Range Rant

OK, we know we have an image problem.
How bout we come up with some ideas to change our image?
Let's start with some of the more visible things.
Let's be realistic, dressing up,
99% of us did our best to dress up for the range.
:D this (mis)'quotation' feature is so fun! :D :D
I finally got my PM's, I didn't know it was on the forum, I thought they went to my email or something and I hadn't ever gotten email from the forum or forumites,

now I found it.
Sorry birdie,

If 100 of you show up in Tuxedos and the lamestream media can't find even one solitary low-life in grunge clothing, the TV guys will bring one or invite a few local homeless into the range to pop a few caps.

The media will ALWAYS frame guns in an Anti-gun light.:barf:

We don't need shooters in suits. We need a conservative media to tell the truth about how safe typical middle-class gun owners are.

Thanks for the visual aid cor-man. Not exactly what I had in mind! :D
On the positive side, might inspire others to come up with some good ideas to improve our image.;)
is this outfit 'too tactical' for the range?

it evidently drew too much attention at the symphony.
of course the arm-flapping didn't help either. :)

(...are you guys starting to think I have a 'thing' for pics of guys in tights?) :barf: :D
here's another"what's best for us"post. i tried to be polite to the fella that thought he knew what the best gun was for everyone,and i will be polite to you.
we are a multi-cultural society,and not just in ethnicity.
first,nobody said every gun owner needs to be a line republican,but that is how everyone else percieves us.that said,do you think the dressed and squared away approach would work any better? no,because the opposite of the sloppy hillbilly,is the ordered nazi;as percieved by the anti-gunner.
the anti-gunner will always see you in negative light,because they have chosen to misunderstand.they lie to themselves,and know it.they lie to anyone sitting on the fence.
the last thing any of us should be doing is embracing our enemies tactics. indeed,their tactics work because evil is more efficient than good. do not hide the fact that some gun owners are cruel idiots,or overaggressive yuppies waiting for their chance. i believe we should speak of freedom,and gun ownership from the highest ground.
anybody know where the swedish bekini team

practices for their IPSC matches? Now those ladies know how to dress for the range!

I have to agree with some of the other posts that if we want to be perceived as clean cut "normal" people we should dress in clean neat attire at the range.

On the other hand I think that the liberal media has already decided how they are going to portray us and no matter how we dress, comb our hair or talk they WILL get their point across. Much like shoot the arrow into the tree and then hang a target on it.

It wasn't very many years ago when everybody in this country looked at a group of leather clad bikers and thought "dirty,lowlife,scumbags". most people have since learned that bikers are not just like that but are also law abiding, doctors, bankers, computer geeks, carpenters, plumbers and all sorts of people that make up our society. Of course the media helped educate the public once they started doing stories on them showing them in a favorable light.

I think that if we remain in the spotlight people will learn that we are not just what they see. It would also help if we could somehow become friends of the media. I have no idea how that would happen though as we are already being painted as terrorists in the making by the media.

Oh well.......I just wanted to say that both sides of the fence in this case are right. We can dress as we see fit ....and it would be helpful to the cause if we dressed more conservative but the hell with it! We are what we are. I'm proud of what I am and what I believe in and if they don't like it...tough crap!:) :D
I'm into dressing comfortably, but there's comfort and then there's bad taste. When I see the tee shirts with the "F-U" or "cold dead" type slogans I see a low life. Sorry, I buy the stereotype. You dress the part and wear a sign on your back, expect to be associated with the sign. Clothes form a first impression that's hard to beat. When I see that type of dress at the range or in a gunshop, I cringe.

I go out of my way to not wear signs. My clothes are comfortable but not tacky. Rip-stop BDU's can be bought in "other than Camo" -- Khaki and even O.D. are better alternatives. Personally I prefer Royal Robbins 5-11 pants. Good pocket layout and doubled knees. Tee shirts come in many colors other than tacky, you can actually find them with no logos, advertisements or messages.
"Generic" clothing & stuff.

Well written, riverdog.

