Raggin on Certain Deer Hunters

Up here, its not inbreeding, its "line breeding." If its good enough for Pointers its good enough for my neighbors. ;)

BTW-no slight intended Pointers.
Uh the last time I looked it was hard to accidentally discharge a computer into someone or something. Not so with firearms. I personally don't have a problem with new people getting involved with shooting, it's the folks who should know better and either do not know or don't give a s*** if they do. When you see someone unload 4 to 8 firearms out of their rig at the range, you would like to presume a certain level of competency at handling guns around others. Not always the case. YMMV
Futo are you saying I cant mount a spotlight on the top on my 4x4 truck along side my mounted M1A and 20 round mag for night deer hunting? And is it true you need special tags on the 4x4 to hunt deer with. My dmv tags are good for a whole year I figured I could hunt year round?If this is true....Damn I'll have to get an IR light on top and nighvision goggles so I wont blind any deer. This sounds like some krazy kalifornia legislation.heheeh
Tell ya what. Let's meet at the polls AFTER we've voted (and got it all out of our system), then we can go shootin' and have some fun. ;)

Afterwards we'll put up the guns, head fer the BBQ & Shiner Bock, and play, "First liar doesn't stand a chance!" :D :D
The Bozo Factor(It only takes one clown to $#%^&* it up for everyone) is pandemic, folks.

Any range master or instructor can tell you horror stories by the hour about folks that can't load or shoot worth beans. The classic is about the guy that misses a deer at easy range with an 06, so he runs out and buys a 300 Mag.

But there's ways to deal with it. First, set the example and help newbies out. Even if you're ready to spew if one more tyro asks where to put the bullets in,or does 30-30 means 30 miles or 30 days, as in warranty.

Don't know about you, but there's been plenty of mentors along the way helping me learn,and I like to pass along the Karma.

Volunteer to help teach a Hunter Safety Course. Mentor a newbie. Take a kid that's not related to you hunting. When some gun shop commando mouths off with some weird and unsafe BS, politely and frimly correct him. And set the example in the woods, safe and ethical hunting.

Either we're part of the solution,or part of the problem....
You're on, pal. By the way, would you mind weighing in on "Sig Man's" thread titled "Should I Just Take this Bull" over in the Handgun forum. I think they need a moderator's wisdom. My post is the last one on that thread, and I couldn't help being a little harsh. Those guys were coming on a little too much like the Deliveranceville crew we are discussing in this thread.

I figured (or at least was hoping darn hard!) you were being sarcastic. Funny you should mention Deliverance. That was the movie that came readily to mind when I witnessed the yahoos that gave rise to this thread in the first place. Great minds think alike I guess.

Dave McC,
You're a wise man, and my only reaction to your post is Amen.

I don't give a rip what anybody else says--You guys are all right!

Best regards,

[This message has been edited by MLT (edited November 09, 1999).]

Where I live if any of the land owners catch somone say dumping we follow them home, then late at night take their trash back to them plus a little present a 2 year old round bale we leave in the middle of their drive. It usually stops them.
My biggest gripe is the one that dump pets

Ran into a few a couple of years back. Me and a neighbor were talkin by the road the neighbor had just got a nice buck. These two came up in a brand new SUV and asked to look at the Deer then they said "so thats what we have been hunting all day" Thats one of the reasons I don't deer hunt even though I would like to.
My personal favorites are the anchovies that go out at night with a Q-Beam spotlight and and a single barrel H&R 12 ga, in a beat up truck and try to convince the world "hunting" is a good thing. Yeehah you redneck bastards, hope you choke on a piece of backstrap.

No offense to anyone (like myself) who has been called or considers themselves to be a redneck. Maybe I should replace the above mentioned redneck to A**hole.

Seriously I've handled 15 calls this week about jokers fire hunting and it pi**es me off.

