Recession looming, how will gun industry respond?

Gary, do you think there will be a temporary uptick in gun sales as this sudden turn of events has caused a resurgence in prepping?

I kinda think most people who were going to buy a gun has already when the availability and prices dropped.

My gun buying ground to a halt when those new Washington gun laws were enacted. Mainly because I haven’t taken the time to understand the new requirements, and already satisfied with most of my weapons. I also have a good supply of ammunition.
I have a good amount of non-perishable food and have recently become an empty nester.
I have no need to do anything really with this panic going on in Washington state. But there is a panic, and people going to routine family practice appointments and finding the staff suited up for the first time is causing a lot of people to worry, among other things.
Food comes first rickyrick. People will let car repairs wait and even let their mortgage go to put food in their stomachs or feed their kids.

Water is next. I'd rather use a water filter than buy bottled water. There is no "standard" for bottled water quality but I do know that while California has its water rationing, Nestle gets to pump out as much as it wants to bottle and sell to the public. Golf courses also get to water their lawns. A good water filter is #2 on priority. No water, no life.

I think guns are important so as to allow you to keep what you have and protect yourself and your family. Historically, those who don't, loot. Anna Eisenmenger mentions the farms being raided by city people in her book, Blockade: Diary of an Austrian Housewife. In answer to your question, if there is money left, people may buy a gun for self-defense.
Interesting, you certainly put it all in a good perspective.
This recent series of events has some odd aspects to it though.

I think the firearm market has passed its heyday as it seems pretty saturated. As time goes on there will be declining interest in firearms, many locations will face more restrictions.

I kinda feel that eventually, the market will be fed by firearms that were bought in the recent panics by people who really didn’t have a true interest in firearms.

There’s a whole bunch of unused ARs tucked away somewhere. I think those will start turning up, driving prices down further.
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I don't think there is a recession that is looming. Rather, we're on the precipice of the Greatest Global Depression which will see the greatest wealth transfer in the history of humanity.

Rate cuts as a solution to a public health crisis support this assertion. On a micro and a macro level we've become addicted to debt that does exist and wealth that does not. There might be an additional round of panic buying, but IMO serious shooters and observers of the world have what they need already.
Hopefully we will finally realize that having most of our goods coming from China puts us at risk. But I think we are too far entrenched in dependence on China. China could bring the US to its knees just by shutting off our supplies alone... not even accounting for financial stuff.

Interestingly Wish sells AR accessories. I haven’t bought any though.

I’ve gotten some decent electrical equipment from Wish as well. You just gotta wait for it to arrive from China.
The (D)s Trump revenge.

Saw information couple weeks ago, before the coronavirus..

Made in China--

90% of acetaminophen (Tylenol)
80 some % of Ibuprofen (Aleve/Motrin)
50% of Penicillin

and 80% of all antibiotics??

What in the hexx happened to Upjohn, Lilly, Parke Davis and abut 20 other US drug companies??
Man, I still have a few Costco bottles of that stuff. I used to take Ibuprofen for school. My neck would give out if I kept my neck bent to look at my work on a vise, table, lathe.
There is no good moral reason that availability of critical medical supplies should be dependent on another country.
There are plenty of profiteering reasons.
I’m not really hearing anything about gun buy-ups.
I think everyone is full on gun stuff.
I’m not really hearing anything about gun buy-ups.
I think everyone bought up what they wanted in 2016 for guns and then stocked up on ammo a year later. It seems that it's ammo that is seeing a sales spike right now.

I think everyone is full on gun stuff.
Yeah, just about. While there are a few guns on my list right now, I don't need them and can live without them. Would be nice to have a .45 Colt lever action tho and the Kel Tec CP33.
TruthTellers - it would be nice, but let time work for you. I adopted a used dog who is scared of guns (her previous owner shot her & her brother with a pellet gun). First time I shot a gun in her presence (to kill a rattler) she ran off for a couple of hours. Finally found her hiding in the shade of a tree. Because of her, I hardly ever shoot anymore. Kinda kills the joy of being out in the country where I could otherwise shoot anytime I want.

The fear arising from covid-19/corona virus is already keeping people indoors. Like the Spanish Flu of 1919-21, a lot of people will stay home. This will hurt a lot of small businesses. Even bigger business (travel with cruise ships, airlines, hotels/motels, restaurants, in short, the hospitality business) is already hurting. Decreased cash flow or less spending and affects us all and this can hurt the 2A oriented businesses a bit more. If you were pro-2A waiter/cashier/hotel clerk/theatre owner and the cash flow stopped, you concentrate on food, energy, housing and not 2A. That is, until the realization of the need to exercise 2A because of lawlessness increases and spreading. I hope the latter never happens.

To share with you guys how "unbright" I am, when I got laid off from a college job, I took my last paycheck to a 2A store and saw a M-1 Carbine (Saginaw) for about $115. "Wow," I said to the clerk, "you don't see M-1 carbines for close to $100 anymore." "This one is," responded the clerk. I dropped the check right there. Guess I wasn't starving or wanting of anything. But back then, college was less than $50 a semester and not the $150 bucks plus her unit/hour. Guess I'm dating myself now.
I think everyone bought up what they wanted in 2016 for guns and then stocked up on ammo a year later. It seems that it's ammo that is seeing a sales spike right now.
Sales were up 62% last month in Virginia because of our gun grabber Governor.
I lived with my grandmother or right next to my grandmother for almost all of my childhood until she died.
She lived through the Great Depression and real close to ground zero through the dust bowl (northwestern panhandle of Texas).
She also lived through both world wars, she was just a small child in ww1.
My grandparents’ grandparents lived through the civil war, and the time there after.
Being prepared is very important and nothing to take lightly.

We are not far removed from those times. Seems like long ago due to the technology revolution, but in reality, our time of being relatively stable has actually been brief... a little longer than most periods of stability, but still short.

As a kid, I knew people who had actually spoken to civil war vets and others from the era. Any downturn now would be extra problematic because people are less self sufficient than times past. Almost no sense of community exist today... no one has come to borrow a cup of sugar or flour in 40 years... yes that really was a thing. I was even sent on errands to deliver some ingredient to someone in the neighborhood that needed it.
Much of the rest of the world is struggling yet today, we are living in a bubble that will some day pop.

I think the gun market has crested and will be forever on a decline anyway. Been a couple of years since I even looked at gun accessories in a store or had even more than a passing interest in purchasing another gun.

I do want a good lever action ... but they are expensive
Brother just sent me this. Asians fearing a backlash from the virus are buying gonnes. Well, that increases the velocity of money and supports the industry for a while. I understand that there's been run on ammunition too.

Friend in SF area told me that uber/lyft drivers are refusing Chinese customers. Doesn't matter what race you are, the virus doesn't care. It just happens to kill more Asians than other racial groups.