range discussion

Double Impact

New member
Well why do they all come to the range when I'm there?

Any way looking for some online opinions.

Two rather heated discussions came up the the range yesterday, surprisingly it was not cal vs cal this time.

Instead it was about two brands of weapons Sig sauer and of course glock, Which one is the more reliable? this was really fun to listen to I kinda stood clear.

The other was weather IWB or OWB is a better way to carry?
As i said i kinda pretty much just minded my own business and listened while I got practice in and they argued. :D

So what do you all have to say about these two subjects?
I don't participate in these discussions at the range - I'm there to shoot.

And I don't participate here. They've all been done to death.
So what do you all have to say about these two subjects?


I know what works for me, and I know I don't have a clue what works for others. If someone asks what I use, I'll politely tell them. But I ain't gonna argue it's what's best for them. Ain't worth my time.
I hate that type of mess. There's no reason to get into heated arguments at a fun place like the range. That's what the forums are for. Which reminds me, gonna go start a thread on why 1911's are crap.

Which reminds me, gonna go start a thread on why 1911's are crap.

And I'll start the one about Blocks being UGLY:D

Let us drag out the old dead horse, gather around and beat the old carcase again.

The best pistol is the one I own and shoot well (neither a Sig or Block...er...Glock)

The best holster is the one I use...

All of your second rate stuff is...well...second rate.

It is cheap entertainment to listen to these type of debates, generally held by those all-knowing-ones with marginal knowledge at best.
When you consider any of the major makers of pistols, the vast majority are reliable. Certain models may be problematic, and any individual pistol can be a lemon, but arguing about the overall reliability of Glock vs Sig (or Beretta, or HK, or Springfield) is a waste of breath.

As for IWB vs OWB: IWB leaves less of the pistol outside the pants to be concealed by another article of clothing. If OWB works for you and you are in compliance with the laws in your jurisdiction, be my guest, but I prefer IWB. I don't owe you and you don't owe me explanation, justification, or conformance.
My reply, if asked, is "It don't matter; the gun is the least of it."
That generally brings a halt to the proceedings, so everyone can get back to shooting.
solved without harsh words

SIG vs Glock; the one in your hand.

IWB vs OWB; I do both, based on specific circumstance.
In some very unique situations it might matter, but in general it seems to be simply personal preference. I have firearms from multiple manufactures, in various calibers and an assortment of holster all of which I enjoy. I realize some folks focus on one particular brand or style of gun which is perfect fine, but for me I enjoy some variety.
I'm with BarryLee.
I have thirty handguns, from eleven different manufacturers, and none are Sig's or Glocks, so I can't help them there.
I also use IWB and OWB, and have a drawer full of other holsters that all work for me depending on the situation.
So I guess I would have sat back and just listened also.
My guns are prized possessions, perfect in every way, and owning them shows my superior intelligence and excellent taste. Your guns are complete trash, not worth even talking about and no one but an idiot or a fool would even think of being near one.

Now about that football team cap you are wearing ....

I had a fella ask me what I was shooting one time. I said a taurus 24/7.

He looked to his friend and let out a small smirk. I also smirked, considering they couldn't hit a paper target worth a damn at 5 yards, and I was pinging 8 inch steel plates at 20. :cool:
I go to a range to shoot - and mind my own business.

First off - a "heated discussion" and "guns" is a bad mix. Too many "hot heads" can't rein in their tempers.

If it is annoying and there is a RO there - he should be notified if it is disturbing others and they should be asked to either "tone it down" or "leave".

This is no different than going to a movie where two foks want to carry on a conversation or want to talk on their cell phones. It's just plain "bad manners". As far as I'm concerned, if two folks want to argue about things - take it somewhere else. Don't disturb others.
Double Impact said:
So what do you all have to say about these two subjects?

(1) SIG v. Glock: I couldn't care less. I shoot 1911s.

(2) IWB v. OWB: Whatever works for the individual. Neither is "better." Personally, IWB doesn't work with my body shape, so I carry OWB.
Not worth the time !!

My crap is stuff, your stuff is crap. Simple concept.
Until it gets personal, I also do not participate in these "spitting" contests. Some folks actually enjoy, arguing. .... :)

In short;
I never tell a man, what to do with his money or wife !! .... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
From the op:

Two rather heated discussions came up the the range yesterday, surprisingly it was not cal vs cal this time.

Instead it was about two brands of weapons Sig sauer and of course glock, Which one is the more reliable? this was really fun to listen to I kinda stood clear.

The other was weather IWB or OWB is a better way to carry?
As i said i kinda pretty much just minded my own business and listened while I got practice in and they argued.

So what do you all have to say about these two subjects?

Seems that Double Impact found something interesting or insightful in these conversations, maybe just "fun to listen to". He was interested enough that he came and posted it here.

So what do you think Double Impact? What did you find interesting about the range discussion?

I generally try to avoid those sort of conversations, myself.

As a LE firearms instructor, I try to work with whatever an individual is either required to use, or desires to use.

If they've already spent their own money on something, and they've decided to stake their life on it, I work with them to optimize their familiarity with it, as well as their mindset and overall skillset.

Rather than get involved in trying to debate subtle real or perceived nuances between different makes, models or calibers of handguns, it's sometimes more enlightening to simply run the individual through some demanding drills and see how well they can actually use their favored weapon.

I understand that it seems rather abrupt and harsh, but there's some small amount of truth - within proper context - to the old saying that amateurs discuss equipment (guns, calibers & ammunition), while professionals discuss tactics.

Now, whenever someone comes to me asking about different makes/models, I typically try to arrange for them to try examples of each of whatever they're considering, and letting them get a feel for things when trying them in drills and short courses-of-fire. Sometimes I may include something they hadn't considered (or hadn't known to consider), if only to use as a different point of comparison for them.

Ultimately they're the ones who are going to have use it, perhaps under chaotic, difficult and rapidly evolving conditions, so I work to instill ability and justifiable confidence. It's the person, not the equipment.

In one respect you could say it's about potential survival, not a popularity contest.