Gator (fuming in FL)

Root Hog or Die Poor
Oh Lordy . . . Yup, I've done seen all this. Just remember that "redneck" is a term invented by those idiots who don't know or want to know what they're doing with firearms, to feel superior to the rest of us. Wear it with pride but don't apply it to those dorks.
Where my family hunts (Pike County IL) we're in the middle of a bunch of rented plots but we have a good relationship with one farmer so we're the only ones w/permission most years, don't have to pay--so you can imagine we treat him right!!
Anyway, we almost never stalk anymore--we all hunt from stands within about a quarter-mile square stand of timber. Why? Because that's the most effective way to hunt when there are morons all around you doing nothing but walking brushlines and emptying shotguns at anything that moves. We get in the stands and wait. If nothing uses the trail early, we wait for the sound of three-round bursts as the morons who arrived at 9:00 am blast away. Generally, at least once a day one of these blasting sessions means a nice whitetail will be coming through semi-spooked within 2 minutes. :)

On another note, my grandfather once found a trespasser using the stand he'd built over three days on another property. He asked the guy what he was doing and the dork's answer was to level his shotgun at grandpa and tell him it was HIS stand. Grandpa politely agreed and left! Next day, the guy was gone . . . and grandpa never reported it. Go figure. Some people are missing parts.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Actually, the term,"Redneck" was invented by rich slaveholders to describe those who would not or could not own slaves and had to work their fields themselves.

" In a warm clime no man will labor who can make another labor for him"-T Jefferson....

Call me a redneck, I regard it as an honor...
What're you tawkin' 'bout? Everone round here KNOWS the ONLY gun you use for huntin' deer is chambered fer .338 Lapua Magnum. .30-06 is fer you knock-kneed city folk.

(Personality #12 fades out, to be replaced by #1 :D)

I do not hunt, but I plan to begin when time, finances and marksmanship ( :() allow. I personally would not care to hunt for tropies, only for food, but what I've read here about y'alls horror stories has me seriously rethinking how I will go about it when I do. If and when I take up turkey hunting, I guess I'd better watch my back for Mr. Yuppieboywithagun :(.

I know not of what you speak, MLT. In the gun shops I frequent here in Dallas, no such 'dentally chalenged' ;) induhviduals appear, nor at any ranges I've been to. In fact, as a newbie who has honest questions and at least cares to try to get it right, I've never been the recipient of any condescension. It's just the 'guns-are-a-status-symbol-weekend-warrior'(tm) types who look at a gun and handle it in the SideCantGangstaStyle-action-grip(tm) that get looked at askance by the ones who have all the Gun Karma(tm). Any questions I've had were answered honestly, and with understanding.

However, I too did not have a Gun Daddy (C. 1999 by TFL), whether my real dad or some other mentor. Everything I know has been learned, just like Ozzie, by reading, lurking here, and my own practical experiences at the range. I would like (read that need) someone with actual experience and Gun Karma(tm) to slip some my way, for both me and my wife. (Begplead Mode) Any one on TFL that lives in TX care to adopt a couple of newbies from Dallas? (Begplead on standby)

Please forgive me for weighing in here, if my dorky comments have irritated you. Since I've never been hunting more than once in my life, I don't have any firsthand knowledge of such igmos that the rest of y'all have. Please direct all verbal slaps to my email.
(Deflector screens are up) ;)

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
Greetings Jedi Oomodo,

"Greenhorns" (as you Texans would probably prefer over the Ozzie-ism "newbies") are not the problem, especially those of you who take the learning and safety components as seriously as you so obviously do.

I will probably defer to a Texan for your gunmanship and hunting schooling. (There are a great many willing Texans here on TFL.) I'm too far north (Minnesota) to be of much use, and I had to get one of my bilingual buddies from Texas in here to translate y'all's post.

Best regards from a PRY (proud redneck yankee),

[This message has been edited by MLT (edited November 09, 1999).]
Long thread with lots of twist.

1 True poachers get out of the woods before season because it's too dangerous for them.

2 I have always given any newbie shooter any
help that I could and I have raised a few.

3 Newbie hunters will have to pay some good natured dues but what the heck.

4 The ignorant a*holes that fired from the levee into our skinning rack area two years ago are lucky my hunting partner tackled me.

We all see the herds that come out right before any season. Last second Christmas shoppers etc. Some of them are good people some are not. They are the procrastinators or
the people who are so busy they can't take time to enjoy anything but do everthing.

Take some time with shooters, hunters and anyone else you meet? Time is money but money is not everthing.

Have Guns, will hunt. Will also take FNG's out and impart what knowledge my father gave to me as well. Two guest rooms and good conversation for any new hunter who cares to come.

