Questioning my reaction to incident

OODA Loop. Look it up, practice and apply. Your response time will quicken.

BTW, don't knock yourself. You weren't raised in a combat zone.
I hope no one jumps on me for interjecting my thought.. Always a day late... If you look at your list of events, they were focused on what they were doing (you: not in danger) then you say they realized you were there(you: possible danger) you gas and go. Sounds to me like you didn't jump the gun and make a decision before a decision had to be made. Sounds like you made an instantaneous decision ... when it was decision time that is. JMO and I know they are like backsides, abundant and odorous...
What is it that pilots say? "Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing"?

Your wife still has a husband, your kids still have a father.

By the same token, there are mothers that still have their children because you used your finger to dial instead of shoot. Just because you have a pistol doesn't mean you have to use it.

People have left tons of good input that I, for one, really appreciate reading.
You did fine. I am a Deputy Constable with years as a LEO.
You had no reason to get further involved.
They didn't shoot at you and you did what you could.
You are under no obligation to go to the aid of property of another person.
You are going through what most people do when they've gone through a traumatic situation, you're rehashing what you did as opposed to what you might have done. We all do it all the time. I do it all the time. Next time, maybe similar situation, you'll do the best you can, just like this time.
Second-guessing yourself will guarantee you 'freeze up' the next time, while you try and pre-analyze your desired response ahead of the self-created outcome to the half-real, half-what-if situation.
you did good

but I think reaching foe the cellphone first was a mistake(as the first post mentioned as well as one other I think). Phone get people killed(I mean when driving, not in your situation). You didn't freeze but dealing with the phone did burn possible precious seconds.

Have a good & safe Holiday Season
Don't Second guess yourself on this one, expecially since you didn't have a weapon on you at the time. you did the right thing by calling the police, and reporting the incident and what they were wearing. In a situation like that, getting out of the immediate area is always the best course. even if you had had a weapon, you didn't know for sure what was going on, you could have blundered right into a gang fight, or something like that. I think you did extremely well, expecially considering the amount of detail you was able to memorize in such a short time. Just because we carry weapons, doesn't mean we have to intervene in every situation we come across.