"Rainbow Six"

Paul Revere

New member
A new bestselling novel by Tom Clancy called, "Rainbow Six" is on store shelves now. It highlights an assembled team of black ops guys who work an international anti-terrorist op.

A fairly good explaination of prep and execution of raids. Interesting reading for you folks that see guys in black ninja suits on the horizon.
Rainbox Six came out a little over a year ago. If you're not near a bookstore, or don't like shopping, you can pick a hardback copy up at amazon.com for $19.57, or paperback for $4.25.
This is an interesting book... Clancy is a good writer... Right now I am reading VORTEX by another author... regarding south african conflics... pretty good so far.

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Personally, I think Clancy's research and realism have declined as quickly as his books have come out...I'm about 1/3 of the way thru Rainbow Six.

To wit:
-A Team that chooses the Beretta .45(?) and MP10? Doesn't make a lot of sense in terms of ammunition management.
-Snipers without spotters?
-Snipers waiting for the shoot command and coming out of the gun to relaze the target?

Certainly not up to the standards he set in Hunt for Red October.
Have you guys played the PC video game? Pretty cool, you get to outfit and assign your assault teams, plan their routes and special actions, then lead them in the fight! There are some others that use the same engine or type of play like: Delta ForceI/II, SWAT3, etc.

The AI isn't so hot (like teammates will kill themselves with frag grenades), but the game is pretty good, overall. I'm waiting for PartII: Rogue Spear (no jokes about the name, please).

"Tango Down!"
I was just going to say that Rainbow Six (the computer game) remains one of the hottest titles in this new quasi-realistic 1st-person shooting genre.

What I truely love about this particular title is that it FORCES you to room clear like in real life, unlike the Quakes alternatives that rewards the types who run & gun. According to many I have talked to, Rainbow Six remains the king of the hill in this sub-genre. I am eagerly anticipating Rogue Spear.
George, Rich, all you guys. Beg, buy or borrow a copy of the GAME. Play and evaluate it. Tom got paid big bucks to contribute to the content. I would love to hear your reviews. I suspect you may get distracted for many hours in the process. Once past the reasonably shallow learning curve it is exceptional.
When is comes to games - Star Craft is my favorite - followed closly by any title from JANES COMBAT...

After Clancy's book "Without Remorse" I realized you can't judge a book by it's author.

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
I was a bit disappointed in the book. I've read all of Clancy's books, and whenever he delves it small arms and close combat, he just doesn't seem to get the details right. From the Marine firearms instructor talking about and recommending flechette 12 gauge rounds in "Patriot Games" to the length of time the black team of Light Fighters was left on the ground in Columbia with only their rucksacks for logistics in "Clear and Present Danger" to the inaccuracies in team task organization, weapons and equipment selection and tactics in "Rainbow Six" somehow he just doesn't get it quite right. (although he's still my favorite author).

I really like the game though. A couple of complaints, the IA doesn't let other team members scan 360 degrees for threats when they are static and waiting for a go code or order. There is no provision for a sniper team to overwatch and report intelligence, even with the expansion pack that adds a sniper capability and new weapons including the HK G36.

All in all though they are all minor complaints and I still read all the books and play the game when I get time, it's all great entertainment.
The game may have it's flaws but it's the best one out there untill "navy seals" comes out , which is based on Richard Marcinko. But I've heard that it has been delayed for the us..............in case you can't tell I'm a seal fanatic.


[This message has been edited by frogman6 (edited August 26, 1999).]
I believe that Rogue Spear will have better friendly (covering their own 6) and enemy AI. A sniper(using an HK PSG) is also part of the new features.

Delta Force 2 appears to be just as good from the ads I've seen.

I wish they'd use the Quake3 engine to get the better models, skeletal animations, facial expressions, and large maps.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited August 26, 1999).]
Don't know anything about the Quake 3 engine but do know that the 'models' for the Rainbow Six images were members of HK's Training Staff and a competent and very fit and shapely female SWAT officer from my old team. The work was done over a 3 day period at a computer imaging studio in San Francisco in '97.

