Reasons for CCW

I have to agree with PAX (and he's right you know, your response was great, well thought out, and something that I saved also.) as well as the others.

I don't know what is going to happen day to day. I'm not paranoid that something bad is going to happen, I am just prepared for all the things that may happen.

I have a truck full of tools to fix (or try) my car if something happens, I have two spare tires (hey, I've had two flats at the same time in my life, I learned), I have a spare belt (I have that single belt setup), I have a cell phone, I have fire putters outters (too lazy to get up to read how to spell it right now) in the house, smoke/CO2 alarms in every room, Big can of fix a flat (hey, I could very well be the first one to get FOUR flats at the same time :( ), a dog (I took over my uncles dog but she does do the watch dog bit), a corded land line (hey, guess what happens if the electric goes out and all you have is cordless ;) ), and various other tools for "just in case".

That's all a gun is for, the "just in case". I live in Oregon, there was a mall shooting in Washington, just a state away (you know, copycat type deals). We have the MS13 and the Mexican Mafia gangs moving into the area. Transients are getting more and more agressive. Petty thieves are embowdened(sp) because they know that the PA here won't prosecute certain crimes unless they have a solid felony case.

It's about time for the citizens of America to remove themselves from the Teat of the government and start taking responsiblity for themselves and that includes defense of. If we stopped depending on the LEO's or the law to "save us" and took responsibility for deterring these people, I firmly believe that many criminals will look at that job at micky d's to be more fruitful and less hazardous to their health.

The highest crime rates in this State are in Portland, a liberal city for sure and even a CCW, legal, will be haressed by the anti-gun LEO's (I think that it's in their job describtion) and at the universites and the areas around the universities because of the same (anti-gun thinking). Here in Eugene, most of the crimes like rape, assault, etc.. are near or at the University. Not that you can't carry there or on the grounds, but because they (the students) have been "trained" to think of using a gun for defense is bad. Criminals know this and they will take advantage of it.

One of the reasons that MS13 and the Mexican Mafia keep a low profile here is because they haven't a clue who has a gun. If they can't "off you" in a cowardly way, they will keep away until they can or know that you're one of the ones that don't like gun ownership and won't carry. They run their meth labs and most of the killing is either between gangs or drug dealers/buyers.

Oregon actually is a pretty safe state, because we have "lax" gun laws, but there are some in the government that wishes to change that and make us like NYC, DC, and Chicago (and California).

I live in a not so nice/halfway decent part of town. The transients know that everyone around here own guns, will use the gun if needed, and so do the criminals that use the road to get from one area to the other. The LEO's don't bother us out here (some will say that we're less safe because of this) and when/if they are called, it may take them 45+ minutes to get to us. We just police our own and all is well :).

Why do I carry a pisol? In case I need to shoot someone, of course.

If I needed to shoot someone and didn't have a pistol with me, I'd feel pretty foolish, now wouldn't I? Luckily I haven't had to shoot anyone yet, and hopefully never will.

Why do I carry concealed? So that I have to field less questions about why I carry. ;)
why not?

Why shouldn't I carry?

I carry because it's a good precaution. I feel that the day I do not carry, well...that will probably turn out to be the time I need a firearm most.

I cannot carry at work, and understand the reasoning. But, if I am not at work, I am always either carrying (outside, errands, etc) or very close to a firearm.

Have you ever had that sixth sense about someone or some situation? I have had them several times. Did anything bad happen in my instances? No, and I am thankful for that. I still like having the option to defend myself, particularly against gangs of people. They seem to be the most apt to attack me or people close to me.

I also carry because many of my friends have been robbed at gunpoint, even in "busy" safe areas with people around. I don't go out of my way to be in bad areas or situations either.

I am not in the business or habit of lending my life to other people. I don't think everyone else has my best interests on the table. I am responsible for myself and loved ones. I want to stay with them as long as possible and be a positive member of society.

Carrying is an extension of all those things. I never want to be helpless.

