Rachel Ray: Terrorist Sympathizer?!

Item #1.
She ain't smart enough to tie it right:o

Item #2.
Heck I wore one a while back (tied properly).
For further questions see handle!
Teifmen1948 - WHY did Urban Outfitters describe the scarf as an "Anti-War Scarf" if it had, as you suggest, no conceivable symbolic meaning?


Most people I know dont care about the politics that may or may not be attached to them, they just see a cool looking versital scarf.
A nice red scarf or bandanna is cool-looking and versatile too, but if someone wears it on November 7 in downtown Moscow, they'll be seen as a communist whether they care about politics or not, and if they're too stupid or clueless to understand why, it's not the fault of everyone else.

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look like a scarf with a pattern on it to me. Heck, even the Navy issued me a scarf as a uniform item (it was plain white though). Big whoop.
Somewhere out the is a picture of Malkin with a scarf on.

She's an outrage merchant, it's how she makes her money. Malkin will never have a shortage of buyers or of wares.

Pretty much every time someone tells you something is outrageous, closer inspection will reveal something boringly mundane.
what is with the comments about a red scarf being worn in the red square on november 7th???? i fail to connect the dots here:confused:
Working in a retail environment, I'm often amazed at how people behave ie.
I have strangers frequently approach me and ask 'Will my father like this book - should I buy it?' I don't know their father from Adam's housecat.:rolleyes:

I sell a lot of Rachel Ray books... I have customers who are 'offended' by certain art books on display in the 'art book section.' I have customers who are 'offended' that we no longer have a certain Ron Paul book in stock...or that a certain other political book is now on display...as if there's some diabolical conspiracy. Trust me the reason the Huckabee book is not on display now - is because it's not selling well. It's not a conspiracy.

I'm not surprised Rachel Ray's scarf is offending people. I just wish I had the time and lack of responsibilities...to be able to begin the process of focusing more deeply on the meaning of Rachel Ray's scarf. I sell a lot of Get Rich Quick books, Magic Diet books , Romance books, and Televangelist books...and I am convinced P.T.Barnum was right.

Rachel Ray's scarf? Sheeeesh...and Dunkin Doughnuts caved-in? I guess we can't expect to see Rachel Ray wearing a C.S.A. flag motiff scarf anytime soon in a Doughnut ad.:rolleyes: Oh well, just a thought...
Teif - can you explain why Urban Outfitters would describe it as an "Anti-War" scarf? What would motivate them to use that label? If you can sort that out, perhaps you might begin to see the point.

Predator86 can't connect the dots between a red scarf, November 7, and Moscow, so I guess it's not surprising that others are having difficulty connecting the dots between a black-and-white scarf, "Palestine," and bloodthirsty terrorism.

Predator - November 7 is the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution - the Октябрьская революция - which overthrew the Tzarist monarchy in Russia and marked the beginning of the Soviet Union, the evil empire to which untold millions of innocents lost their lives and which took decades to defeat.


The acronym on their scarves, in English letters, is "KPRF" - for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Red, as any grammar school student should know, is a color that has been symbolic of communism for nearly 100 years.
The acronym on their scarves, in English letters, is "KPRF" - for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Red, as any grammar school student should know, is a color that has been symbolic of communism for nearly 100 years.

phew! good thing I live in a blue state.
Dunkin' Donuts aim in advertising is to reach as many people as possible as many times as possible with a positive, memorable message that induces them to buy their product.

A negative, offensive, memorable message - which is what that scarf represented to many people across the country, especially coming on the heels of the Urban Outfitters "Anti-War Scarf" controversy - defeats the purpose of their advertising regardless of their intent.

And obviously DD recognized this fact when they pulled the ad.


"It's just a falg. People like it, let it go."