Question for military who have purchased under the Glock Blue Label Program

Originally Posted by dogtown tom
Any customer I get that complains about LE/fire/active military discounts gets fired.........haven't fired anyone yet.
Wow, you must run quite a business if you can fire customers! I've never been in a store of that magnitude.
You missed the part where I said I've yet to fire a customer for complaining about discounts to LE/fire/ one has been that petty.

Any business can "fire" a customer. Whether it be for rudeness, attempting to circumvent Federal law or asshattery, any business owner can choose who he will do business with. The size of the store (or "magnitude" whatever that means) has nothing to do with it. Anyone who is petty enough to whine about a LE/fire/active military/teacher discount isn't someone I care to do business with.

I apologize for the wad in YOUR panties. I couldn't care less what you think of me.
Apparently you do or you wouldn't post such a butthurt reply.;)

I posted in a polite fashion, and you retorted form your high-horse.
Nonsense posted "in a polite fashion" is still nonsense.

"It might open a can of worms here..." doesn't exempt you from disagreement by other forum members.

I still say their jobs would be absolutely worthless if not for the COMMON people that they "protect".
Ummm...........that's like saying teachers wouldn't be needed if common people were smarter and better educated or that doctors wouldn't be needed if people didn't get sick.

I guarantee you the folks who were disarmed in New Orleans after Katrina would have been proud to do without their "protection".
Sure, and for every Katrina there are thousands of police officers doing the right thing every day. Your attempt to denigrate police officers based on the actions of a few is complete and utter fail. You should be ashamed.

I suppose I should have stated more clearly....I have seen firearms (Glock, Sig, you name it), tagged "LEO/military only"....they were not for sale to the public, at any price. THAT is more specifically what I find offensive than the actual discount.
What is funny is you don't have the slightest clue what manufacturers require of dealers for programs such as the Glock First Responder program.

I have customers that are LEO, some that are military, some that are fire/rescue....I treat all customers alike. If I favor any, it's those that are less fortunate than others. Kind of hypocritical to me to give a discount to a cop who lives in a 2500-sq ft house, and charge full price of someone living in a run-down mobile home.
What type of business?
Nearly every retail business offers discounts of some sort. Whether it be coupons, rebates, occupational, gender or age based....offering a discount to entice people to buy your product or shop at your store is a practice that is as old as capitalism itself. While YOU may not offer a discount, others are free to do so and there isn't anything immoral, illegal or unethical in that practice.
I have seen more LEO lives at risk of heart disease from being overweight than at risk form chasing bad guys. I still say their jobs would be absolutely worthless if not for the COMMON people that they "protect". I guarantee you the folks who were disarmed in New Orleans after Katrina would have been proud to do without.

It's fairly clear from this part of your post that it's not really the discount that bothers you, you just don't like police.