The sessions were not easy to do but quite interesting to watch. HK staff did it at the request of their corporate boss, she got a nice bit of side money for it, they all got the game when it was released along with some collectables some of which were not made available to the general public. HK staff were invited to reprise their modeling for the upgrade/new game but this was denied by the higher-ups at British Aerospace.

Also, if you like Larry Bond's VORTEX, then also try his other works: RED PHOENIX, CAULDRON, and THE ENEMY WITHIN. His new one is DAY OF WRATH.

[This message has been edited by SKN (edited August 26, 1999).]
Rich Lucibella wrote: A Team that chooses the Beretta .45(?) and MP10? Doesn't make a lot of sense in terms of ammunition management.

Heh, heh...tell that to a certain Federal law enforcement agency that issues custom 1911 .45s and MP5/10s to its SWAT and HRT. ;)

Admittedly, the 'MP10' nomenclature grated on my nerves as did the choice of a Beretta Cougar 8045. (Alas, poor Clancy is a dyed in the wool Beretta fan.) The load data for Homer Johnston's 7mm Rem Mag is probably too hot for a 175gr bullet, nor does Sierra make a 7mm MatchKing in that weight.

On the game front, R6: Rogue Spear is going to be a massive improvement over the original game. The AI terrorists reportedly seem to think and respond appropriately instead of blindly rushing forward like lemmings or being blithely oblivious to the presence of dead comrades.
About 1:30 this morning I was playing Janes ATF...

Noticed during a bombing run the detailed rendering of both a HUMVEE and a feild artilery peice... very cool. Taking an F-18 doing 600 knots at an altitude of 500 feet loaded with cluster bombs seconds before doing a pop up manuever - game is cool enough already!

(got smoked by a manpads)

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Rainbow Six (the video game) addendum: Forget the single player. The AI is stupid. But you HAVE to try the multiplayer. Just watch out for the lone wolf back-stabbers. :)

Unfortunately, my favorite game is Half-Life (Team Fortress Classic in particular). It is unfortunate because I am hopelessly addicted. If you haven't played it yet, turn back! There is still hope for you!
Tom Clancy is my favorite author, sure he isn't a gun expert but his books are still the most entertaining. I did however really like the gun fight with the secret service agents vs. the terrorists in Executive Orders. I did really like the concept of the eco-freak bad guys, I thought that it was more interesting than your standard motivation for killing everybody in the world badguys. And the plot on how to do it seemed pretty plausible.
Haven't played the game yet, I'm still adicted to StarCraft, (just got the expansion) If any of you play on bnet, my name is gun.freak or DeathAkountant.
SB: I was thinking of the TF2 modeling when I made the comment about the Ranbow Six models. I have a terrible time getting a decent ping on TF Classic. I guess I need a DSL or Cable modem.
Good point about 1911's and MP10's being issued in real life. However, this, I can countenance as we're talking about a Customized and highy tuned 1911...a man can do some real work with that.

Outside of the 1911, I can hardly envision a choice other than a complimentary 10mm to go along with the MP10. (Certainly the Cougar may be trucked along as a suitable boat anchor). However, a writer is not bound by the real world politics of supply decisions...he has the latitude to make all the sense in the world. ;)
Haven't gotten around to reading Rainbow Six yet, although Clancy os one of my favorite authors. I loved Without Remorse (even though Kelly/Clark converted a .45-if memory serves correctly-into a .22??), The Sum of All Fears, Executive Orders, and Debt of Honor. Heck, I like just about anything he writes.

There's also another good book, written by a British guy, about a covert team assassinating Saddam Hussein: Shadow Over Babylon. Pretty good read, anyone read it? The technology in the book is a little out-dated, as it was written in the early 90's but I enjoyed it none-the-less.

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited August 26, 1999).]
Rainbow six the computer game kicks ass and is certainly the most realistic of the first person type games. If any of you want to play a multiplayer game of Rainbow six (or halflife for that matter), e-mail me and we can get together on the net and kill each other :)