Recommend low maintenance handgun for a non-gun person


New member
Occasionally a non-gun friend will ask/need advice on a handgun for home defense. (not so much for EDC, these folks are not that "into" firearms). I know they will only practice infrequently(one or twice a year) & aren't likely to do any regular cleaning or maintenance. For this type of gun owner, what types of handguns would you recommend.

[I'm not really asking about the actual handgun choice; I know the considerations of caliber, hand strength, grip fit, etc will be involved in that choice.]

I'm thinking either stainless/alloy revolver or polymer frame semiauto would be most reliable with minimum care & maintenance. Thoughts?
Keeping it basic and simple.

Occasionally a non-gun friend will ask/need advice on a handgun for home defense.
Not trying to be insulting but you are talking about the uninformed and slightly interested future forearm owner. Well, they also have the deserve the natural god given right of self-protection. .... ;)

You are also talking about low-maintenance and again, even though I don't care for them, I too would recommend a Glock type. I would also recommend an SCCY, in 9mm. Very reasonable and serviceable. .... :)

Be Safe !!!
Revolver 3 or 4" barrel in 38 spl.

I have bought a few over years. I like these people buy put in drawer. Then down road sell it back to a dealer I have got a couple nice S&W snubs this way.
low maintenance? most all of them are these days, but i'll throw glock into the discussion.

i'll add that most new shooters that I introduce pistols to, usually end up shooting .38spl revolvers the best
Glock if semiautomatic, Ruger GP100 if revolver (stainless model.)

Particularly the Glock 17 and 3 inch fixed sighted GP100.

any of the size of calibers of the HK USP series
As one person has said regarding H&K "You have purchased a firearm that is engineered to withstand more neglect than most folks can apply."
I carry a Glock every day. I'm a fan. Non-gun people VERY commonly handle guns with their fingers on the trigger. One can howl in protest but that's the way it is ergo, in my mind, NO Glocks for the average uninitiated/non-practicing gun owner. Full size revolvers are more forgiving. A 4" 38 is the best you're gonna do for a handgun although the real answer is a pump shotgun.
You specify handgun so I'd say revolver, but a shotgun is probably a better choice for someone who isn't going to practice enough to be proficient.

I took my son to an NRA basic pistol class a couple years ago and after witnessing the struggles of the other students there's no way I'd recommend a semi-auto.
IMHO, I'd go with all of the above that said GP 100 3". EZ to load and fire and for the occasional shooter a 357/38 spec. is perfect. Mine is blued not stainless( I carry the 4" version.) You get to use many different 38 spec/357 ammo and that's very important for you. Maybe look at the 327 Ruger magnum also. It comes in 3" I think.

.38/.357 revolver

For a casual user this might be the best choice. No safeties, magazine release or other doodads to confuse someone who only shoots a handgun a couple of times a year.
Honestly, typically these types are best served by a big dog and an alarm.

If they are willing to train with a pro and keep up on the drills, they could defend their home effectively.

Probably they would be best off with an AK or or shoty! Some of the new pointing techniques would help them get on target.

Pistol-wise.....I don't know...
Having been recently reminded of what happened to Terry Kath (forgot about the one in the chamber), I agree with the revolver recommendation.
I'm with Burrhead. I can't believe all the Glock recommendations for someone that is not going to train regularly. :eek: Ruger KLCR (with .38) or GP100 (with heavier .38 or .38+P) would be my choices. Steel J-frame or larger S&W also acceptable.