Range courtesy

I think that its a matter of respect for anothers personal property.
If someone just went and picked up one of my firearms I would definetly have an isssue.:eek:
But on the other hand If someone was polite and asked I may not have a problem sharing.:confused:
And I love getting the younger ones involved as long as Its ok with there parents.:D
And someone shooting down range durring a ceesefire thats just unexeptable and idiodic.:mad:
I have shot more peoples firearms than I can think of... Most of the time it was at a large shoot and a random guy will come shove a mag in my hand and say have a blast with the this. That was how I shot my first FA m16 and others. Not even a hey my name is so and so. Pretty cool if you ask me.
A guy once offered to let me shoot his H&K MK23. He was a really nice guy, it was actually the first pistol I ever shot. I would NEVER ask to fire someone else's gun. I mean, a gun is a sizeable investment. It's like going to a car show and asking a guy you've never met if you can drive his vintage Corvette around the block. Maybe it's just me, but i'd be a little upset.
how you can compare a vintage corvette to a pistol is lost to me.

I'll let anyone shoot my weapons as long as they demonstrate the fundamental safety rules, and that they understand how the firearm works.

I know there's a big difference between the price of the car and the gun. I was trying to relate it to something else.
At all the cars shows i've been to, most of the "vintage corvettes" aren't able to drive around the block.

I like to go to the range and mind my own buisness and put 5 bullets into one hole and silently laugh to myself at the old guys next to me who can't get their high end rifle on paper.

I'm 18 and usually only go to the range on a slow college day so I'm usually by myself and sometimes I'll talk to the RO but I normally just go to the range to shoot, not make friends.

My favorite from last time I was at the range, 2 guys were trying to sight in a new rifle and something must of been way wrong because they couldn't get anything to work, I put up my targets and when the range is hot I fire off the first shot: X. Next shot: X and I notice the RO is glassing my target. Third shot: X. RO to me "Sh*t son you outta just pack up now and save your ammo" :)
Like others I shoot other people's gun quite often if offered. I also allow other to shoot my 1911 or even s&w 500. I put my own reloads in my own gun when I shoot it. I never offer my reloaded ammo in the other people's guns.

Most people take me up on the offer to shoot my 1911. A little less than half decide to shoot the 500. I have some mouse loads, some medium loads, and a hot load for it. Most of the shooters only shoot the light and medium loads.

I only offer my guns to people that appear safe and generally familar with guns.

Sharing is part of the fun I have at the range.
Two weeks ago......

I was just finishing up at the 200yrd benchrest when a elderly man walked up. He asked if I was done for the day. I replied that I was (out of ammo). He then graciously let me fire his AR-10, AR-30 and M14 all in .308. He kept saying, "go ahead, finish off that mag! I ended up talking to him for an hour about rifles and reloading. It definitely made my day.:D:D:D:D
yeah, I have gawkers all the time when I shoot my higher end or unique guns (i.e. surgeon rifle, schutzen rifles, encore and contender big bore pistol setups, etc...) but i always polietely tell them this

" Sure you can shoot my guns when you come back with a 100% cash deposit for the gun." (My surgeon rifle is a little over 5k just for the gun without scope, etc... and some of my schutzen rifles and carbines are over 110 years old and irreplaceable).

Only guy I have let shoot my rifles is a neighbor who I know would replace them if he messed them up and he is an even more safety conscience shooter than I.

One thing to think about is if you let someone shoot your gun and they hurt themself or others they might come after you legally or monetarily for damages in today's sue everybody mentatlity.

Me, it is easier to just give them my cash deposit speech and they walk away.
Yeah I'd let just about any sane person fire a few rounds off from my rifle, just the nature of target shooting. I take the request as a form of compliment.