Range etiquette (AKA Common Sense)

So what did he do that was so unsafe? :confused: You already said he put the firearm down to take his call.

We've graduated from "I was annoyed" to "If he was on the phone and still shooting.." I guess the answer would be "yes" I would be concerned if the guy was ordering a pizza with the phone in one hand while firing his Desert Eagle gangsta style with the other hand.

According to you're account he guy merely stepped away from the firing line in a safe manner (from what you have said) to accept a phone call...big deal. Cut the guy some slack. Looks like it would be more of a problem for him hearing his call than you shooting.
IMO, the bottom line here is the swelling grassroots movement against rude cellphone users in general. Every time you read the news someone is proposing banning cellphone use in retaurants and theaters or while driving. If the guy had backed away from the firing line because he'd had an asthma attack and was hacking up a lung, nobody would have minded.

If the reports from all the guns don't bother you why would someone talking on their cell phone?
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All the folks I shoot WITH wear hearing protection. When I am shooting I can't hear a conversation in a normal tone let alone a cell phone ring. I've not yet heard one with a loud piercing ring that would penetrate my ear gear.

My wife keeps asking me to take the cell phone when I go to the range in case she needs me for something. I always tell her, how the hell can I hear the phone ring dear, with my headset on and all those guns going off.

I'm all for courtesy and consideration in everything. Maybe if I could hear better I'd agree with you more.
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IMO, the bottom line here is the swelling grassroots movement against rude cellphone users in general. Every time you read the news someone is proposing banning cellphone use in retaurants and theaters or while driving. If the guy had backed away from the firing line because he'd had an asthma attack and was hacking up a lung, nobody would have minded.

On that note, I'd like to add to anyone on this forum, that if they support banning cell phone usage anywhere... shame on them, we know the hardships of bans all to well. As far as cell phones go, where does my right for silence start, and your right to communicate on a phone end?

If someone calls me while I'm at the range, I don't take the call not to be polite, but because I can't hear the person with all the gunfire. If I could hear them, you better beleive I'd be talking.

I think shooting next to a guy with an AR15 fitted with a muzzle break is a helluva lot more annoying than a piddly cell phone... ever shoot next to one of those guys?? As long as safety is adhered to, a cell phone causes no harm in my eyes.
w4klr, just curious. Do you routinely talk on your cellphone while driving a car? There are times where talking on a cellphone is very dangerous. My personal opinion is cellphone usage while driving should be banned. To me, this falls into the same category as not using seatbelts should be (and is) illegal. I'm all for not resticting personal liberties, but where do we draw the line? There are probably those out there who think they should have the right to drink a half gallon of Jack Daniels and drive home. I disagree.

As far as my range goes, i can never hear my cellphone going off, and as there is always someone there who is alternating between his .44 magnum and his model 500, i can barely even hear my puny little .357.
Do you routinely talk on your cellphone while driving a car? There are times where talking on a cellphone is very dangerous. My personal opinion is cellphone usage while driving should be banned. To me, this falls into the same category as not using seatbelts should be (and is) illegal. I'm all for not resticting personal liberties, but where do we draw the line? There are probably those out there who think they should have the right to drink a half gallon of Jack Daniels and drive home. I disagree.
Do you also think radios/cd players and passangers should be banned while driving a car as well? All can be even more dangerous then celphones because they take your eyes off the road in addition to your attention. I mean, while we are getting rid of all of the distractions.

Note, last time I checked the top 10 causes of accidents, celphone usage was indeed on the list; at number 6. The radio was high above celphones.
No.....because none of the things you mention takes one of your hands off the steering wheel. Unless your passenger happens to be a pretty girl. :p

Your radio doesn't require you taking your hands off the steering wheel? I'd love to see how you change CDs

And regardless, ****ing with the radio was still a higher risk then Celphones. If we are getting the risks out of the car, why are you worried about the lower risk items?
Do you keep your hand on the radio or focus all your attention on changing a CD for 30 minutes straight? I saw a driver one day in the car ahead of me stay on the same cellphone call during a 30 minute trip across town. She almost rearended the car in front of her three times when interstate traffic came to a sudden stop. This would be one ban I could live with.

