Raffle Choice: 1911 or 586

Local gun rights group is holding a raffle. Winner gets to choose between a new Remington R1 1911 in .45 ACP or a new S&W 586 in .357. Myself, I already have both a 1911 and an older 586 so I am not sure which I would pick if I were to win. Probably lean towards the 586, internal lock and all, but I could be swayed. Which direction would forum members go?

I would be fine either way (free gun!!!!), but would probably go with the S&W.
To close the loop the drawing was held this past week and as expected I did not win. The winner ended up choosing the 586.
Not a problem for me as I could not win if I had all the tickets sold plus a few they didn't sell....never won a door prize, raffle or other give away. I just feel the money is a donation to a worthy cause. But if you win......586....
Sorry you didn't win.

I've never won a firearm or raffle either. Got a winner who sometimes cooks my dinner and likes to be around me- but that is something else.;)

I am more of a semi-auto guy, but darned that would have been a hard choice.

Of THOSE two, I'd probably have gone with a 586.

I have an equal number of 1911s in .45acp as I do revolvers in .357mag, so it would be a tough call.

Sorry you didn't really have to decide, but glad you have the right attitude: a good cause.
If I was going to keep it, the 586, but if it was to sell, the 1911. I don't understand the appeal of them, but money is money.
Sorry you didn't win. It would have been a tough choice. I probably would have chose the S&W.

I won a sweet rifle last year with the 3rd gun raffle ticket in as many years that I ever purchased. That rifle reinvigorated my interest in firearms, led me to this forum, and it's been a slippery slope ever since.
S&W for sure. Remington had a hand in putting Para out of business when the freedom group purchased them.