Real Life LE Scenario

Hold fire. If you cannot ID your target, in an area with known LEOs and bystanders present, you should not fire.
Its not just Military Vehicles. Its Military Equipment.

To keep this FIREARM RELATES, just about all RMIs can be equipped with firearms and water canons.
Or in the case of Dallas PD, a bomb to 'neutralize' a barricaded shooter.
That real life last year is pretty close to the scenario described here.
I don't know if the original responding agency had robots, though I'm sure some of the later ones did. The SWAT team members arrived in different vehicles took the iniative to start relieving the original officers. An armored vehicle was available and was later used to evacuate not only nearby houses; but at least a few innocents in the house with the shooter who were able to sneak out. However, it wasn't on the scene when the shooting happened and they evacuated the officer by throwing him in a squad car under fire and driving him to the hospital.

I think one related lesson we ought to consider as private citizens is that there are a fair amount of people out there with mental illnesses getting no treatment or insufficient treatment. In planning for self-defense, I've usually assumed some level of rationality on the part of the aggressor; but irrational aggressors aren't rare. A guy who wants your TV probably doesn't want to die over it. A guy who thinks your family is space octopi sent to suck out his brain may be harder to discourage.
"...more tools than a hammer..." Yep. Duct tape and vice grips.
" cannot see..." Means you sit and wait until your higher ups tell you what to do. Especially when you have no idea what exactly is going on or exactly where everybody is located. Unless you want to be the guy responsible for a Blue on Blue incident or shooting a bystander.
Many yearsago in the next town south of me there was a hostage in a restaurant situation.Kind of a quiet Mayberry sort of 38,000 pop place.
They did have a rudimentary SWAT team.
An innocent inside the restaurant was hiding in the rest room.
Situation went critical,police shot through glass with a 243.Bad guy killed the hostage.
Innocent guy in rest room finds the gunfire motivational.He attempts to escape out the window. He died of something like 40 hits from the police outside.
Knowing your target and discipline matter.
Kraig, thanks for the reminder. Love water cannon, the Isralies have some noxious water, for riots, shocking stinky crap!! The masked fools would really be candidates for this kind of bath? Mix in some pink dye?

Just doing some neighborhood patrols at this time? Real quiet here. We just have rain? But I think that will change soon.

Thank you for your Service.
On my police force after the "Chief" takes your badge you will be given a bright set of bracelets. As a police firearms instructor for my agency the least you can expect is complete firearms and tactics retraining. You never fire when there is as many unknowns as you stated. Dirty Harry was a fictional cop and the title character; and that was the only thing that saved him from being behind bars.
All of which goes to show that most of the "scenarios" on sites like this are pretty useless and even, if a reader were to actually be in such a situation and take the advice, dangerous to himself and other innocent people.

No to blind shots. Only in entertainment.

There are so many ways that officers die impulsively going into dangerous situations, but that's what they do. It's why that are there. The dangerous situation with unknown risks are also risks to possible secondary persons.

A pair of officers responded to a call about an out of control nut running around a neighborhood, and engaged in foot pursuit.

The guy had disconnected his oven, the house was full of gas, he detonated it as the officer entered. Every interaction with the public involves risk, every situation can turn south,firing bullets blindly into Windows puts every person down range for hundreds of yards at peril.

One of the deepest questions in philosophy is whether or not we must refrain from action unless it benefits every person involved. Blind shots kill people every year.

Imagine, your friend has hung his jacket over a tree because of heat. On other hunter is working the area. The vest is hidden. Your partner farts, the other guy thinks that it's a buck grunting, and empties his thirty rounds at the sound,ripping holes all through your partner.

There is absolutely no difference between that scenario and firing at broken glass. A swat member may have gotten behind the house and is lined up with the line of fire.
That end of watch article is heartbreaking. I hope the lessons learned inform future behavior, but the risk does not curtail the efforts of other officers. It's a hard job but it must be done, and there is no place for anything but professionalism.
In living in the UK/Australia/Canada, now Florida since 2003, I know where I love to live! Right here!

My best Buddy is an Orlando Police Officer, retired, but still works at the Air Port. My Canadian best Buddy, he is Toronto Police Detective, I taught him to shoot Pistol when he was an Armed Security Officer.

Our Cops run towards the gun fire! Now they have a real man in the White House, who has their backs. God Bless the USA.