Question for Hillary Supporters

However, it might make for an interesting topic in the general election in that it calls into question Hillary's judgment.

Agreed. Here is one recent article on the subject.

From the article:
The Clintons have charged that Obama, a charismatic lawmaker from Illinois, lacks the experience to handle an international crisis as president.

But since Clinton, a two-term senator from New York, won primary elections in Ohio and Texas, she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have touted Obama as a possible running mate.

So, question to Hillary. Is Obama qualified to be
Chris Rock

Yeah, Hillary might tap him for VP. She has been on a lot of comedy shows lately.:D

I should have watched the video first. I know it's old, but I didn't know you could say what he said. I don't want to repeat it...someone might be at my door.
Personally, I don't think either are qualified. Hillary has 8 years experience in the white house 1st lady! Let's see...someone else has 8 years experience there too. Oh yea...the cook

I wonder what the response from the Democrats would be if the Republicans were running Barbara Bush for President. She is obviously as qualified as Hillary Clinton by virtue of her time in the White House.
Heck, you could run Monica Lewinsky as VP. She has more time in the Oval Office, with a President, than either Hillary or Obama.
When I see someone complaining about anyone's lack of experience to be president, I can ask where have you been for the last 8 years. Our country runs fairly well even if we put a trained chimp in the oval office.
Our country runs fairly well even if we put a trained chimp in the oval office.

As an ex-Bush supporter, I want to protest that as an unfair comparison. A trained chimp would have been too smart to start a useless war and to plunge us into record deficit spending. Now maybe a chimp would have started a small war with some banana republic in South America, but just small.:D
Here is a good take on the question.

And on "Meet the Press" Sunday, a testy Tim Russert took Hillary backer Ed Rendell to task for the obvious contradiction:

RUSSERT: Do you think that Barack Obama would be acceptable as vice president?

RENDELL: Acceptable? I think it would be a dream to Democrats all over this country. Personally, for me, it would be a great ticket. I mean, I'm going to fight hard for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, whoever the candidate is. But put them together and I think it would give America a rare opportunity to experience something just incredibly wonderful.

RUSSERT: So, if you believe he's acceptable as vice president, one heartbeat away from the presidency, you believe that Barack Obama is qualified to be commander in chief.

RENDELL: I think he's qualified. I don't think he's as good a potential commander in chief right now as Hillary Clinton is. But I certainly think he's qualified. And I will work my heart out for him if he's our nominee.

RUSSERT: That seems to be in conflict with some things that you have said and what Hillary Clinton has said. On Wednesday you sent out a statement from the Clinton campaign that says, "We want a president who's ready, not one we hope will one day be ready," suggesting Barack Obama is not ready. Hillary Clinton said this on Monday.

RUSSERT: So, Governor Rendell, if Barack Obama's qualified to be vice president, he has crossed the commander in chief threshold. Correct?

RENDELL: Well, I, I think he's ready. He's not nearly as ready as Hillary Clinton is, there's no question about that. But, look, make no mistake about it, he's a talented, dynamic politician and, and a, and a good senator, and I think he would make a fine president. Again, is he as experienced and as ready as Hillary Clinton? Nobody is. Tim, I've been talking to Democratic candidates since 1980, and Hillary Clinton is the best-prepared candidate I've ever talked to. Far better prepared than Bill Clinton was in 1992.

RUSSERT: But if, in fact, there's a possibility Obama may be the Democratic nominee, would it be better, in the interest of the Democratic Party, that the Clintons not suggest that he hasn't passed the threshold to be commander in chief?

RENDELL: Well, sure. Look, there, there's rhetoric in a campaign on all, on all sides, and I, I think the, the issue should be framed as ready compared to Hillary Clinton. And, and that's the way I would frame the issue going forward. To me, there's no contest. I don't think--it's not Barack Obama's fault. I think almost any of the other candidates would have fallen into the same category, ready but not as ready as Hillary Clinton.

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