Question for Hillary Supporters


New member
Hillary has said many times that she is ready "from day one" to be President. She has also indicated that Obama does not have the necessary experience. Now it appears Hillary is open to the idea of Obama as her VP. Since the VP is a heart beat away from the President, how would Obama be qualified (by Hillary's standards) to be VP from day one?
I wasn't aware we had any of those.

From what I have read on other threads, I think there are some Hillary it small numbers. I won't bash either. I just think that it is a legitimate question Hillary will probably have to address.
I would like to know her qualifications; Obama has no experience to speak of, but what is her experience. I dont believe that being the "First Lady" qualifies you to be President.
And Hillary does have great experience???

In this race I see two people with very little experience and one with too much of the wrong kind.

Hillary and Obama are new comers to the game no matter what they want to say and McCain is a fat-cat, pork barrel politician with his hand in a lot of pockets and who has shown a willingness to sacrafice his character for power.

I think a lot of people are just tired of old, out of touch, rich white guys making bad decisions based on greed and power and have decided they would like to see younger, possibly more relevant, rich people make bad decisions for different reason. :)

It is getting to the point where the "devil you don't know" couldn't possibly be any worse than the one we do.
In fact, I'll go a step further and state that none of the candidates have sufficient standing to run on "experience". And even if they did, this is a bad year to claim it.
Don't mean to derail the thread. Please continue.. :)
I believe Hillary is trolling the Obama VP idea for two reasons:

First is political strategy; relagating Obama to 2nd place diminishes him in the minds of supporters.

Secondly, it encourages feedback on the popularity and viability of the ticket.

Personally, (if Hillary is nominee) I don't think she'll choose Obama. While some Democrats will swoon over the ticket, they are a distinct minority. The extreme liberalism of the combo will play badly on the national stage when they go up against McCain (and possibly Huckabee).
I believe Hillary is trolling the Obama VP idea for two reasons:

First is political strategy; relagating Obama to 2nd place diminishes him in the minds of supporters.

Secondly, it encourages feedback on the popularity and viability of the ticket.
It's also a smart move. Hillary comes off looking like a uniter of the party, puts Obama at risk for being the one whose "stubborness" leads to a convention disaster and the one to blame for killing the so-called "dream ticket," and it softens her negative image. If Obama had first suggested that Hillary be his VP, the pressure would be on her to accept for the sake of the party. Now, with this pre-emptive strike, she has staked out the high ground and can point to the idea as concrete evidence that she's thinking of the party. Plus, she has garned the lion's share of the news cycle.

The number of people who view it as a desparate move are miniscule to the number of party faithful groping for a way to stem the upcoming trainwreck and latching onto this proposal as a means of salvation. This means the idea has little downside for Hillary, lots of upside for her, and puts Obama at risk of being the spoiler.
Clinton has said on several occasions that she thinks Obama would make a good president.
Her point is not that Obama is unqualified but that she is better qualified.

Both candidates are on record saying that the other would be much better than McCain.
It's a very smart political move. And Obama should of jumped out immediately to kill this idea, he didn't, and she smelled blood in the water.
It is indeed interesting that Hillary suggests Obama doesn't have the experience to be president and then turns around a suggest he could be her VP. Somehow I always thought a VP was supposed to be ready to take over if something happened to the president.

Have heard a few of the 'talking heads' suggest Hillary needs Obama as a running mate if she gets the nomination but that Obama doesn't need Hillary if he wins. Guess it has something to do with her generally negative ratings and his generally positive ratings (likeability factor).
Still no responses from Hillary supporters?

Ok, maybe I was wrong. I know I have been involved in threads here with Obama supporters, maybe Hillary has no supporters. But I still think she will get the question about Obama not being experienced enough for President, but experienced enough for the VP spot.
Clinton has said on several occasions that she thinks Obama would make a good president.
Her point is not that Obama is unqualified but that she is better qualified.

You are correct. They have both said this on several occasions, but I just heard Hillary say on a Fox news clip that Obama was not ready to "cross the threshold to Commander in Chief". Sounds like she is saying he is not up to the job, so how can he be VP. But to be honest, later today while in Mississippi she indicated Obama could be on the ticket with her. Of course she is losing in Mississippi.

I think a reporter should give Hillary a direct question. Is Obama qualified to be VP, and therefore President, or not?
I think you're trying to score a rhetorical point rather than a substantive one.

You are welcome to your opinion.

I did notice on news programs last night that this same substantive question is now being raised by reporters. I actually am interested how Hillary, or her supporters will answer this question.
I did notice on news programs last night that this same question is now being raised by reporters. I actually am interested on how Hillary, or her supporters will answer this question.
Yeah, I heard it raised in several places. It is a legitimate question when someone claims her opponent is unqualified, then says they are qualified. But will it matter to the Dems who vote/caucus for the nomination? I'm guessing not much. They'll chalk it up to politics. However, it might make for an interesting topic in the general election in that it calls into question Hillary's judgment.
Personally, I don't think either are qualified. Hillary has 8 years experience in the white house 1st lady! Let's see...someone else has 8 years experience there too. Oh yea...the cook:rolleyes:
Her whole "35 years of experience" claim is so laughably pathetic that I'm surprised SNL hasn't mocked her for it. The jokes would be easy to do.

Oh wait, they only mock those they disgree with. Never mind.