Question - does a C&R allow purchase from pivate sellers?

My first post. I have a C&R license, about a year ago, I ordered a Romanian,
Tokarev, from I.O. in N.C., I wait for months, they kept telling me, I was on
back order, so I finally bought one at a gun show. Then a few weeks ago,I
got a call from I.O., saying that they had found, my back order, and did I still want the gun. So I said yes,and now I have 2. My youngest son, who is over 21, and can legally purchase firearms, wants one of them, so,I understand that it would be ok, to sell Him one, for the amount that I paid
for it.

You can and should sell it to him at a higher price than what you paid.

The laws/regs/rulings specifically say (and they use a similar example in the FAQs) that if you acquire a better example of what you want for your collection, you are free to dispose of the one you don't want. No mention is made of any pricing; That's up to you.

You will have to make a record of disposal to him in your book, though.

So.....Since your son has sponged off of you for at least 18 years, you should sell him the extra Tokarev at as much profit as you can squeeze out of him to offset some of the expenses of raising him.:D:D:D

Oh, yeah, and he can't be a "prohibited person," either.
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I was told by several dealers that any firearm in the C&R dealer's possession for AT LEAST one year can be sold without a form/log a private party sale......true...?

That only applies to 01 FFLs.

A C&R (03) is NOT a dealer. (Big no-no.)

I'm seeking a ruling from ATF about a couple of the other things.
Can we stop going around in circles on this? Even the notoriously-murky ATF is fairly clear on this, so there shouldn't be any discussion.

Federally speaking, a C&R allows you to:
- buy C&R-eligible items from all legal sellers (FFL or private citizen), in or out of state
- sell no differently than a private citizen (FFL out of state; private transfers in state)

A C&R requires you to:
- log all C&R acquisitions and disposals SINCE receiving your C&R

Its intent is to allow you to collect. There are no rules regarding how soon, how often, or for how much you may dispose of items. If you want to sell your friend a Mosin, that's fine. If you bought it for dirt cheap and now it's worth twice as much, that's fine too.

Assuming that most people here are making between 30k and 100k a year, there's nothing you'll profit enough on to substantially affect your income. You're not going to accidentally cross the line from casual disposal to income-generating dealer.
Thanks for the responses, everyone. I'm pleased to inderstand that I can purchase from private citizens out-of-state. Now I need to clarify my responsibilities regarding purchases and the Maryland state govt.

I'll be checking out mdshooters, too.

Sure wish I lived in a free state, rather than in the "Free State". Most of you may not realise how lucky you are.
You don't have to do anything with the MD state government for interstate C&R purchases. We don't have mandatory gun registration here.