"Rainbow Six"


I'm on 28.8k. Needless to say, I am quite envious of the LPB's (Low Ping Bastards). However, there are ways around it. The easiest is to be an Engineer and let your sentry do the work. Overall, I don't have too much of a problem with the relatively high ping. Even snipering works good, though all things being equal, I get my butt kicked 3 times out of 4.

The Quake3 engine, IMHO, is the new king of the hill for the near foreseeable future. I had to pick my eyeballs and jaw off the floor when I heard that it could render bezier curves realtime (Holy.. grail, Batman!). And of course, outdoor terrain technology already exists and is working quite well (ie. Starsiege: Tribes). And it's only going to get better! One company, forgot which, is working on a variation of voxel technology to created terrain depth. Put another way, imagine being able to go prone and sneak up on your enemy in dense, tall grass. Mix that with 3D-ish stereo sound (proven by Half-Life), and the realism possible with the likes of Rainbow Six....

And with ADSL and cable, the world of true life-like virtual reality is literally around the corner. What an exciting time to be in the computer world! All that's left are the details. Woohoo!

[This message has been edited by SB (edited August 26, 1999).]
The last game I played over the net was DIABLO... Still one of my favorites. I am waiting for DIABLO II. STAR CRAFT is probably my #1, and the Brood War expansion gets down right brutal... Love that Game! The best this about Blizzard's stuff is the sense of humor you find in it (well - none in diablo). Keep clicking on a unit and you will find some amuzing stuff. Like the nurse offering a Sponge Bath or an alien exclaming that Star Craft was "Not War Craft in space - this is much more sophisticated - do I look like an Orc?" Made me laugh...

In the arcades is a stand up game called WAR. Its a 1st person shooter like Quake... and you can link 4 players... VERY smooth game...

That Haunted Manor game is very cool as well - You pick up the gun and blast monsters till you run out of quarters. According to NBC NEWS it trains you into an OLYMPIC CLASS PISTOL SHOT! :) Cheaper than THUNDER RANCH!

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
hello guys,

Speaking of books, check out "Bravo Two Zero" from Andy McNab, Sgt. SAS. True story about a covert SAS action behind Iraqi lines. Absolutely amazing read. The first chapter is a bit tedious with many details of their preparation before the mission, but other than that it is a page turner. It will blow your minds.
I probably shouldn't admit my addictions, but I also have Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo. Warcraft is still great if you have a lower machine. But Starcraft definitely takes the cake. Very very cool. So is Diablo. Diablo multi-player used to be cool, but not anymore. It's just a total cesspool for hacks, hexes, and ear-hunters. Unless you like getting unfairly killed on a regular basis, stay away. I don't even go there anymore.

Early apologies for running rampant with this sub-thread. :)

[This message has been edited by SB (edited August 27, 1999).]
I'm about halfway through "Rainbow Six" and agree, it's certainly a good book but not as strong as some of Clancy's early stuff. I suppose I may have become a tad bit jaded, too. Always expecting one notch better than the last time - sometimes life ain't like that.

I had been wondering what Clancy was going to do following "Executive Orders", since his main character was in a dead-end position, action/adventure-wise. Turning back to the Clark character was probably the smart move.

For those who passed it over, I really recommend "Red Storm Rising", which I *think* was the one that followed "Red October". It's a book that deserved to be turned into a movie and, if the Eastern Bloc had not crumbled just about then, it may have made it to the screen. Too "Cold War" for current film tastes. Don't be put off by the size of the book, either. It's an engrossing read, grabbing your interest from the first few pages and not letting up. It's possibly Clancy's best work, IMHO.

I gotta grab a copy of that game, sounds like just the thing to break in my new computer. :-)
European Son:

Both "Bravo Two Zero" and "Immediate Action" were great books. Unlike most books written by former special forces operators (Rogue Warrior), McNab is self effacing and generally rather humorous. I particularly liked the part where he's patrol training in the jungle, comes around a corner and is met by a target (paper), and blasts it with several rounds before breaking and running (like he's supposed to). Turns out, he missed with every shot.
Just got a new LOGITEC WINGMAN EXTREME DIGITAL - can't wait to plug it in and try it! - I am thinking first flight will be will a A-10 on a anti tank mission...

The Rainbow 6 game - I am going to have to follow in Rich's footsteps and go buy it... After I get a faster chip... :)

(this isn't worthy of another post -
Tried the WINGMAN EXTREME stick. Thing is so precise and sensitive! And it proves that I need more practice as I discovered that I am a severely hamfisted sim-pilot...)
"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited August 28, 1999).]
Rich: Did you get the 'Gold' edition with the 'R6:Eagle Watch' Mission Pack included? The mission settings for 'Eagle Watch' are quite detailed including the British Houses of Parliament and the Senate Wing of the US Capitol.

By the way, according to Red Storm Entertainment, work on the latest sequel 'Rogue Spear' has just been completed and the CD is being sent off for duplication and packaging. It should be on store shelves in around three to four weeks.

While you wait, you can download the intro movie for 'Rogue Spear' at: ftp://ftp.redstorm.com/pub/rogue/intro.mpg It is a long download (35MB), but it is worth it to see the new movement animations and increased level of graphics detail.