Re:Australian type gun confiscation law.How many would comply?


New member
From: 6-12-99 831PM EDT. It is November 1999. U.S. Government,under executive order, calls for turn in of all semi auto firearms, from 22 caliber on up, another Australian type gun call in. You have 30 days to turn them in or be declared a enemy of the people and subject to harsh retribution from the State. The question is: How Many Americanswould comply? would it be a few, 20% 40% 50%? I know we have all asked this question before, I have. The Aussieswere considered a independent type of people and they caved in .How would Anmericans react? I personally somtimes think most would turn their guns in(I wouldnot) yet other times still have faith in the intelligence of the gun owners. What do you all thinkwould be the result of a called for turn in of guns by Federales?
The last thing in the world I would do is post on a wide open internet what I intended to do........thats dumb...fubsy.
They will get them all, bullets first, and if that includes .22, that is about 60,000 rounds of ammo for the picken....

I would love to comply,but ya know that mysterious disappearing gun syndrome affected all the guns I used to have. I think I may have caught it from one of the other threads.
I'd like to comply, but just recently all the violence got to me so I sold all my guns. Can't remember just who bought them. That freshly turned dirt in the back yard? Oh, I'm putting in a garden...yeah, that's it, a garden.
If that day ever comes I would comply if I had any guns,but I just sold my last one. I don't remember who bought them. also if they are hid next to water pipes,a metal detector won't pick them up.
I wish I could remember the references, but I read an article stating that the Australian authorities in charge of the gun turn-in down there estimated that they only got about 20-25% of what they believe is out there.
Similarly, a study conducted a few years ago (the Lexington-Concord study?) came up with figures in that same range. About 75-80% of respondents said they would NOT turn in their firearms.
Cities like NY, Chicago and DC, where firearms are virtually outlawed are awash in guns, and they aren't all in the hands of the BG drug pushers, etc. Many Otherwise-Law-Abiding-Citizens keep weapons, whether Big Brother likes it or not. The fact that they do so is just further proof of how flawed this gun ban philosophy really is.

"You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once"
Ivan88836-13-99 354 PmEDT I was just trying to get a general idea what people might think of what the percentage of turnins might be. I used to be a gun dealer,belonged to gun organizations, fought anti gun laws in my state and am a subscriber to Spotlight Newspaper and listen and talked to people on shortwave shows here in America. So people in my catagory of the above activities would be among the first tobe checked under such a law.But who cares? Yes, it will be the gun owners who have stayed in the backbground on the important issues facing all of us who will probably dodge Federal military and Police; at least for a while. Karanas, that is a interesting bit of info concerning how many guns the Aussies turned in. A Australian called in to the Alex Jones Show(Monday through Friday 2-3 PM EDT frequency 9.400) and said crime has gond wild since thepeople turned many guns in. I got the impression from this Aussie that most did turn semi autos in,but I cannot say either way.It will be very interesting to see how many people inPeoples Republic of Kalifornia turn in their wicked SKS's. Ivan
Ivan 8883:

I don't have the figures to hand, but I believe the total number of semi-auto guns handed in under the "buyback" (theft) was fewer than the recorded sales of just one popular .22, the Ruger 10/22.

In some States (like mine), compliance was far more universal, not because we're wimps but because ALL our guns were registered beforehand.

PS: If you want to chase up the figures, try the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia website at:
From: Ivan8883 6-14-99 845PM EDT To Bruce in West Oz, I understand how in some areas or a State like yours where guns were already registered that many people turned them in. It is good to know that elsewhere in Australia the people may have not complied to this odious law. I bet those deceased Aussie Vets of WWII who whipped the Japanese in New Guinea are turning over in their graves over those Aussies who let such a law take place. We who remain most keep fighting these gun laws no matter in what land because the UN aim is total confiscation worldwide! Also, can you confirm or deny the rumor in the patriot movement here in America that US Marines were used to help gather up guns in Australia? I had heard this at least twice or more on shortwave shows here in States. Thanks Ivan
Bruce in West Oz, I know that there are some several of you great Aussies on this site. Would you kindly start a thread on what the heck went on in Australia?
Gooday Mate, Hank

Use the search function. Bruce and HS talked about this a month or 2 ago. As I recall they said US Marine participation never happened

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
In NSW guns wern't registered, they didnt search house to house and they know it was a complete failure. I do know a WW2 vet who fought in New Guinea who thought it wasn't great that the government would ley him use a gun in New Guinea to defend the country but now he has to prove why he should be able to keep the same type of gun. I think that's a pretty big insult to ask that of veterans who put their lives on their lives for our coward of a prime minister(I say coward because he fronted a gun rally in rural Victoria with a vest on which was very obvious to the tv cameras, it looked like he had Ned Kelly's armour on, he was never in any danger of being shot and everyone will remember that day, well I will anyway)

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I read a story that said that some Australian police officials told gun owners, "Your guns are registered. We know you have them. If you don't turn them in voluntarily, we will come and get them and we will kill you and your family. It is your choice."

If true, this is insanity, but is exactly what some extremist gun control types here have promoted - martial law, army searches, mass executions.

Rosie wants to imprison gun owners.

Spike Lee wants Charleton Heston killed.

Roger Moore is promoting more school shootings to get gun control laws passed.

Sarah Brady and Bill Clinton and Al Gore want gun registration.

And they call us extremists!

The problem with turning in *any* weapons is that the authorities now know that you had an interest in them, once. They have a good reason/excuse to come visit and look for more.

My own guess is that 10-15% would comply fully, 80-85% would make a show and 1-3% would go to war. But what do I know...

Cornered Rat, recently with the NRA Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
80,000,000 gun owners X 3% = 2,400,000 civilians going to war against their government.
Hmmm. Better odds than I had hoped for!
I just don't see that there's enough manpower to accomplish a house-to-house search.

Assume 1% of gun owners fight back (actively, not passively): 800,000 [thanks, CR]

That screws my numbers all up. Oh well.

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited June 15, 1999).]
1% of 80 millions is 800, are off by quite a bit there. The other minor detail: individuals generally do not terrorise families of the official thugs, where as official thugs can and do take hostages or just kill noncombatants outright.

Remember, draconian measures did work in 1620s Japan...
How's this sound for size: No door to door searches, no provocation to war. Want to get a new job? Your employer has to check with a central registry to make sure you're not an illegal immigrant. He makes the check, and you come up unapproved unless your registered guns have been turned in. You can't get a new job. Ditto for the banks; You can't get a mortage for a home. You can't get licensed for any of I don't know how many jobs. They don't have enough troops to come after US, but they certainly can deal with the banks and employers... And what are you going to do, shoot your local bank manager who won't give you a home loan because HE doesn't want to lose HIS job?

Believe me, there are plenty of ways to make life very miserable for holdouts, once they have those guns registered, short of lobbing artillery shells. They haven't forgotten what happened after Waco, and how the militia movement swelled enormously in size. They'll take it slow, and just ANNOY us into giving up our guns. If nothing else, they'll make legal gun ownership such a pain nobody in the next generation BOTHERS to own guns... If they're even capable of considering it, after spending 12 years in an educational system where if you even say the word gun, you go on detention!