Rate your Risk


I scored 37, not too bad. I was surprised that the survey was more slanted to urban risk factors. Living in a rural area, many positive risk-reducing factors were not present. For example, we have a LARGE male doberman, within the fenced confines of our property (he is definately and alarm dog, and rather formidable, although not agitation trained). Also,there is no mention of neighbors. I have a few in the general area and we look out for each other. As Noel said: "fun,"


[This message has been edited by Mendocino (edited June 02, 1999).]
I got a 95.. I think that is lower than the last time I took that test. The major difference is that I checked "yes" on the responsible for someone being fired in the last two years.. I know I was over 100 that time.

Mine didn't mention the guns either, but made note of the nice car, living/working near a large city and public exposure.

It is fun, but I don't think it means much.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited June 02, 1999).]
52 here...

They mention the firing of employees...heheheh

But, oddly enough no mention of the over 5 unloaded guns and the 5 loaded guns ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I got 17 I could be a police officer

Whoa! I scored a 14. I think the difference was that fire, police and ambulance response times are all under 15 minutes. One of the real advantages of living in a small town. :)

They even suggested that I check the main page to find out how to apply to become a police officer. Right, a middle aged, gray haired, overweight, out of shape rookie cop wearing bi-focals. Nah, think I'll pass. :D

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited June 02, 1999).]
I took the risk of being beaten test (scored 35) and found that if you are "commissioned to legally carry a firearm" you risk rating drops 20 points, while the black belt only drops your score 10. I wonder how they came up with the weighting?

Your total is -20.

(Negative score) A minus score indicates that the criminal would be in danger FROM YOU. The greater the negative score...the greater
the danger.

Uh-huh, dass right, we bad...
18. I must be doing something right, or wrong, depending on the viewpoint. I feel so sheltered. :(

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
I scored a 17. Then I changed my employment answer only to LEO. I was then rated at 0. Only problem with that is the two LEO's killed in my area in the last few months. Both LEO's were ambushed in seperate incidents. In the first, an ARMED CITIZEN (i.e. NOT LEO or Military) wounded one of the three Mexican Nationals responsible. If not for this man the killers might never have been caught. In the second the perp was subsequently shot and killed by the remaining members of the S.W.A.T. team. I would think the rated risk for LEO would be higher. Still, it is a fun survey.

- 17, I think I'll pass on looking at Metro DC PD. At 56 \, I have better things to do. Hell, I'll pass on going to DC at all. Unless we have a good old armed march.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I ignored the public appearances section completey.
I took the fact that I have no work schedule to mean that I purposely vary my work schedule (as I choose to have none).
I said yes to the "battery communications" question, because I have some two way FM walkies.
I change the police and fire response time because maybe they really would get here quickly.
We have one pretty smooth talkin Deputy ('sides me..) at the SO, so I guess that could be interpreted asa an "Hostage Negotiator"....
I decided my Dad's second divorce didn't count because his Ex is in Nevada.
Technically, there is a small town closer to me than Nashville, so I changed that too...
I changed my occupation to "non-of the above", since corporate executive of a 2 person company just doesn't seem right, does it???
I accounted for depreciation and figure that I have no vehicle worth over $40k.

;)Now I have a -44. I feel much safer. ;)

BTW- before you guys get all excited, this website has been up for at least a couple years, and Metro is not hiring. In fact, they officially cancelled all recruit classes at the academy until 2001.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited June 02, 1999).]
I received a -15.
I agree that small town living helps.
Not a very scientific survey, but it helps you realize you could be doing some thing smarter than you are.
Got a 12. I think a big factor is police and fire dept. are about 2 drivers and a 5 iron away. Also, complete anonymity helps a lot. Haven't had to fire anyone for over 16 years, but a few stimulated resignations don't count, do they? :)
-2. Gotta love the small town.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
-30 Beaten
-6 Murdered
-37 Burlargized
I guess, as far as THOSE tests are concerned, it pays to be anonymous (and have nothing valuable to steal!!!).