I have a few pair of "cargo pants" and BDU trou in non-camo, as well as my hunting attire. I have a general bad feeling about wearing (patterned) camo in town. Yes, I know full well that khaki and olive originated as a sort of camouflage. I own a lot of t-shirts which are souvenirs of trips taken and places visited, but bear no slogans or provocative lettering. I even have some colored ones with no printing or images whatever!

Kinda like my scarce and unusual Zippo lighter (kept safely put away, so rare is it,) which is plain brushed chrome, with NO logo, advertising, coat of arms, unit crest, monogram, name, nor even initials displayed thereon. :p

All best,
Yes the liberal Media types will always try to make us look bad. But we can't just sit here and whine about it.
Some of us have personal websites that is not just all about guns that may attract people other than the gun types, we can start by showing these others that come to our sites what normal people we are. We can have pictures posted (not just posing with our favorite gun) of you in other types of social events- family picnics, backbacking trip, vacation photos etc., or essays about the things that are important to you that demonstrate your intelligence other than our obsession with guns.
I agree with ZeusOne,

That's why I don't wear jeans and a t-shirt to the range.

I go wearing a pair of pants (Nordstrom's khakis) and a button down collar shirt.
Isn't it odd when Joe Q Citizen is seen in camo and black boots with an evil black weapon he's a psycho gun nut.But when the national media shows cars being stopped by men in camo and black boots with evil black weapons and covered faces,IT'S Public Safety.
One other quick comment.I live in quite a rural area with a police dept of 3(1 is part time).I was at the local diner and 2/3 of the force came in for a bite to eat.They were both "so tactical" I had to laugh.Why in the world do these guys need this get up for?Are the local herfords running an illegal Meth lab?Guess where you can find their patrol cars parked most of the time.Visiting the auto repair/paint ball establishment.(no donut shop).At the turkey shoot last sunday both arrived tactical as all get out.After they left empty handed I figure a letter to the mayor about spending our limited city budget on more ammo and training than snappy looking gear might be in order.
Question for all those who truly believe appearance doesn't matter, and we should always look to a person's insides to get to their true soul....

Would you go to a job interview (not at Billy Ray's Tattoo Parlor) unshaven, unkempt, wearing tattered jeans, a soiled t-shirt, and dirty tennis shoes?

Would you hire someone who came to an interview dressed like that?

Look, I understand you want to be comfortable and you don't want to ruin a good pair of chinos or your dress shirts, but don't pretend that people aren't judged based on appearance. Maybe you don't really care if other people think you look like the Unabomber, but when you're around me, then you're making me look guilty by association.

To the range, I wear comfortable clothes. However, the range is a public place. I wouldn't wear things to the range that I wouldn't wear to the grocery store or the mall. I don't wear soiled clothes any more than I'd wear a pair of leather chaps and thong underwear that lets my rosy cheeks hang out for all to see.

To bring up an argument I've had with my cousin: "Dressing like a ho doesn't make you a ho. But don't be surprised when people treat you like a ho. You're wearing that to get attention, just understand that the attention you get may not always be the attention you want."

An interesting counterpoint to your rant. I'm in the computer industry and work with some *very* "geeky" people on a daily basis. Computer jockeys who spend 8+ hours a day sitting in front of a computer are frequently not the best examples of personal hygiene or fashion sense.

Something I have noticed, and I do feel bad about bringing it up, is that the "smell" commonly associated with gun shows can also be encountered at computer swap meets in the seattle area. Just an observation.

SHOWER, people!
i dunno...i've always figured that the guy wearing camo and tactical boots with the "vote from the rooftops" shirt must have something in his range bag i'm interested in.
I know the feeling. Back when the Confederate flag issue was on the news everyday here in Columbia, the only ones that made it on the evening news was the "hillbilly looking, knuckle dragging, scruffy bearded, camo wearing, skin head readneck ". They NEVER would put a shot of the business man in an expensive suit on his lunch break carrying a battle flag. And I know that they were there, because I work two blocks from the capitol building.