Questions on "youth" rifles

Toddlers is almost exactly what they're made for. Young'uns with short arms.
Your budget will determine what rifle, but I'd suggest a mag fed bolt action like a Savage Mk II. Said mags do not have to be filled right up.
And 58" is a bit below average height for a 10 year old. Depends on who you ask though. Doesn't matter anyway. His LOP is what matters.
Have him hold a yard stick like he's going to shoot it. Where his trigger finger is on the stick is his LOP.
"...wood stocks don't have inserts..." Just costs more.
"...can't cock either of them..." Heavy springs can do that.
"...outgrow them in a year or two..." Sometimes a lot faster.
Thanks for the advice everyone. Much appreciated.

I saw that my local range has a monthly rifle event, where $25+ammo lets you shoot a bunch of different rifles including most of the ones mentioned here so far. I'll get to see which ones I like for myself, and how large or small the youth models are.

I'll try the yard stick trick! So long as he treats it like it's loaded and always points in a safe direction :)
I'll pitch my vote towards the CZ Scout. The 455 can be re-stocked AND re-barreled as the young'un grows.
Just a thought ???

See how this sounds and if it fits. Don't measure it too hard as this thought came to me, recently. ....... :rolleyes:

There are a bunch of orphaned 10/22 Carbine stocks available that can be bought, rather cheaply. Why not pick up one of these and just shorten the stock to fit. The barrel and action should be ight enough to handle and later, when he gets bigger you can reinstall the original stock. ..... :confused:

Be Safe !!!
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When I wanted to teach my daughter rifle technique, I dug out the 10/22, found a take-off stock online for $40, sawed about 1.5" off the back of it, and we were in business. Yes, it would have been better with my single-shot Marlin, but whacking the length of that stock was out of the question.