Ray Nagin and Returning Seized Guns

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Some people got their guns back, but they were in the extreme minority because the fascists required proof of ownership and that can be hard to do when your records sat in salt water for a while or you have no proof since you purchased face to face.

The guns that were returned were very rusted and scratched because they basically just threw them into a steel roll off container.

I remember seeing a pic of some guy carrying his Ruger 9mm and an evidence receipt down the street after they gave it back.
And this is also why you'd better be careful about who you elect as Mayor.

And who you re-elect, too!

That's what amazes me. They actually re-elected the moron. He was a disaster before, during, and after Katrina, and they still re-elected him.
Out of curiosity, how was he a disaster before Katrina?

And just why did we re-elect him?
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I am originally FROM Louisiana myself - I don't understand why he was re-elected. They also re-elected that congressman who got busted with that $100k in his freezer....
I am originally FROM Louisiana myself - I don't understand why he was re-elected. They also re-elected that congressman who got busted with that $100k in his freezer....

Horrible and/or corrupt politicians get re-elected all the time. I'd bet that often it's a combination of "the devil you know" combined with opponents who are as bad (if not worse) as the guy already in office.

Sometimes it's just because crooked or ineffective politicians are good at pandering to their base.

As for requiring proof of ownership to get your guns back, what a crock. On the one hand, they should be giving you a receipt when they take property from you, and that's all you should need to get it back. On the other hand, they shouldn't have been taking these guns in the first place!
And just why did we re-elect him?

I don't know about now, but the 2000 census had the population of New Orleans 67% black.

Hesitant to vote for a white Republican, I suspect.

With a win of 52.3 to 47.7 , the black community was not all that happy with him.
The same reason that D.C. re-elected a crack-smoking, prostitute-loving, caught-on-camera mayor. He said what a majority of the voters wanted to hear. Doesn't matter if it was true or if he kept his promises.
Yep. Landrieu was a Democrat also. I guess it was just a race thing. Nagin is the only politician I ever listened to that I thought was dumber than George Bush.
Dat B1tch Katrina!

I'm from Baton Rouge and there is a TREMENDOUS amount of distrust between the races and a helluva lot of bad blood exists from a time not very long ago. If you're not from there perhaps you cannot understand. I highly dislike the man, but I wonder just WHO was giving the orders since the form of martial law declared was not State Martial Law, but FEDERAL Martial Law - that was the three days of doing nothing in which Bush, et als forced the issue with no assistance. Eventually, Governor Blanco blinked. The rest, as they say, is history.
I'm no fan of Ray Nagin, but he actually did alot for the City of New Orleans before Katrina. All that stuff you mentioned was here long before Nagin.

The 2000 census is also trumped by a little thing called Hurricane Katrina. The City wasn't even majority black when that vote took place. Not to mention the fact that there's usually just an 11% - 15% black voter turnout at any given election.

I'm not saying I disagree totally with what's been said on this tread so far, I just hate it when people who have no real clue what they're talking about pontificate on why things are the way they are where I live.

To answer the OP, Nagin and Eddie Compass have been twice cited for contempt of court for failing to return confiscated guns. Nothing has really happened to them. They made it hard to retrieve the guns by creating abunch of hoops to jump thru like the proof of ownership thing. They have passed state laws here to specifically ban that from happening again. Nagin still acts like he's large and in charge. Eddie Compass has a cushy job as head of security for a large hotel chain (I can't remember which).

The only good thing to come out of it all is the fact that legal gun ownership has skyrocketed along with CCW. If memory serves, CCW permits issued have increased something like 65%.
Well, Mr. Large and in Charge might have worked on some of it, or at least on the emergency response plan. There were a heck of a lot of poor people who needed help, and he entirely flubbed it.
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