Re:Australian type gun confiscation law.How many would comply?

Comply? Who would? I live in CA and have already e-mailed my reps, the Gov and the Attorney General with a letter of non-compliance. Warning them that I will actively resist any confiscation of my arms. Told them that I will not start it, but I will defend myself and my property with my arms.

Am I nuts for doing this? I don't think so. First off Someone has to tell these yahoo's what they are in for. Second I am to the point that I really don't give a dam. If they are going to do it, let them do it now and lets get this over with. I won't shoot first, but by God I won't let them take my guns.

Also I now have developed quite a network of fellow gun owners. They come for just one of ours and the phones will start ringing. And we do have several LEO's in the group.

So, has anyone come up with a good tactic against the nuisance approach (no job/loan/anything w/o "good conduct passport")? I realize that would be hard to implement and might ruin the economy further...but that won't stop them from trying.
As the computerization of all our financial transactions leads us to the cashless society, you won't be able to use paper money (backed BTW only by the "good faith and credit" of the American government).

Pennies and gold will come out of hiding - and we'll have to get danged good at bartering for goods and services. But bartering is largely illegal by federal law (Dept of Treasury directives, actually)!

If I'm an accountant by trade and I may mow your lawn in return for you to paint my house - so long as you are not a painter. It is against the law to barter goods and services that you deal with professionally.

Additionally, all the government has to to is tighten up the rules on bartering and on the employer-employee relationship. Then if I mow your lawn, it becomes a reportable transaction.

My, my. Don't we all feel safer now?
If you want them, come get them. I'll be waiting. I'm not going to bury them, I'm going to use them. I would be more concerned about the "can't get a job because the guns weren't turned in" scenario than fighting.
Cornered Rat: Speaking ENTIRELY hypothetically, (I'm soon going to be married, and it would be unfair to my wife to do anything of the sort! Besides, the situation scarcely demands such exteme measures at the moment, as the "ballot box" hasn't completely failed yet.) the only real response I see to the "nusance" attack is, you probably guessed it, assasination. If you look at the way wars are generally conducted, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that politicians are willing to send any number of soldiers/police to their deaths to achieve even the most trivial ends, but they think REALLY hard about something if it involves some chance of themselves being hurt. Thus if you're NOT a politician, the way to win a war with the least bloodshed is to target the other side's LEADERSHIP, rather than the grunts. The world's leaders seem to have this gentleman's agreement going that they kill the peons, and not each other, even if it means losing a war. Which shows you how highly they value their own skins!

If you've read John Ross's "Unintended Consequences", that's the sort of thing I'm talking about. Though I will say that John was an optimist in that book, in that the government hardly responded in kind at all.
Problem with that is every one of us if awfully vulnerable to being asassinated: the enemy need not do it discreetly.

They, OTOH, tend to be protected. I don't even know the faces of most local politicos, though I have been meeting more and more of them lately. Of course, for a measure of desperation...

There's also this minor propaganda war that we have been losing. I can forsee some major disarmament "law" coming into effect, followed by "some nuts" shooting up kindergartens all over the country.

Cut to CNN: "Today, gun criminals rioted in the streets, killing innocents by the dozens with their illegal side-by-side shotguns and cladestine air pistols. We better do something!" [the asassins being ATF critters or some such...]

Call me a passemist, but I do not see how we can win this long term.

PS: Saw "Saving Private Ryan" yesterday. An OK story, great combat footage. Now, imagine a mess fifty times worse and you have what we'd get if SHTF here...and yes, I do want a BAR!

Cornered Rat, recently with the NRA Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited June 16, 1999).]
Well, I'm of the opinion that we CAN'T win; Not so long as the government is allowed to spend 12 years brainwashing most children. That amounts to an unbeatable advantage for statists in the long run, you know... We face a public which doesn't WANT to be free! Even if we had a civil war, and won, what could we do? The moment we re-instituted democracy, they'd vote their masters back in!

The fact is, we've neglected the fundamentals of a free society, such as a public which has NOT been raised by the state. We'll have to fix things at that fundamental level before we're to have a hope of winning.
Ho, boy. Of course speaking ENTIRELY hypothetically, and even then about someone else, couldn't ever apply to me, especially since I sold all my guns to Osama Bin Laden some years back at a gun show, I gotta suppose what someone (certainly not me) might decide in this case.

One might decide that if your banker won't give you a home loan because you're a gun owner, you might SHOOT him. If your credit card company cancels your card because you're a gun owner, look up where the officials of that company can be found, and pay them a visit. Armed. If your life is ruined to the point that it's time to either surrender your guns or commit suicide, then commit suicide! But do it creatively, have a bit of fun in the process, make a bit of racket before you go. Pick your target and make your suicide deliver a statement.

We all make the same noises, here, but how many will do it? I dunno, don't intend to be around to find out.

Meanwhile, for those with the "networks" mentioned, copy my e-mail. It will take me 2 days anywhere in the US. I'll find some armament somewhere if needed.

Larry P.
As I have mentioned before...let's say you take out an enemy. The responding enforcers then waste that enemy's photogrenic kids and spouse, blame that on you, too.

You have seen the spin that US media can do on foreign issues --- they would outdo themselves domestically. Expect no sympathy from most of the sheeple...
Expect no sympathy from most of the sheeple...

And the sheeple get absolutely no sympathy from me. If they want to be marched along to the shearing/slaughtering pen, that's their own lookout.

"When you go down, you go down fighting."
Sepultura, "Ambush"
Start earlier?

I am. I'm deserting the Republicrats. As you point out, CR, they haven't closed the ballot box yet...yet!

Let's warn the power-grabbers by using the ballot box. Let them be warned by our votes - rather than lulled into further nullifying the Constitution.

Vote - for a change!
Larry: What was it Patton said? "Your job is not to die for your country; It's to make the other poor bastard die for HIS country!"
Something to that effect, anyway.
For Brett or any others who misunderstood my previous post, let me clarify. In the draconian situation some have described here, where a gunowners life is systematically ruined to the point where he has nothing left to live for, those people who are doing that ruining are going to regret it. Along with everyone near enough to them at the time to be found by the crosshairs. Suddenly the remaining of that type would find the entire building empty whenever they arrive, as nobody wants to be in the flak pattern.

The idea that the media will galvanize the sheeple in that scenario is completely beside the point, since the media and the sheeple will be unarmed, therefore have no voice in the proceedings from that point on. Suddenly they will take action? Like what?

But way before that, the suggestion from Dennis is the one which makes the most sense, since all of us (I hope!) would really rather not get there. 43 million votes total in the last presidential election says that 80 million gunowners can put this question to rest forever without firing a shot except on an approved range. But first we have to DO something, not just talk about it. Join the NRA, register, and VOTE!!!

Larry P.
And remember: Turnouts in PRIMARIES are typically very low, (Often in the 10-20% range.) and in many parts of the country determine the ultimate winner, as one or the other "major" party almost automatically wins. A 50% turnout of gun owners could probably dictate the winner of BOTH major party's primaries in many districts, leading to general elections where the result was inevitiably a pro-gun win.

But this requires that there BE a pro-gun candidate in the primary. So amend that to read, "Join a pro-gun organization, register, RUN FOR OFFICE, and vote."

It also requires that WE know who all the gun owners are, and make sure they get registered and vote. That's going to take some major work.