What is the most cost effective, dependable and 'good' double action .44 magnum?
A used Smith and Wesson Model 329PD.
New they sell for big bucks.
Used (1 or 2 times) they should be hitting the shelves pretty soon now at some very reasonable prices.
The only "wild card" here is the current selection of .44spl. ammunition.
Back when the *Dirty Harry* craze was sweeping up all the Model 29 Smiths, .44spl ammo wasn't all that common and was pretty expensive.
Today, if the magnum is too much, there is some good and affordable special ammunition available.
A lot of people bought the .44, shot the .44,,, and dumped it because it was too much for them. Many of them only had a few rounds fired through them. They were essentialy new guns, but discounted deeply because the new ones weren't selling all that great anymore.
The 329PD should be just about ready now to fall into that catagory,,,or at least that's what I'm counting on. My search for a used one is going to commence in earnest somewhere around tax time, when I'm hoping some poor shlep will need a few bucks to pay their taxes, and thier "too much to handle" gun makes for the perfect item to sell to raise the loot.