+ 1 to the other posts.
USP45usp - How hard is it to get the CCW in Oregon? I live in Vancouver and work in Hilsburrito. I can get my Clark County CCW in about 2 weeks with basic fingerprinting and ID/background checks.
I agree, the "state of Portland" is very anti-gun, and even anti-police in some respects.
Another good reason to carry.
Well, Pilot, . . . do you read the newspapers? If the daily "Blabber" in your area is not enough persuasion to get you to seek your concealed carry license, . . . then you must have a lot more faith in your police, fellow man, and your ability to run than I have.

I can't run (too old you know), . . . LEO's here are about 30 minutes away, . . . and my faith is in my Lord, my abilities, and my .45, . . . in that order.

May God bless,

I wasn't asking because I needed persuasion. I was just curious if there were reasons other than personal protection. I am pro-gun and pro-CCW and hope to get my permit in January '06. Thanks for all the tips, reasons, etc. Stay safe!
So many replies were "Because I can". That's what I told my Mother when I was packing for a trip. I was taking 3 handguns and she asked me why I was taking so many. Like any good craftsman, you need the right tool for the job, so a .45 for under the pillow at night, a Hi-Power for the holster, and a Keltec P-11 for the pocket or purse.

And like so many others in this thread, I refuse to be a victim. I was a Parole officer for sex offenders and I KNOW they aren't gonna change their ways.:mad:

My mindset changed from neutral to pro-gun when I became a Mother. I guess I wanted to be a Tigress with teeth.:cool:

I hope you get a CHL and learn to handle your weapon(s) safely and effectively at all times.

How hard is it to get the CCW in Oregon?

Since you live in Washington, the Oregon Permit is May Issue for you. DON'T go to Portland (the county) because the sheriff is also anti-gun and won't issue to non-residents. I've heard that Washington Co. is pro-gun and pro-non resident permit issue.

Goto and look through the FAQ and email Kevin, he will get back with you on which Co. are Non-Resident Friendly.

For Residents, as long as you don't have any disqualifiers (you also can't have had a misdemeanor in the last four years) then it's a Shall Issue State and here in Lane Co. at least it's very easy, fast, and friendly :).

reasons for CCW

I have two good reasons for CCW: Christy is 13 and little Amy is 2 1/2. I don't think I can make any better statement of purpose than that.

My responsibility as a parent is to protect them and this is just another method of protection.
Why I carry

My reasons for carry are simple:

1. I can't afford to have a police officer/armed guard outside my door or with me at all times.

2. I live in the Middle Of Nowhere. Police response is about 10 minutes. I could be dead in 10 seconds.

3. I've already been a victim of Assault, Rape (yes, I'm a guy, and was raped by another guy), Harassment and Intimidation. My life has been threatened in the past. Oleg Volk puts it best: NEVER AGAIN!

4. It's my legal right to do, and my moral obligation to protect myself, my family and loved ones, or anyone else in that dire time of need. That is an oath I have sworn before God Almighty.

5. There are 80,000,000 gun owners in the United States. On the same token, there are over 2,000,000 defensive uses of a firearm (not including uses by Military or Law Enforcement) per year in this country. That puts the odds at about 1 in 40 that I would need to use my weapon to stop an attack of keep it from happening. To some, those odds may be dealable enough for them not to carry a firearm. To me, those odds are just a little too close for comfort. I'd rather have the odds in my favor.

Along with this, all the other reasons stated by previous posters here, and I'm sure some from future posters that just haven't come to mind yet.

Stay Safe,
Here's a few more good reasons:

According to DOJ statistics 94-04

Violent crime (Rape, Robbery, Agr. Assault, Simple Assault, Homicide)
33 acts per 1,000 pop (over the age of 12) Annual Average for 94-04'
= 3.3% chance it could be my turn this year ,or
= 16.5% chance it will happen to an immediate family member this year

Property crime (Burglary, Theft, Motor Vehicle Theft)
214 acts per 1,000 pop (over the age of 12) Annual Average for 94-04'
=21.4% chance it could be my turn this year, or
=107% chance it will happen to an immediate family member this year

