Real President


New member
Just out of curiosity, since this election has seemed to really cause some, ummm..... "intense conversation". Who, outside of the current candidates, would you like to see as president.
Do they have to be living?
If so: Duncan Hunter
If not: Ronald Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson

But I'm not 35 yet. So...

Chuck Norris-The Real Candidate for Change.

He'll change your face into a bloody pulp if you don't vote for him.

Or we can get back to the real world.
Sarah Palin
I'd say Alan Keyes, but he actually is running (you'd just never know it) He's on the ballot in a couple of states I think.
Steven Colbert :D

Bill Richardson wasn't bad for a Democrat.
I think Calvin Coolidge was the last President with a proper understanding of the Constitution.

Of anyone living, I'd like to see...uhm...oh hell, let's just dig up Silent Cal and park him in the Oval Office for four years. I doubt he'd be any worse than any of the clowns and Nanny Staters on the primary ballots this year.

Ron Paul might be okay, too.
Duncan Hunter is a good man...He just couldn't gain any traction & the media kept him out of the picture. We missed a good opportunity with him.
Yikes! you guys have some scary choices. Personally, I'd stick with Ron Paul. He doesn't strike me as either a raving religious authoritarian or a fascist warmonger.
I offer me as a choice

I've never been a member of the good old boys club in DC.
I'm a vet.
I'm not a lawyer.
I ride Harleys
I shoot a lot and believe in RKBA.
I have a lot of salable skills in things where I can hold a job.
I'm retired so it would not interfere with my other interest.
I like to travel.
I could use the money.

President status:

People at least around here seem to blame the President for everything! I suppose they are Ignorant on the facts that the U.S. Government is made up of the Three powers!:D

Why is it if the stuff hits the wind they blame the President?:rolleyes:

Last time I heard, the government was made up of the Legislative, Judicial, and the Executive branch of Government! No One section has supreme power! All have a voice, The president can not do the other then the Will of the people if there Representatives hear them. The Judicial try to over write the Constitution to fit the need of the Representatives.

Lucky as we are it seems the Judicial is actually reading the Constitution!

Based on the sixth grade education, the constitution should be clear enough to any one in the U.S.A.
Presidential Status

homefires I guess you haven't noticed Bush seems to have his own interpretation for the office of the president. The one where he can do whatever, where ever, to whoever. I don't see him backing down and saying the Constitution says I can't so I won't

Yes homefrire the Constitution does separate the powers. But during election years we all like to know how the candidate envisions his powers and what things they may or may not veto. The president does get to ask for Congress to pass legislation and also tells them he does not support other types of legislation. If they are powerless why does it matter what stance they have of the 2nd amendment, the definition of marriage, income tax, the war in Iraq, or another campaign topics?
Lou Dobbs would be a possibility. I agree with him on most issues I've heard him speak about, and I believe he's sincerely concerned about the future of this country.
Well I guess it's my turn since I started this thread. The first will sound like a broken record as I agree that J.C. Watts would be a good choice. But what do you guys think about Alan Greenspan as Vice?

People at least around here seem to blame the President for everything! I suppose they are Ignorant on the facts that the U.S. Government is made up of the Three powers!
We are not ignorant to the fact, but it's hard to blame a couple hundred people. Oversimplified, it's just like football. The coaches and quarterbacks get blamed far more often than the other team members because they are the public figureheads. Even though the rest of the team is just as important, since if they weren't there, nothing could be accomplished. IMO anyways. And bush has done quite a bit to draw negative attention to himself.