safe.
I know gun snobs and Taurus haters will disagree but I like my Spectrum that is very reliable and low cost (I paid $119.99 on sale). I also have 2 J frame size Taurus with my 605 and 856. I traded for a used Taurus revolver years ago to see if they were as bad as the gun snobs said they were and I found they were wrong. I am going to keep buying them until I find a reason to not get them. I have bought 5 more and have yet to find a reason to not buy another.
Beretta Pico with pinky extension partially lopped off. I have medium sized hands and can only get 1.5 finger grip on the gun w/o an extension. I'd say that someone with large mitts would only get a 1 finger grip w/o.

Pros - reliable, DAO w/2nd strike, thin, & nonexistent recoil due to the low bore axis.

Con - 1 finger grip for large hands due to the low bore axis, & it's a 380.
You won't get criticism from me. If it's not broken, don't fix it. My Taurus G2S is an awesome handgun with the upgrades from Lakeline. Just awesome and a great, well-thought-out design.
Unfortunately large hands and a pocket pistol don't go hand in hand (no pun intended.)

My suggestion is a J frame or an LCR and use the Pachmyer Guardian Grips.

I have big hands as well, I picked up a Remington RM380 that I have been happy with. Carry’s in my front pocket with a Desantis pocket holster and shoots as well as can be expected for such a small firearm.
The newer original LCPs are great pistols for the money and I like mine a lot. Having a pocket option is great because sometimes that's all I can or am willing to carry. It's a bit of a handful to shoot but I like the double action trigger and it's a surprisingly accurate little pistol.
I pocket carry most of the time. Strong side is a M&P 9c in a sticky holster, weak side is a LCP or a LCR in 22mag also in a sticky holster.
If you like 9mm, I can recommend the KelTec PF-9. I see them for ~$160 on gun deals. I front pocket carry one all the time. I have large hands and the PF-9 works for me.

IMO, anything heavier than the PF-9 is rear pocket carry only.

PF-9 Review
Bersa Thunder .380.
It’s not tiny like some but neither are your hands. It might be too big for your purpose but I’ve had several and sold my Wather PPK and kept my Bersa because head to head, I liked the bersa better, at much less than half the price.
Have found the Done Hume ankle holster to be perfect for Sig P938 for Sunday-go-to-meetin' carry sometimes. Had to modify the pullover strap with a leather pad to fit the Sig, but it wasn't hard to do. VERY comfortable for all day carry that way. However, very hard to find the Don Hume ankle holster, so bought a second one for backup.
I have been accused of having beefy clubs for hands. The SIG P365 fits in them very well, even with the flat baseplate mags.
I pocket carry a kel-tec p32 in a Sticky sm-2 holster. For a few years I carried a Charter Arms off-duty that I put a DAO hammer in, and my Remington RM380 has been flawless and makes a great pocket gun as well.
Big hand on a big grip ain't going to come out of your pocket. I carry a 642 with a small rubber grip, larger than the wood grips but small otherwise it ain't gonna draw. Wrap your big paw around it and hang on. A little practice and you'll get the hang or it.
For pocket carry during hot "Tee shirt" weather i'm carrying the Sig P238 .380ACP. I'm not a big guy and pocket carry is limited. The 238 feels reasonably comfortable for me.
I wear XL gloves and don't have a problem with two finger grip micro guns like my LCP which, if I am clothed, is in my pocket.