Really Ugly Wheelguns: top this!


Moderator Emeritus
For too long this forum has been deluged by pictures of gorgeous revolvers: Performance Center *&*'s, antique smokewagons, tricked-out hog hammers, and, yes, even titanium Taurii propped on film canisters. Show us your ugly ones! The ones that work for a living, like maybe even ones uglier than this hideous Rossi that lives in my purse's carry compartment:

Do your worst!:D
OK, so maybe I am cheating by posting a gun that does not belong to me...but it seems like the originator of this thread has a treasure in her gun cabinet that might even be more "unique" than that Rossi.

C.R. Sam,

¿ How is the "bite" factor with those grips ?

Not too bad, actually. The plastic faux stag, with its' molded-in grooves seemed a better alternative for controllability than the alternative, which was mother-of-plastic. (The gun, being all steel with a core of, apparently, some dwarf star materiel, is no flyweight by any stretch of the imagination)
I've always maintained that it was better to shoot a criminal with an inexpensive gun than with your top of the line customized gun. After all, it will be confiscated as evidence.

BTW, relatively speaking, inexpensive does not necessarily raise the inference of poor quality or construction. Rather, it can be a good functioning gun which was purchased second hand (or a darn good buy on a brand new one).
I've always maintained that it was better to shoot a criminal with an inexpensive gun than with your top of the line customized gun. After all, it will be confiscated as evidence.

Wise words. No telling when or if you'd ever see one used for self-defense returned to you. Especially in the less gun-friendly states.
The good part about an ugly gun is after the police have to take it as evidence, after you bust a cap in someone, you won't feel so bad. When they won't give it back, you can tell them to keep it.
My momma won't let me buy an ugly gun;)
But I have created a few. Body guard, scarred cylinder after being carried in a tool box;
Detective Special, broken hammer spur from being hit with a tire iron(needed to be dehorned anyway).
The joys of working undercover:cool:



Tamara, that is truly a gun of ugliness.

Someone beat that gun senseless with a ugly stik.

That gun is SOOO ugly, it'd make a train take a dirt road.
