Quick access handgun at the front door?

Carry safely and concealed . It's how you play the game of baseball , if the ball it hit to me what do I do with it. Be prepared and at the same time not everyone's a mad man .
Personal mantra "any gun that's not on you is not yours."

I'd wear it. Put on a hawaiian shirt when you step outside to get the milk and paper in the morning.


Get 3 of the same model pistol to stash where you see fit and carry a loaded magazine with you. Not the optimal solution for a lot of reasons, but if you lose control / sight of 2 of the 3 locations, you won't have to worry about a loaded gun ending up in the wrong hands.
Pocket carry works for me around the home. My dedicated HD gun is in my quick access safe mounted to my bed frame.
they make special holsters that you can attach under a table, one under your PC

one under the dining room table
Perhaps carrying at home to some people is/seems contradictory of "my sanctuary" feel. I would ask your wife for a possible compromise: Carry unloaded or unchambered. Now this will mean that if she were to have to draw due to a unfortunate circumstance she would have to load ( when I say unloaded it means carrying the magazine separate on your person or have several strategically placed around the house) or at the very least rack the slide to get one in the chamber before she can defend herself. With a little training I found that keeping it on my but no round in the chamber, I can engage a target rather quickly.
I carry all day every day. Even when I carry I am likely to have a weapon on the table next to the recliner. Pocket carry is perfect for around the house. Most of the time to bride forgets I have one in my pocket. This is the same bride that told me just a short 47 years ago I could not have a gun in the house. She finally put her foot down after the third gun safe. I am not allowed to bring another safe into the house. What I am trying to say is they get use to it. For the majority of women they fear the unknown and the world of guns and self defense is unknown to them. Start slow, don't argue, let the idea simmer.
Why would you want them near the door?

If there is an issue at a door you would have to move towards the threat in order to access your defense
In other words, you are behind the curve and playing catch up

Why not place them at the places you spend the most time?
Why not place them at a defendable location?
Why not place them at a central location?
how do you expect to maintain security over weapons hid out near every door? What about when you are not in the room or when you go to sleep at night.

weapons staged around the house can easily arm an intruder to a greater degree than when they entered. If you want to give a guy with a crow bar a 38 special from behind a curtain, a glock in a cookie jar or whatever, you can but I wont.

Any weapon that is "out" in the house will be under my control at all times. When I say control, I mean that I am in the same room with it close at hand.
Wear a pistol on you. It is cheap. It is safe from kids and curious visitors. And it is faster to access than the latest gee-whiz technological marvel you can imagine.
Not to mention you only need 1, not 3. Plus you should be checking the door before you open it. Not opening the door buys a lot of time to get to a gun.
...Plus you should be checking the door before you open it. ...
In addition to a few guns around the house, I’m thinking of adding a 2000 Watt vaporizing laser just outside the front door,, an LRAD reaching out to the street, a Cobra drop over the front porch, and moving Stinky (dad’s pet skunk) cubby:home to the sidewalk near the door.
All in time for the church social next month. :).
I understand the frustration with Internet purity tests where online communities try to outdo each other in their displays of commitment to that lifestyle; but this isn’t that.

Carrying a gun on you is low-effort. It has maximum safety for the household since it is always under your direct supervision and access time is immediate no matter where you are when something happens. It is a good, solid strategy that is cheap to implement.
My comment was referring to the parents who have no idea how clever little boys can be when searching through drawers etc. Even five year-old boys are underestimated by so many people.

The boy next door showed me his father's revolver when we were both about * eight years old. In 1963 or so.

The father was a MS state Congressman who didn't realize that his son knew about the gun. We lived near Milsaps College in Jackson MS.
pwc wrote: 100% of home invasions occur at home. Carry.

I utilize layered security. If I have to answer my door then they got through my enclosed porch. The conversation won't be nice. I know when my friends are coming; they tell me so. If someone bangs on my security door and my front door is open I talk to them through my security screen. I can see out but they can't see very well within. I don't have to carry in the house, I just need to be able to quickly arm up in the event of unannounced "guests". Arm up for me is a matter of a few (less than 10) seconds and I have home court advantage.