Real names vs. "Handles"

I wuz headin for bear, down i one o. 'Bout a mile from shakey town. Said Pig pen this here's the Rubber Duck, 'bout to put the hammer down ! Guess what my call sign was in '78 and from what movie....HS
Part of it is the persona that you become recognized by. I moved away from Texas about 15 years ago. Many people mashed my name from Burba to Bubba thinking it was cute. I wasn't thrilled, but it didn't bug me too much. I keep telling these folks, If they want to meet some REAL Bubbas, let me take them out to some of my old haunts in west Texas. Now there are some real interesting folks I know out that way.

Anyway, I became Bubba to almost everyone who knew me. It just kinda stuck. As many have mentioned, I have no problem letting anyone know who I am. I have no intention of hiding. I just try to keep it the same across all the forums.

Mr. Scott,

I would feel that there are positive characteristics to each choice. Having a user name does give more of a feeling of privacy. The exact identity of most folks who post is not an issue to me, unless I think enough of what they say to want to contact them, at which point, introductions occur. When and if I make my living in a manner that will induce me to want more attention to my identity, I will use my real name as my user name.

On other levels, many martial traditions had the warrior assuming a martial name...and, some folks just do it 'cuz it's cool. :)

[This message has been edited by Spectre (edited 12-31-98).]
Mikie is close to my real name, Mike Leigh. I've seen a Mike already out there and chose a handle that was unique which I've started using across all bulletin boards I post to. Every so often I read a post that is really rude, ignorant and inappropriate for public dissemination and I wonder do I want to be known by that person. Somehow in a public forum a handle makes me feel more comfortable even though my email address is accessible.

Except for the occasional rude messages, I really like these message boards where there is a wealth of information and opinions(even the strong ones I appreciate). If someone mentions something of interest and his/her email address is available, I feel comfortable in initiating an offline exchange which remains gun-related.
I normally go by Don. My wife even did our wedding vows as "Don". I just added the L because it seems there is quite a number of Don's out here on the forums. Must be a fairly popular name in some areas.
Alot of people just acquire nicknames they become known by and feel comfortable using them for forum identities. Some do, some don't. Chaque un a son gout.
My real name and even where I work is in my profile here and on other forums. Plus I sign my posts with my real first name.
I too understand your past experiences having been an active participant in the great Fido firearms SIG for over 3 years.
There was also a stigma attached to handles during the pre-WWW era on bulletin boards. The PC Users' Group multi-line system I sysoped strictly forbid handles. Too many were used by #$@holes who wanted nothing more than to cause trouble. Times have changed.

This is an old thread, but one I feel compelled to comment on.

For starters, I enjoy my privacy. I am a private person by nature. I don't know how this came about. It's just who I am.

I've had people do weird things on me over the net before. Kick me off of servers, make me lose my ability to log in onto my own account, get hit with "bombs" that spammed my terminal. Even got a virus once. Though none of it came from any real malice... some occurred by accident, some from practical jokers, and some because they were juveniles, endowed with hacked "godly powers" decided that I was a nuisance because my opinions didn't agree with them. You get my point.

To be anonymous is to simply take security measures that make myself less of an easy target when I'm on the net. To me, this is no different from taking security measures to protect my home from burglary and home invasions.

However, for those of you who use their real identities, I commend you. If there's anything that encourages a sense of openess and trust, it is to use your real names and e-mail addresses.

[This message has been edited by SB (edited 11-14-98).]
I too feel a desire for privacy. Knowing that the NSA routinely scans e-mail and anything else they can get their mitts on makes me very, very leery about making it painfully easy for them to track me down.

Nevertheless, they probably can anyway. But I still want to assert some measure of my right to privacy, even when engaged in relatively public discourse on the net.

The only measure of privacy I ever took offense to was a very anonymous e-mail from a person who claimed I had amassed a great amount of incorrect information. This person apparently didn't agree with what I had taken almost verbatim from the USAMTU smallbore marksmanship manual (circa 1983), and invited me to stay off the NG. He/she/whoever used the mixmaster service, which I considered most cowardly for such an insulting message.

But then, I also believe that ONLY private citizen in noncommercial communications should be allowed to block their telephone #s on caller I.D.

"Owner" of a couple of other handles.
Mac, I got to agree with everyone here on one point or another. But I've been called FLYER since the first time I picked up a .22 rifle at the age of 5, but thats a whole diffrent story.
Posting on the net with a handle is both prudent and expedient. My handle is one of my given names combined with the place where my business is located, Dallas-Ft.Worth International Airport. There are some similairities with CB radio handles, except for the fact that the net is a written, permanent, open-ended to unknown tracking and unlimited replies. With a CB you could turn it off and forget it. Another "society" in which handles and nicknames are more commomly used than real names are prison inmates. They have their real names, their nickname or "yard handle," and an inmate number. By the way anyone out there ever use the CB handle, "Bad Habit?"
I,m in total agreement with Kodiak. I don,t give personal info to just anybody. Besides it doesn't take long to figure out who can carry on a reasonable, intellegent coversation and who is full of it. I'm also new to computers and the internet, this is my first computer , I've only had it a couple of weeks, and you can understand my concerns about security. For now I'm more comfortable with a handle, If someone really wants to know me, my e-mail address is posted.
P.S.- I spent many hours going thru various web sites to find people to talk with before I found this one. Most were filled with people I'd rather not talk to. This is a good place. Everyone is friendly and intelligent. I like it here.
I have always used my real name, or if everyone on the chat knows me, for example, go by 'Doc' or 'DaDoc.' I have excellent antivirus software, and do not receive spam.

I can understand someone who has more information on his computer, or a occupation which makes his identity something best not publicized would want to use a pseudonym. I use my computer only for fun, and don't care if my bio data gets out. I figure it is already out there anyway.

However, I must admit the REAL reason I use my name is so that when I criticise Rich Lucibella for being a wide eyed fanatical Facklerite, I can get that clench jawed, neck vein distended, flush faced look that I love to see on Rich's face (or at least imagine!). :) Hang in there, Rich. Walt