Range etiquette (AKA Common Sense)


New member
A buddy and I went to the local gun range about 5 minutes from my house. I was really itching to go because its been a long time since I've had a spare afternoon on a weekday. I was on my third magazine when all of the sudden I hear the unmistakable sound of a cell phone ringing. Some guy came in after us and had not yet begun to shoot and aparently neglected to turn off his phone.
I did'nt think much about it because I assumed he would have turned it off after this discovery....I was wrong. Instead of turning his phone off he steps out of his stall to try to carry on a conversation as we were shooting. Of course he had to yell. It was pretty distracting to say the least.
Has anyone else run into any range idiots out there ?
In the range that I go to, there are signs everywhere that say "Cell Phone use Prohibited" If you are talking on the phone you will be asked to leave even inside the showroom let alone the range. Bravo.

The worst are the people with Nextels, man they really irk me.
I wouldn't call the range a 'cell phone free' zone. Calls happen, but he should have stepped outside.

But I've certainly answered my phone while on the range, especially if it's important.
thats why I like the outdoor one I go to..I haven't found a carrier yet that gets signal there!

(chris, I didn't forget about you, I just haven't been up there yet...work is busy...directions soon!)
You just gotta time your shots right..

every time he starts, you start :-)

seriously, i hate cellphone usage lack-o-etiquette in almost all venues.
The range I tend to go to has signs saying no cellphones, but my general opinion is that if you are allowed to talk to the guy standing next to you you should be allowed to talk on the phone. The anti-cell phone people irritate me more then the rude celphone people
I dont get it. You are at the range firing a weapon. WHY do you need to be on the phone? Its called voice mail people. Finish your rounds, go outside and call them back.
But its so fun to answer the phone and say "I cant talk right now, I'm under fire!" (Punctuated by small arms fire in background) :D
Maybe we should ban cell phones.

Seriously though, if you want to talk on your cell from inside the range by all means do so. Don't expect me to stop firing just because you're talking. You do your thing, I'll do mine. I'm sure we have all used a cell phone someplace where someone else thought was inappropraite but we didn't realize it.
I say cut him some slack, at least he's not an "anti".
Blind Tree Frog

I agree.
It is not as though it is a library or movie theater.
There are times when cell phone user piss me off.
Ex. Mom driving with like 3 kids in the back of SUV, turning around yelling at kids, talking on cell phone, and almost side swiping me in the right lane as I pass her going 50 mph in the left.

Other than that though I have no problem with people talking on their cell phone at the range. What is it going to do distract you?

If the reports from all the guns don't bother you why would someone talking on their cell phone?

All that being said I wouldn't have a conversation but yes I would answer it and make sure it wasn't important, I would make it quick and then go back to business
I dont get it. You are at the range firing a weapon. WHY do you need to be on the phone? Its called voice mail people. Finish your rounds, go outside and call them back.

I agree. On most phones you can also see who is calling and if you think it important enough then go outside (or outdoors, a couple of yards).

Not only so those around you don't have to listen to your conversation but as a curtesy(sp) to the person who is calling :).

And, I'm not anti-cell phones, I have one myself, but I don't think that everyone in Wal-Mart or other stores need to know about my private life and they (most) don't wish to know :D.

cells distract you

or rather the conversations do. All studies done on the topic show diminished response time when driving under the influence of a cell phone conversation; hands free device or not. My primary concern about a cell yakker on the range is, does he/she have a gun in his/her other hand :mad:

There's no conversation that important. That's why God invented voice mail.
Yeah my post was based on the shooter putting all guns down and stepping back to take the call.

As far as them being annoying and a distraction like I said I agree. I don't abuse them though like many people do. Especially the freakin idiots that have their Nextels on speaker and you can hear both ends of the conversation from 100 yds away.
I dono but some of yall seem to care to much about what other people do at the range. I honastly would not notice if some was talking on there phone at the range becaus i would be to busy concetrating on my next shot. The only thing i ever pay ataintion to is when people yell out clear, or if someone directs a coment to me.
Bad move, Tokarevman. You should have some idea of which way the other folks' muzzles are pointed, and whether they are likely to stay pointed that way. The fact that you will not be able to predict this perfectly in no way subtracts from the fact that you can increase your chances of dying of old age by being at least somewhat aware of what is going on around you.
When we rely on others to use common sensethats when the trouble starts.

Most will say that it is common sense not to use a cell while driving, but so many still do, especially here in NY where it is illegal.

If it is COMMON sense then why do so few use it.

PS. beware those who talk with their hands when they are holding a gun
Wow! I never thought about this, and I am one of the offenders!

When I am on call, my cell phone must stay with me, and I must answer it. It's not uncommon for this to happen when I am at the range. Obviously, I do not go places where cell phone usage is banned during times I am on call, but I never imagined my phone buzzing or me talking on it would bother someone more than a .308 or a .357magnum. I don't expect anyone to stop shooting so I can talk, and yes, the nurses on the other end do hear the gunfire. I just step back from the line, slip the phone under my muffs and talk.

Is it really that much of a problem?
or rather the conversations do. All studies done on the topic show diminished response time when driving under the influence of a cell phone conversation; hands free device or not. My primary concern about a cell yakker on the range is, does he/she have a gun in his/her other hand
You can get a study to show you pretty much anything you want. I've seen studies that show that cell phones will worsen your reaction time more then drunk driving well.

But like i said, I don't see how it's any different then talking to your buddy next to you. People whine about it being a distraction while driving. Well so is everyone else in the car, the radio, the windows, eating, drinking, etc. If they want to remove all distractions from cars, great, but that law won't last very long at all.

But people talk louder on the cell then they do to the person next to them. Do they really? People keep saying this and I dont' see it. I see people talking louder, people talking softer, and people talking the same. I'd wager it's more of you don't have the other person there to use as a reference, and since you clearly can't mind your own business and are focusing on them, they sound louder.

And then people complain that it's more distracting because you can only hear half of the conversation. Well that is there problem. deal.
The person I was talking about yesterday DID actually leave their weapon in the stall while they stepped out to have a conversation. Had the guy been on his phone without bothering to exercise muzzsle control ,I would have notified range personel at the very least!!
The ONE thing that bothers me more than anti-gun groups or gun-control advocates are fellow firearm owners that make the rest of us look bad/stupid with irresponisble actions around firearms. I feel that gun owners who choose not to exercise basic firearm safety pose more of a threat to the rights of firearm ownership than the special interest groups that want to take those rights away.
Model520Fan, i of corse pay ataintion to people there, i just would not care if someone was talking on there cell phone. You always have to watch out for other people, make shure no one walks on the smaller yard ranges when you shooting at the 100yard or 200yard "thats the problem i run into the most". I in fact look up from my scope often to make shure no one has, also just make shure people with bad habits are not slinging there guns about. But do i pay ataintion to there conversations? No. Also if a cell phone rings i could care less its not gona distract me, i am gona keep doing what i am doing. Cell phones, talking people, or people shooting fast does not bother me. If any of those things bother someone they need to get over themselfs or get better earplugs.