I live in Western Ny, 30 miles south of Buffalo. I guess that "Pittsburg hunters" and what we call "Buffalo hunters" must be related. We have the same sort of problems here: People walking on to clearly posted land at 4AM opening day 20 yards from our house blasting at sounds in the woods. It's quite comical how quickly they run when they see four well armed, angry landowners walking towards them(think OK corral) not saying much. I found out that a few well chosen words can indeed restore sanity to these few "Buffalo Hunters" very quickly. Sanity and also solitude!

ya, you been down in the cities too long. It has been well established by the rest of the posts that there are slobs everywhere, and that actions speak louder than words (although some of those mouths are pretty loud), so I am addressing your other question.
Actually whether or not you have been down in the cities to long depends on your reaction to Garrison Kieller on NPR. Everybody in MN listens to NPR don't they? Do you laugh at the inhabitants of Lake Wobegon because of their backwardness and simplicity, or do you laugh because these people are a part of you, and every story reminds you of someone you know and activities that you participated in.
I used to live in a small town near Cloquet, and the transformation of the male population at the start of deer season was amazing to me (not being a native) It seemed that everybody had to grow a beard whether they could or not, and they all started to dress like Elmer Fudd (ear flapper hats, plaid hunting coats, and pant legs tucked into their boots). And ya, dey were all goin after dat turdy point buck dat ole so-and-so saw a couple a years back.
To tell you the truth, I would much rather see these traditions carried on than the new wave of p.c. "harvesting" of game animals by the new television techno-gurus of hunting using all of the latest gadgets that never fail to take a record book buck as well as filming at least a dozen others during the course of their hunt at the spectacular "whatever bar.com ranch", oh by the way you can hunt here too, just send your life-savings and we will put you on the list, and for $30 we will send you a best of bloopers videotape guaranteed to sign up at least a dozen new members into the anti-hunting camp. These are the guys who are going to love their sport to death. Most people will forgive, or even cherish the little eccentricities of the people they know, and most people at least in the midwest, do know someone who deer hunts. Yeah most hunters would love a chance to kill a book buck, but to see these guys do it every weekend and talk about harvesting a managed herd makes my wife, a farm girl, about puke, "What the hell are they talking about harvesting, they aren't harvesting anything, they are killing an animal, and if it is done on a "managed" herd, then it isn't even hunting, they might as well be shooting a Hereford." She would much rather see me and my buds dissappear into the breaks of the Niobrara for a week on the chance that we will get something, and come back looking like we been rode hard and put up wet rather than pay to shoot fish in a barrel or a cow in a pen, and there are a great many people like her all across the country. These high rollin hunters will price the average redneck out of the sport, and then we won't need our guns for hunting, and since "legitimate sporting purposes" are one of the few uses some of the antis will concede, we won't need them at all.
sorry for the random rant
Whenever my woman and I wish to comment to one another about someone who has utter disregard for their own God given brain, who happens to be in our presence, we whistle the theme to "Dueling Banjos". Just the first 16 or so notes. Its like saying, "Honey, this guys not playing with a full deck...In fact, I think he's playing poker w/UNO cards." ;)

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
You're talking to a guy who grew up in Deerwood, Minnesota, whose hunted for 30 years with people of similar ilk, and not one of us is rich or even close to being a yuppie. Speaking solely for myself, I'm a friggen redneck hick by Minneapolis standards. Have I really sounded yuppified, as your post implies? Sheeese!

My standards are none too high EXCEPT for safety rules and base-line etiquette, which are drilled into kids from Cloquet, Deerwood, Esko, etc. etc. under penalty of having our asses whipped and kicked by our Grandfathers, Dads, big brothers, etc. if we disregard them. No, my big problem is with the people who either transform into total idiots during the hunting season (no, not the beards, but the attitudes) or are total idiots all year long. I've seen rich ones and I've seen poor ones and everything in between. They live on farms, in small towns and in the big cities. They all have one thing in common -- in hunting contexts, they totally suck and give good hunters a bad name. If you are a landowner, tell them they aren't welcome on your land. If you own a gun shop, don't sell guns or ammo to them. If you just happen to know them, give them a piece of your mind the first opportunity you can (when they don't have their guns on them). Hunting is a time-honored tradition to be experienced and enjoyed by everybody that observes its time-honored rules. Those others should exercise their rights to be assh*les at home.

Ever Humble,
Boy I surely opened a can worms with the "redneck" comment. Actually from what I've seen most of the people around do the term Justice. As said the people to whom we are referring already have a name: "A**holes"

Getting redder everyday!
