Rachel Ray: Terrorist Sympathizer?!


New member
C'mon Michelle... that's a stretch even for you. Rachel Ray's interest in the Middle East extends to how to make a felafel in less than thirty minutes and that's about it.

My take:
There used to be this really cheesy B movie called "Night of the Lepus", which featured an attack of overgrown.... fluffy bunny rabbits. And it was hilarious because try as you might, you just couldn't work up any fear of something so cute.
And that's what Rachel Ray is: a big (well, bigger some days than others) cute fluffy bunny rabbit.

So Michelle,
Pipe down those yammering voices in your head and focus for a sec: You two should kiss and make up. I'll buy you a donut if you do :)
Oh, sure, make fun.

I suppose you think that the pita bread and figs you see in the grocery store is just innocent food, rather than a clear signal that all of our major grocery chains are liberal, Obama-loving, gun-hating, terror-supporters who are part of the conspiracy (well documented on these forums) whose aim is put UN troops in blue helmets in charge of all checkout counters at these stores.

"Zat will be 150 of your American dollars. Please swipe ze card of credit. And surrender your gun to me!"
That three day old pastry she is holding could be as hard as a rock... like one thrown by terrorists!

Look out for the Molotov Latte.
This is just one of the many reasons why Malkin can not be taken seriously. One has to be pretty tweaked in the head to come up with this stuff. She must have had one too many low fat lattes. I am starting to wonder about the sanity of the right wing bloggers. Maybe all the stress in trying to come up with all the lame excuses for Bush Administration incompetence has lead to a rare form of mental illness were they see terrorist imagery in just about everything. I guess it would be similar to people seeing an image of Jesus on buttered toast.
I dont think they make shemaghs in paisley prints.....

even if she wore the real thing....are the allied and US Troops that wear them terrorist sympathizers?
Sorry Michelle is mistaken, it is most defiantly not a keffiyeh. Even if it was who the hell cares. Well besides Michelle.
Silly to be offended by fashion. I believe that a goal of terrorism is to instill fear and disrupt the normal way of life. In that, they have succeeded.
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Try walking down Beach Street in Inglewood with a blue bandanna hanging out of your left pocket, and then tell me how much of this is "yammering." Make sure your life & health insurance is paid up first, though. And if you're lucky the cops will be the first ones to notice you.

This Dunkin' Donuts ad came right on the heels of Urban Outfitters being shamed into withdrawing a Yasser Arafat keffiyeh which they dubbed a "Peace Scarf."

Even Urban Outfitters was dimly aware of the political import of wearing a black and white keffiyeh in America, otherwise they wouldn't have called it a "Peace Scarf," so why doesn't anyone here seem to be aware of it?

Of course, as far as most Palestinians seem to be concerned, and the actions they've taken, this is the kind of "peace" they're seeking:


But unfortunately there's still useful idiots like Rachel Corrie and other Jews like her who want to guarantee the ability of Palestinians to keep attacking and killing innocents, keep smuggling weapons, keep raining rockets down on Israelis every single day, keep fighting until they reach their goal of killing or driving out every last Jew from every last square inch of land from the Mediterranean to the Jordan river.

It doesn't matter whether displaying this kind of political message was intentional or not on the part of Rachel Ray. But even if she was completely clueless as to the political message she was sending, it doesn't mean that there was no message there.

The same goes for a clueless blonde fashionista in a Piero Tucci jacket wearing a pretty red scarf in Red Square on November 7 - she shouldn't be shocked if someone thinks she's a communist.


Of course in this case, she doesn't even need to be in Red Square on November 7 for us to think that.
mvpel - Does the first photo in your post have anything to do with what you wrote, or are you just posting some random picture?
mvpel - Does the first photo in your post have anything to do with what you wrote, or are you just posting some random picture?

I'm wondering the same thing?

And also, what does a poor girl who was run over by a bulldozer have to do with dounuts?
Charles Johnson notes, and many readers have e-mailed about, Dunkin Donuts’ spokeswoman Rachel Ray’s clueless sporting of a jihadi chic keffiyeh in a recent DD ad campaign.

This is the dumbest damn thing I've heard in quite some time....

Malkin is a joke.
Can't Wear Red , Blue or Raders clothing! Gang Related. My kid was sent home to change one day because he had a T shirt with two joker faces on it! Gange Related. Why not a Scarf?????? Do we get a approved list of clothing we can wear???:D:D:D UNIFORM?
I'll just say that in the DMV (DC, MD & VA) the keffiyeh is quite popular and has been for a long time now. They have been sold by Adams Morgan street vendors and GT boutiques for years. So much so that Urban Outfitters began selling them (as stated in an earlier post) but had to pull them due to PC thugary. I wear one in the winter and everytime I mention someone from my family is going over seas I get orders for them left and right. Most people I know dont care about the politics that may or may not be attached to them, they just see a cool looking versital scarf.
teifmen1948 said:
Most people I know dont care about the politics that may or may not be attached to them, they just see a cool looking versital scarf.

Wait. Wait. You mean sometimes a piece of clothing is just *clothing*? :eek:;)

To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

*Looking at mvpel* :p
Shemaghs are sometimes worn by US Soldiers overseas. They are also worn by many non-Muslims in Islamic nations. It is a very USEFUL article of clothing. It's used to keep warm, keep the sun off of a person's face and head, and to protect against dust and insects.

Plus, they kinda look cool.

Much ado about nothing I think.

Wikipedia has a good article on the Keffiyah (also known as Shemagh). It points out that Rachel Ray is actually wearing a PAISLEY scarf which only superficially resembles a shemagh.