Re: The English Barbarism

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Ed Brunner

New member
Ijust got around to reading it and its locked??
It probably did have a controversy or two lurking within, but we have discussed controversy before, so I am surprised to see it locked so soon.
Besides I didnt get to tell you what my Irish grandmother mother had to say about them!

Better days to be,

I think it was locked because you could simply say:
The XXXXX Barbarism.
The XXXXX killed and ate the YYYYYY in a brutal fashion because they were different. The YYYYYYY later did the same thing to others, and when the others were all gone, they turned on themselves. After it was all over, the only ones left were overwieght talk show hostesses. Cain and Able fighting over whatever, or Og and Zog fighting over whatever, it makes little difference. Somebody won. Somebody lost. Tempers flared and somebody was dispatched in a brutal fashion. They in turn got PO'ed and got even at some point. Good and Evil change only in perception. A circular thread, with no beginning and no end, and the only resuult would be a lot of noise and hard feelings.

Want to feel your age?Check it out.
I am a guest here so I will never complain about the decisions of the moderators. But I have to admit that that one did bother me a little. Perhaps that thread did not have any value in a firearms forum, I can accept that. But, the manner in which it was shut down seemed rather arbitrary and rude. Maybe there is another problem I'm not aware of.
Any attempt at wit gone:

Guys, the whole point was summed up by DC.
Who cares why it's that way?

The real topic of the thread seems to be what is happening right now, today, at this very second, in India and Pakistan. Who cares why it is that way? Pointing fingers isn't going to help. The only fingers that matter are the ones poised on the fire control panels.

As far as the abrubt(sp) ending of the thread goes, the moderators do have a life outside of TFL. Sometimes in the sake of brevity a thread or even a post can be taken as curt when in reality it is meant to be brief.

I've "known" DC for going on 2 years, and she is always ready to give anybody a lot of space. I would even (gasp) say she is pretty liberal in how she handles the viewpoints of posters. If she closed a thread, there is a good reason. If she seemed curt, there is also a good reason. I would say give Her a break on this one. It just may be that she has other pressing matters, like a baby, fight for water rights, whatever,to attend to.

Want to feel your age?Check it out.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited August 23, 1999).]

Perhaps I was not clear in my previous post. I have no argument with the decision to lock the thread. I believe your and DC's assessment are correct (I can't even truly comment on that thread as I read 2/3 through it and got bored). I merely found the closing remark uncharacteristic of the otherwise fine policing that DC and the other moderators provide. What it looked like to me was a flame against a guy for posting a thread with too much flame potential. Perhaps I've read more into it than I should have and if so I apologize.
Say if the words American Indian, Italian or Japanese was there instead we would call it racist and racist it is. Each nation race or whatever has been terrible name one that hasn't. Focusing on one and blaming it for all the worlds problems is ridiculous.
Bigots usually take little bits of information or Hollywood history and make assumptions from it. If you want a real historical discussion and a debunking of these back of a cereal box type facts and we could but bigots don't deal in facts andthis isn't the place for it. Lets close this thread again.
For theb record I have English, Irish and Scottish ancestors and I take no sides. They were all murderers and mongrels back then.
Hey no prob, and certainly no need to apologize for speaking your mind. I agree with RA, this thread should also be closed.
Well folks,

I was just trying to expand on a topic that began in another thread on this very same forum. That particular thread has 45 postings to it at the time that I post this reply.

There were quite a few people discussing the topic, and I just wanted to point it in a more factual direction.

Now for a few observations:

DC- I didn't mean to step on anybody's toes, but I'm curious about one thing at least. If you closed the thread, how did you expect me to answer your question? :)

rabbit assasin: You can call me a bigot all you want to and it won't bother me. I make no apologies for my views on the English, and I even stated in one of the opening paragraphs that readers should be warned that it would have a staunch anti-English theme. As far as them being cereal box facts (which is I believe how you put it) the three examples that I chose came from a paper that I wrote in college. The paper was entitled "The Legacy of Colonialism" and focussed not only on the English but on every other major colonial power. Since the country that we were discussing was England, I only used examples based on English policy. By the way, the paper got an "A". :)
Maybe the Brits will "pay for their past sins":
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Sunday August 22, 9:09 PM

Britain may face invasion of giant

LONDON, Aug 22 - Swarms of giant grasshoppers could invade Britain
from continental Europe and devour crops and gardens across the
country, a scientist said on Sunday.

