Readiness and the weapon

Here's a little joke I play on some people when they start harping about how a .22 is worthless for self defense. Now, that being said, I realize a .22 IS inadequate in the case of an assailant who is pointing a gun at you and is pulling the trigger.

That being said, I sometimes mention that in many scenarios I could easily use my trusty old Taurus 9-shot .22 double action revolver for self defense. That sometimes brings a big laugh of ridicule. I make it clear that I've had the gun about 30 years and have fired probably 100,000 rounds through it:

"Tell you what, I'll make a deal with you. I'll put... $50 million cash on my dining table, and stand in front of it with my .22. You come in the front door over there, about 25 feet away. If you can touch the money, you can have it. Deal?"

So far, nobody's taken me up on it yet. A few months ago I pulled this on a SWAT cop in a gun shop. He was a big, ugly, shaved-headed guy in full combat dress. When he said "naw, no deal..." his buddies started laughing at him - no hard feelings, it was all in fun. It was hilarious.
I wish I could show you what it looks like now. Can't. The "Goshdarn Hackksite Mk5" has design elements that Tim Sheehan hasn't released yet himself. It rides in a holster that completely hides the sights, and no pics will be available until Tim publishes the concept.

It's still hex-based, still target-focus, past that I can't say a word except "whoa!".

To Jim March and Sport 45, thanks for the info about the sights. They seem like something out of the past that someone like Elmer Keith or one of the old time trick and target shooters would have experimented with. It takes a lot of nerve to do something different in this game.
"Game"? That's my daily carry CCW piece.



(No, I'm not kidding...)
It takes a lot of nerve to do something different in this game.

Like open carry of a single action revolver in the crossdraw position? Not so different actually. I carried like that before conceal permits were issued here.