Source: DOJ Crime and Victims Statistics
I carry because there are bad people out there and there is an infinitessimal chance that they might attempt to hurt me or the ones I care about.
I survived two tours of duty in VietNam in a Marine rifle company.
I had no intention of coming back to this country and falling victim to
some drugged-out punk with a gun or a knife.
I had a 1911 .45 within reach almost all the time, long before "concealed
carry" became legal.
Now that "concealed-carry" is legal, I never leave home without it.
I thaught about starting a thread like this too.
There are probably other "Why do you carry?" threads.
I am pro gun and pro carry.
I carry because I can and because people dont want me to. :D
Because the Florida law requires you to have a CCW, if you are going to drive past a school or walk through the parking lot of a condo with a weapon locked in a case or gunbox.

Heck of a note, but it may or may not be true, depending on a "Test Case."

Rule No. 1 of Litigation, NEVER be a test case.

Besides, it skips the 4 day waiting period in Florida.

Who also notes keeping one's sidearm concealed prevents freaking the Yankee neighbors in the aftermath of a hurricane. :D
This has been one of the most entertaining threads I've read in YEARS!

I was gonna "ping" gddyup about his Mother and her anti-gun hatred - BUT I remembered my own confrontation with MY Mother about guns.

I was just home from my first tour in Nam (almost 19) and while I was away, there was a rape and a murder in our general neighborhood. Mother HATED guns! She always bitched about the .45 my father brought back from WWII and was always "on him" to get rid of it.

Well, I get home and the first night she's bitching again - but this time it's because the "gun" is too big for her to hold - much less shoot. She's now SCARED!

We're in Birmingham, so the next day, I drive down to Rucker and buy a Colt "Police Chief Special" in .38. It's a 5 shot snubby. I make her go out back and shoot a box before I let her keep it.

That night, after dinner, Mother and I are sitting around the table talking guns, self defense, and civilian tactics (shoot once and then RUN!). She asked about Nam and what I did and what I thought - this was something she really DIDN'T want to hear. I've NEVER been suttle - and was even worse then.

Anyway, after she quit blushing she asked if I remembered the last time she spanked me for fighting. Yep, that's one I'll not forget! She then asked if I remembered who told me about Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy? Yep - that'd be you Mom.

Then, looking me in the eye - she said that all she taught me about "violence accomplishing nothing", Santa, the Bunny, and the Fairy were lies. Mothers LIE. Then she stunned me - "We just don't know any better."

Last time I was back there, we were in the kitchen - and I asked her if she remembered where her gun was. With a LARGE smile, she reached into her appron - and showed it to me! She's in her 80's - don't TELL me only the good die younge!

Why do we carry? "Cause we MIGHT need it"!

Gentle winds,
I know commifornia blows when it comes to lots of things and a CCW is another example. i have some questions please

1.) what is the punishment for haveing a unloaded gun on your person in the state of commifornia? what about loaded?
2) what if any jobs allow you to carry when your not at work besides a LEO if your n the state of Commifornia?
3) I really want to carry and will do anything LEgal to do it.. i know i should move .:D
I carry 24/7 because I am horrible at making predictions! I will never know when I will need one of "my buddies" (one of my constant companions, ie. my firearms) to help me out of a situation.
When my number is up I want it to be after I did all I was supposed to do, not because I was unprepared.
I live in a very safe place but that doesn't mean bad things don't happen. Fire stations catch on fire, police stations get shot at, people die in hospitals. There are no 100% safe places to live. Whenever you read an article about a rare violent event one of the first things people say is "I never thought something like that could happen here!" Well, it does and it can.
I am responsible for my own safety. I won't ask someone else to defend me if I'm not willing to defend myself.
Never in my life have I ever felt that I needed a firearm to get out of a situation. But that doesn't mean "it'll never happen to me, not here".
Like so many before me have said, I have insurance on my vehicles, home and health, I have a fire EXTINGUISHER (for USP45USP!:D ) and lots of other "just in case" stuff.
Although I have never been a Boy Scout, I still heed their motto!
That's why I carry (in a nutshell, I could go on and on, but then nobody would read it).
Better to have than..........