The "superhoppers", up to 12 cm (nearly five inches) long and eight times as hungry
as most British grasshoppers, are usually found in Spain and France but could spread
thanks to global warming, entomologist Peter McEwen said in a statement.

"The recent hot weather in the UK will only serve to encourage the invasion," said
McEwen, research director of Insect Investigations, owned by Cardiff University's
School of Biosciences.

The spread of the insecticide-resistant bug could be aided by increased cross-border
travel between Britain and the continent by car, rail and air, he said.

The grasshoppers have not caused widespread damage elsewhere in Europe, but
McEwen told Reuters that the impact of insects outside their natural habitat was

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
The Brits are paying for their past sins and Karma. Some complain about the minorities living in England now. The way I figure is if you don't want to live with someone, don't move into his country cuz they'll be moving into yours.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
The English, part of the Covenent Race like the rest of the Europeans, have done both good and bad like everyone else. The good is that they helped spread the Gospel to the four corners of the earth with their Empire. They brought civilization to places living in darkness. The bad part is that they often beat up on fellow covenent groups like the Irish , Scots , French , Spanish and others and were often very brutal towards the other races like Africans, Indians and Chinese who got drugs introduced to them by the British(opium wars). But we all have good and bad and our own history towards the Indians may top anything the British ever did in a negative way.
Futo Inu,

Great book! (my kids love it!)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited August 23, 1999).]

In the not too distant past, any thread was locked if it was not related to
firearms or current political subjects affecting our Rights (usually

Members indicated they wanted to get to know each other so Rich relaxed
the rules (severely increasing his expenses). The stress was on
camaraderie, unity, firearms, and dedication to preserve our Right to Keep
and Bear Arms (RKBA).

When the general atmosphere on TFL became stressful, we sometimes had
some “mad” moments and went bonkers with humorous threads.

Then gradually, subjects began to go far afield for a bulletin board called
“The Firing Line”. Nothing was said. But then, some of the “far afield”
subjects degenerated into flame wars - arguments intending to demean rather
than illuminate. There were facetious innuendoes and outright insults.

Such arguments divide rather than unify.

Personally? My priorities on TFL involve both seriousness and humor. Off the top of my head I believe I would list my personal priorities as follows:

1. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
2. Peacefully return America to Constitutional law.
3. Make our government more responsible and responsive to the people.
4. Create a populace capable of ensuring Constitutional Law for my progeny.
5. Learn.
6. Make friends.
7. Have fun.

Discussing medieval history is a learning process(5). We can make friends(6)
and have fun(7). But when the activities of 500 or more years ago begin to
divide us today, we need to remember our mission and our need for unity if
our Rights are to survive. We must unite!

When our political or religious views leave no room for other people’s
concept of morality, such dogmatic views divide us. There is room in the
struggle to preserve our Rights for people of all colors, creeds, sexual
persuasions, religious beliefs, ethnic backgrounds, educational levels, or
whatever. We must unite!

I am an American. My ancestors were Irish. If I hate or love the British
collectively or individually is irrelevant to our present and future effort to
preserve our RKBA. We must unite!

We have TFL members whose ancestors were Scots, Germans, Brits,
Japanese, Chinese, Irish, Ukrainian, Spanish, etc. etc. Be proud of your
ancestry but remember we are Americans. We must unite!

Our future may be in our hands but it will take us all, working together, to
fulfill the promise of our future. If we fail, the “Noble Experiment” fails. And
our ancestors will have the right to hate us for our petty divisiveness and lack
of dedication to restore and preserve Constitutional Law in America.

