
The head of the 300 Win Mag is much larger than that of the 30-06. Not only would you have to get a new barrel but you would also have to get a new bolt. I'm betting it would be cheaper to buy a new gun once you got done purchasing all the parts then paying a gunsmith to assemble.

Welcome to TFL !

Short answer: "No".

Rechambering is only successful when the new reamer is larger than, and will totally clean up the existing chamber - IOW, the rechambering must be for a larger cartridge, not smaller.

The .300 Winchester Magnum:

Has a larger/fatter case than the .30-06

Has a (larger) belted case - which in turn requires the bolt face be larger than a .30-06 boltface.

I agree with AllenJ, it would probably be cheaper or about the same for you to sell the current gun you have now and just buy a 30-06. Plus you end up with a brand new rifle.
Depending on barrel taper, it could be possible to cut 2.6" off of the breech, and rechamber to 30-06.

I know long range high power competitors, will cut off enough to remove the flame shot portion, the lands, and rechamber 1" shorter. Of course they are rechambering from the original reamer, so the chamber diameter is the same. Also the target barrels that they use are 28-30".

I don't know if this is practical in a shorter barrel, I have never heard of this being done. It just seems like it would be possible if not practical.
NO!! Rechambering has nothing to do with bore diameter. A .270 has a bore diameter about 0.030" smaller than a 30/06. Where do these ideas come from?
stalian555 said:
so would rechambering from a 270 to 30-06 be better id assume ?

You know what "assume" does, don't you ? . :p

Even if the .30-06 chambering reamer would totally clean up the .270 chamber (AFAIK, it won't), you would be in serious peril, should you attempt to drive a .308" boolit through a .277" bore.

The problem is the decline of the English language.

"Rechambering" used to mean reaming the chamber so as to use a cartridge of a larger volume but the same caliber.
In the Internet Age it has come to mean any modification to another round. It can include rechambering, reboring, and rebarreling. With bolt and magazine modifications as required.

Read some of the above posts and other threads and see if that is not so.

And what was that about the difference between "clip" and "magazine?"
There's been a few folks who had their shot out barrel for cartridges smaller than a .30-06 (.257 Roberts in one instance I know of) rebored and rifled to 30 caliber then rechambered with a .30-06 reamer. While the accuracy such a barrel will have when all's done won't be quite as good as before, it's good enough for hunting larger game at shorter ranges.
That used to be done a good deal, and goes way back.
I have a .38-55 that started out as a .32-40.

The rebored barrel may not have ended up on the same gun. I had an old article on the practice including "I may not have the only octagon barreled Mauser, but it is probably the only one barreled with Savage High Pressure Steel."

These days, reboring is expensive and slow. A new barrel does not cost much more and is usually more available.
guys first off im asking b/c I dont know so if I use wrong terminology I am sorry. If you can explain exactly what the right terms are that would be cool.

ill explain the situation so it makes more sense.
I had a winchester model in 30-06 years ago which i sold. I am looking to get the same kind back, which has proven to be a difficult task. I have found the same rifle in 270 and 300 win mag. My idea is to buy one and have it converted (for lack of a better term due to insufficent info) to a 30-06. So my question is which would be a better caliber to purchase?

You can't rechamber a .300 Win Mag to .30-'06. You can drill a small hole bigger but can't drill a big hole smaller. And you can't rechamber a .270 to .30-'06; you will have to have the barrel drilled out and the rifling recut. You can re-barrel the .270 to .30-'06.

But .30-'06 Model 70's are so common that it would probably be less costly and a lot easier to just buy the gun you want and not sink money into converting anything.

A note on re-boring a barrel: The way folks talk on the internet about re-boring a barrel, it sounds like it involves a quick trip to a local gun store, or a DIY job with a Dremel tool and a rusty can opener. Not true.

Re-boring and re-rifling a barrel is a very specialized job, requiring costly equipment. It is done only by a few shops that specialize in the work, and they are usually heavily backlogged. The general gunsmith is not set up to do it; if you take the gun to your local gunsmith, he will only send it to one of those shops and meet the same delay. Nor is it always possible. The new caliber has to be big enough that drilling the barrel will remove all the old rifling Converting a .30 caliber to .375 is possible; converting .30 to .303 is a lot harder. And the outside diameter of the barrel has to be enough also. You can't bore a barrel to .50 if the outside diameter is only .48".

Of your choices, buying the .270 and having the barrel replaced with one chambered for 30-06 would be the best choice. (Of course it isn't going to be overly cheap, depending on what barrel you get I would assume at least $250 on the low end.) I assume the old 30-06 rifle you sold had some sort of sentimental value? Otherwise I would say the .270 Win anyway and just keep it a .270 Win. ??
Stalian, My 2 cents, buy the .270 and shoot it. If its a tack driver, keep it as is. If its nothing special, have it re-barreled to 06.
reboreing a win 270

Been looking for a winchester or marlin straight stock lever action 30-30 for some time.I wanted one to be rebored by JES to 38-55.Today I cace across a winchester 307 in very good shape that the owner wanted to get rid of for a fantastic price.{HE hated the round ????} Can that caliber be rebored to 38-55?
Old thread, be better to start a new one.

The answer is technically yes, realistically no as its a lever action.

The problem is you have the dost of a barrel removed, install as well as the clambering