Real President

I vote for Alfred E. Newman!

Congress and the Senate Let him do as he wishes as long as they can attach there Pork to it all!

Pres: Rush Limbaugh
VP: Ann Coulter

2nd String Mix of:
Tom Tancredo
Duncan Hunter
Fred Thompson
Micheal Hayden (NSA head)
Stormin' Norman S.

Some select Senators - but would have to examine each carefully
In my lifetime , there have been very few I thought worth voting for ... Ron Paul was one of them.

Barring him , I don't give my vote to evil ... even the lesser one.
Sen. Jim Webb

Even though he is a democrat, he was Reagan's Navy Sec., and is pro-gun.
Anybody that was picked by Mr. President, and even breathed the same air as Ronald Reagan, would get my vote.