The number one issue on TFL is our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. If we
lose the Second Amendment, all our other views shall become irrelevant.
Our government will tell us what to think and do. That must not happen!

These are my opinions, and mine alone. As always, I look to the
Administrators for guidance - they have been there for me since I first became
a member and we had about 700 members. Now we have nearly 2100
members and God only knows how many “lurkers”. Already we have
attracted the attention of those who would divide us, make us powerless, and
destroy our RKBA. We have seen “probes” by those intending to confuse us,
distract us, and destroy our unity and effectiveness. Such divisiveness will
not be tolerated.

Have I had flames to throw? You betcha! And when I first came to TFL I
had to be told that the rule is to keep it off the board and go to e-mail. Then
it does not become public, it does not divide us as seriously, and it does not
become permanent record to be used against us on some later date.

We must not permit TFL to be anything less than Rich’s motto states:

Simply the Finest Firearms Information Site on the Web

So, as DC might say, “Play nice”. ;)

Now, if y’all will excuse me. I must write an e-mail apology to a friend I
have offended. (sigh)
its my turn,,,,,*I agree* bout the unity part......United we stand Divided we fall...fubsy.
Agreed Dennis - also some of us are Australians, Canadians, (a Finn?), and in my case a 1/2 scots, 1/4 irish and 1/4 barbarian - in Argentina. The principle behind RKBA is world wide as is the Web; just doing better in the USofA... and for all our sakes, keep it up people!

'ghift dhe agus an righ' - no idea what it means, but w' nae hae the gaelic any longer... just the crest ;)
Dennis: I really believe that we are mostly playing around with this. At least I am. I have the utmost respect for DC and would not say a word against her. I have my serious side and I am lifetime-commited to RKBA.
My mother's family is 100% Irish and her parents came to this country as a result of
"difficulties" caused by the British. I dont have a quarrel with anybody as long as they dont mess with me or my family.

The point made by a lot of others is that we all have ancestors who encountered difficulty and while we honor and respect our
heritage we have to deal with the world as we find it today.

Better days to be,

We as a race are a conquering breed. if we were to give back all the land stolen from different peoples over time, then we'd have to all, every person on this planet, get up and move in the biggest game of musical chairs ever held! England back to the Picts, Europe back to the Indo-Europeans, Vietnam back to the Montagnards, China back to the Mongols, ad nauseum. Just because any people are lately misplaced or mismanaged, in an age whereby their plight can be made more public is nothing new.

I don't advocate it, I just say it's the same old story in a sorry world.
I guess my feelings boil down to the fact (AND DON'T TAKE THIS WRONG) that I really don't consider myself American. I truly consider myself a Scottish refugee. HOWEVER, I fully feel that I have a right to participate in domestic political affairs due to my Cherokee blood.

Not many people realize that the Supreme Court actually ruled that the Cherokee Nation was a dependent nation. This means that it is sovereign within itself but also that its citizens have the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

The bottom line is that I wouldn't go fight in a war just because US interest need to be "protected", but if invaded, I would fight to defend my home.

Please understand that just because I don't consider myself "American" doesn't mean that I have any animocity towards those who do.

Once again, please don't take this post as an afront to your patriotism. My family fought along side of your ancestors in the Revolution and in every American war since.
One of the biggest things wrong with the U.S. today is how everybody is claming alegiance to another country first and than the U.S. second. I'm not Irish-American I'm American-Irish. This reflects that while I'm proud of my background what comes first is the country that I was born and raised in. My Bro in law was 1st generation American from Italy and he also considers himself American-Italian.

You do not need to give up anything or loose anything by claming your an AMERICIAN first and second your ethnic background.

We all need to get over this thing that has us claming our heratage as our birthright. If you are born in the U.S. then you should be an American first and secondly whatever your family history is.

If you REALLY think your ethnic background is that important why not move to that country??? Do not take offense at this I just wonder why so many people claim this is not their country but will NOT move to the country they claim???

Ask all the Illegal aliens and everybody elsestanding in line at the INS office to become U.S. citizens what they think and feel of this issue. You wight just be suprized!
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