Real 'body' shot for film??

I just watched the movie last saturday, my first movie at a theater in over two years, btw.

It's a good movie with an interesting story. The alleged "real body" in the bullet damage scene was definitely not an actual human cadaver. George is spot on, the bullet simply pierces with no hydrostatic effects, no blood, but lots of green stuff.

Still, a good movie. And I usually don't like Clooney.
I worked in the morgue of a local hospital for about a year, and that is not a real body. It wasn't even close. For the tissue to be that hydrated, the body would have to be less than a few hours old. After that the fluids become "mingled" and organs show visible signs of decay. And a bullet striking produces a lot more dramatic effect than the movie showed. I've seen a few gunshot wounds in autopsy, and in the movie it looks more like a stab wound. bullet strikes produce "shattered" organs. smack a chicken heart with a small hammer (not to hard) and you will see a similar effect. the tissue will split in places, but the organ will not disintigrate. that is what "shattered" organs look like. It is caused by hydrostatic pressure. Oh man am I rambling. I'll stop now.
No No - your not rambling... Technical Details are important.

Next thread - we will analize the Alien Autopsy film!

"What is up with that alien anatomy? There are no connective tissue or membranes to any of those organs!"

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud

Although the shade was wrong (cinematic license, one supposes...) bile from the gall bladder is greenish.

Saw the movie tonight. Good stuffe, excellent editing and direction.

Don't think Wahlberg's body armor would've stopped that steel-core AK round, though, and that amount of C4 without a damper over it wouldn't be that spectacular...

Do have a question I'll pose in a new topic...
Abuse of a corpse is a crime right?
Would a major hollywood studio risk such negative publicity for this kind of stunt?

In a heartbeat. (no pun intended)
I used to love movies, but they are getting to the point of why bother. Hollywood has simply run out of ideas. All they can do is rehash old movies and themes. WTF is next? Spike Lee and "To cap a mockin bird"?

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
First, I liked this movie. To be honest, I was impressed with the scene where Clooney's character educates the hick soldier about what a gun REALLY does. We could use more of that.
That said, I don't think people are alleging that that "inside view" of the bullet wound was a real body--I was wondering about the "Iraqi soldier" that Wahlberg shot in the beginning of the film? Of course, at that distance there's no real reason to use a real body, so my verdict is nope, no cadaver.

Long Path, I've been meaning to ask if there was any way in Hell that kevlar would stop that round from an AK--the rule of thumb I was taught for kevlar was handguns and rimfires yes, most other rifles no.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Nope. Kevlar is not stopping 10-yard shots from AK's. Note also that the bullet was flattened like a lead bullet. To the best of my knowledge, the Iraqi fodder was all Russian, which was steel core.

Now, I understand there's some new body armor that has little Ti plates sewn into it that could possibly take such a round, but that ain't what this guy had (in '91).

I suppose I could be totally mistaken, and that it was actually a pistol bullet that was shot into Wahlberg in that scene, but it looked like they drew it out pretty well-- I think it was an AK shot.

Missed opportunity-- When Wahlberg (Marky Mark) is in the bunker and turns down the music played on the jam box that the Iraqi soldier is listening to and says "That stuff's not good...", I was sorta hoping it would be recognizably Marky Mark rap "music". :)

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
