Recent home invasions got me thinking

It was a joke nobby, although I have known a subsistance hunter who was arrested for poaching cause he took a deer just 200 yards off his property, but it was a joke. I guess if you are just looking for something in everyones post to complian about, you won't have any trouble finding something. We are a nation of 350 million, rather diverse souls; sorry I am from the mountains and may have different experiences and opinions then a 'flat lander'
I am not going to carry a firearm when I am at home. That is not to say that I dont have one close at hand but I am not going to walk around like a armed sentinel when I am trying to be at peace. That being said, my Wife and I have a plan. We pay attn to what is happening around our home and we look out for each other. We also network and communicate well with neighbors we trust. We each have specific jobs during a crisis and we know what they are.

We have dogs and they are one of the most important protections that we have. Not for attack purposes but for a warning alarm. We have always had large herding dogs because they are very very vigliant after dark and naturally alert to threats vocally.

We do have a good alarm, lighting system and landscape design that works against would-be prowlers. lastly, we have the house guns.
If you need a rifle/shotgun to check your mail then it times to move. If you need a handgun to go to your mail box, thats every day safety.
It was a joke nobby, although I have known a subsistance hunter who was arrested for poaching cause he took a deer just 200 yards off his property, but it was a joke. I guess if you are just looking for something in everyones post to complian about, you won't have any trouble finding something.

Didn't comment on any one's post but yours, but point taken. I've changed the post to a more friendly reply since you were just joking.:)
We've had home invasions here as well; the worst. Wife and daughter are getting training. Different arms at different locations within the home.
Carry always on or close; but I am one of those that think it should remain a surprise to the BG; never let them get too close but close enough to know intent.
Have a plan if they do get in the house: where does everyone go: to a location where the BGs have to come in and be met with enough force to cause them to withdraw quickly; those that are left if any.
Prey it never happens. Never drop anyone if they are taking things or leaving; that is the goal for them to leave and remember this is no place to come back to.
You will have to live with the results in any case and in the right or wrong it ain't so easy as some think. The BG is the one to cross the line; you are just the consequence. That makes the line an easy thing to watch.