Cell phones in vehicles in motion in Washington DC are required to be hands free.

I get a lot more annoyed at the range by the weenies who take other peoples brass. I limit my time using 38 super comp for just this reason. One guy had his mother running around grabing every shell she could get her hands on. I nicely asked for mine out of the bunch she had collected and was greeted with a snarl of "How can you tell?".
A range operator returned the brass and threw the group out.
I saw a driver one day in the car ahead of me stay on the same cellphone call during a 30 minute trip across town. She almost rearended the car in front of her three times when interstate traffic came to a sudden stop.
Stopping generally doesn't require your hands. A hands free wouldn't help here. This is why I see the cell phone banning as stupid. Ignoring how unenforcible it is, it doesn't solve the problem. People still aren't going to pay attention to the road and their driving. Fix the real problem instead, that being that people are bad drivers.
I'll have to agree with you that people, in general, are bad drivers.

U.F.O. (Trying his best to stay off his cellphone while driving.)
As far as cell phones go, where does my right for silence start, and your right to communicate on a phone end?

I know of a few places: Movies, Church, Burials, you know, places like that :D.

What gets me is that when people are yelling into their phones, it can and is very annoying. If they spoke normal, most of the times you can't hear what they are saying. And what really gets me is when the person that you can hear is talking, and they are talking about what they are going to do that night.... IN BED!!!!! :eek: . I don't really what to hear that stuff :barf: .

To me, it's a respect thing. When a person got a phone call (before cells), they would say, "Please excuse me" and then pick up the phone. The guest would politly busy themselves with looking over the books on the shelves while the host or person on the phone would speak in a lower voice. I know, that's really old fashioned(sp).

As for driving and all the distractions, if we really want to get technical then the government is causing the biggest one of all. The speed limit. I don't always have to change a CD, a station, or fiddle with anything but I do need to keep an eye on my speed, it's the law you know. Me personally, I don't change my station on my radio, I have it set on what I wish, I don't change out CD's while driving (actually, this would be really bad... my changer is in the back :eek: but even if it was a single, I wouldn't change out the CD unless I was stopped), I don't eat, drink while driving and I don't use the cell phone, hands free or not. I will look at the incoming number and if I need to take the call, I pull over or call back when I am stopped.

when i am at the range, as long as no one is pointing a gun in an unsafe direction ...

i could give two s*** what they are doing
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w4klr, just curious. Do you routinely talk on your cellphone while driving a car? There are times where talking on a cellphone is very dangerous. My personal opinion is cellphone usage while driving should be banned. To me, this falls into the same category as not using seatbelts should be (and is) illegal. I'm all for not resticting personal liberties, but where do we draw the line? There are probably those out there who think they should have the right to drink a half gallon of Jack Daniels and drive home. I disagree.

I talk on my cell phone from the minute I back out of the garage till when I get to the office, I have one of those cute little earbuds that keep my hands on the wheel

Respect is a courtesy, not a right. And I hardly think talking on cell phones at the range can hardly equate to drinking Jack in the car.
Respect is a courtesy, not a right. And I hardly think talking on cell phones at the range can hardly equate to drinking Jack in the car
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I agree! Respect must also be earned. This may be a little off subject depending whether or not we are discussing courtesy only when it comes to cell phones. I was shooting trap today and the shooter in my squad to my immediate left was using an automatic shotgun, without a shell catcher.

I kept getting hit with hulls. one on the side of my cap. 3 in the shoulder and 3 more below my shoulder. Didn't hurt, just distracting.

He was probably older than me (if that's possible) and a little scruffy in appearance. No way was I going to say anything to him. I've always been a fairly aggressive person, but I've learned there are times when a person should just suck it up, and not get all bent out of shape over cell phone calls or shotgun hulls while shooting with others. If you can't handle the distraction, go out in the middle of no-where and shoot at a tree.

I also don't agree with government regulation of cell phone use in automobiles (I don't care how many people get rear-ended). Or mandatory seat belt and motorcycle helmet laws. I don't want or need a lefty politician taking care of me, and then making phoney excuses for enacting laws that infringe on my rights.

So there!