quite the shootist

Pretty impressive, smooth and fast.

What kind of bears are those? I didn't know they any had that sort of saddle coloration.
I've seen in another of his videos that he has a setup like golfers have, where they drive their ball into a screen and it shows the flight of the ball. In his case, he has boars running across the screen and, when he shoots, the scene stops and shows where the bullet struck. He also says that his father taught him how to swing from the hips and not the shoulders, like a shotgun shooter. Really interesting to watch. I'll try to find it and post it.
Wow, he knows how to cycle a bolt for sure. Hes amazingly fast and accurate at the same time. Only caught a glimpse of what he was shooting. A 7mm? x64? Custom
I watched a guy in Germany, military, shoot skeet and trap with a pump shotgun, never missed. But now hear this, on doubles he cycled the pump with his left hand and caught and put into a pouch on his belt the fire shell. If you weren't watching you'd swear he was using a semi auto.
He shoots 300 Win Mag and a 7X64. Both are custom guns and I believe both have muzzle brakes. The Merkel Helix has a straight pull-back bolt, but I have seen him operate a standard bolt action just as fast. Amazing shooter.
when money is no object, you can practice all you want any time you want and you can buy any rifle you want and customize it exactly as you want it. That in itself leads to this kind of skill, but geez, it's still jaw-dropping amazing shooting!
He ain't that good...lol! If he was that good the boars would have been barbequed on the spot and there would be a set up for a pig pickin!

Just kidding. That is some good shooting.