Read this topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've got updates all over my site. The upshot is, I've settled with my local PD Chief with a promise from him to "go forth and sin no more". And I'm getting that in writing, which will be used to beat the still-obstinant Sheriff over the head with in court.

I've applied for CCW to my PD Chief, the assistant Chief is making favorable noises so far. If I actually get approved it'll start a "land rush" using my tactics in CA - I hope. Even better, I can prove I was first verbally denied by the Chief and Sheriff back in Oct. of '97, so even with a PD-issued permit I'll still be able to continue the suit against the Sheriff over the 1.5 years of illegal abuse.

I'm havin' a BLAST. Just filed discovery, too...and for a total legal budget of less than the cost of a Makarov :D.

Jim March
Jim--stop whatever you're doing at the moment you read this-----

And pat yourself on the back!

Great work...keep it up!!