Readiness and the weapon


New member
I see a lot of folks trying to decide what to buy and what to use for SD.

I was told a tale a long time ago about a guy faced a huge adversary, he was offered the entire armory of weapons to choose from. He went in, tried out a few itemss and told the guy "I will use what I have and have practised with", he went out there and killed the BG. He didnt use a 88 magnum, or a rocket launcher, no he used a tool he carried from youth and had used to kill a large wild animal. He knew it worked, he practised with it so it was familiar to him. Dont have to be the biggest or baddest to do the job.
Would that be David and his sling?

I agree with your sentiment,,,

Or, one could say,,,
Buy what you think i best,,,
But don't forget to practice with it.

I have several handguns,,,
And I shoot them all for the pure enjoyment,,,
But I always practice with my Model 36 cause it's what I carry.

for about the last 10 years, the handgun I shoot the best and the most is a model 19 4 inch.

so that is my HD revolver. I have larger caliber revolvers.

I've hunted with and shot the mossberg 500 for nearly 15 years and that is my "if time, fort up in the bedroom, call police" HD choice.

There is also the sentiment, "Fear the person who owns one gun."
I have to disagree with the story theme:

First off, I carry a little 642 in my pocket in case I might need it. I practice quite a bit with it.

However if someone told me I WAS going to have to go after a bad guy, big or small, I'm taking a rifle.
However if someone told me I WAS going to have to go after a bad guy, big or small, I'm taking a rifle.

If it is sighted and you have shot it then that would make a good choice. However, if you just run out to wally mart and bought the biggest and baddest then went into a confrontation without shooting it well that may not work out as well.

Yep Davey took his sling shot and killed the bad man, he eventually was made king but that is another story :)
Hey kraigwy,,, how's that story go?,,,,,

A lady attended a speech given by an older Texas County Sheriff,,,
After the speech she noticed his pistol under his suit jacket,,,
She asked him if he was expecting trouble.

"No Ma'am." He replied. "If I was expecting trouble,,,
I would have brought my shotgun."

The moral of the story appears in this case to be: the weapon you are more familiar with can be more deadly than one that is too big and heavy for you.

Note he was offered the king's personal suit of armour, and sword. The armour was too big and would slow him down, and the sword was too heavy for him to use effetively. He used his sling and hit him in the forehead. The stone left a dent, and knocked the giant out. He then took the giant's sword and cut his head off with it.
If it is sighted and you have shot it then that would make a good choice. However, if you just run out to wally mart and bought the biggest and baddest then went into a confrontation without shooting it well that may not work out as well.

Well then, if I had time to run to Wally World, I have time to go home where I'll set and let the bad guy die of old age.
How many people here are personally familiar with an incident in which someone was killed with a rock? The NRA was telling people "today a rock might kill you" fifty years ago. However, I am was personally acquainted with seven people killed with a firearm, some of them relatives. None with knives, none with rocks, none with ropes, none with baseball bats, none with tennis rackets (for those who don't like baseball), none with hatpins, and none with poison. On the other hand, I am not related to anyone who died from cancer but they're all dead just the same.
I don't think it's about what type of weapon more about your familiarity with it, training with it and overall confidence. I means there's no point in having an 870 in the closet if you haven't practiced with it because when your uner stress you are not going to perform well
The .45 I carry and train with everyday
I drink and play poker with a few Gunners Mate Chiefs that still remember their way around Naval 16" guns :eek::D
How many people here are personally familiar with an incident in which someone was killed with a rock?

Thrown rocks are deadly -- as the family up the road whose son spent a week in intensive care can attest.

I have fired more rounds from my handgun in a single day than I have my shotgun in my lifetime.

If I absolutely KNEW I was going to face a lethal threat, the shotgun would be my choice. No contest.
Well I use what I practice with...

BUT, I practice with serious equipment to.

I don’t pick some itty bitty mouse gun and then hope it is enough.

Practice with what you carry, but do use enough gun.

I practise with every firearm, not all at the same time, but living where I do I can shoot anytime I want. So I often go outside and rip a few rounds off at one of my targets.

I would feel completly confidant with any of them including my .22s
Here's the grip on my sole carry piece:


'Nuff said.