Question 'bout Auctions

so much confusion

Wow there seems to be so much confusion over this issue. Yes you can --- no you can't --- it has to be registered --- no it does not --- FFL always require --- never required. No wonder there are so many confused folks out there when the more knowledgeable can not come up with consistent answers.

Now I'm not causing a ruckus. I'm as confused on the entire issue as most. And I'm not about to ever consult a lawyer who will not know the answer either. But I would suggest that anyone who honestly is guessing about the laws in question might list their response as being opinion and not fact. It would be a sad if someone turned down a great deal becasue the got the wrong information from a poster who honestly did not know the answer.

Is there any State laws or federal regs concerning these transactions that are not on the web some place?
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Is there any State laws or federal regs concerning these transactions that are not on the web some place?

The issue is not that the information is not available on the web. Most people would appear to rather ask questions than find answers.

Federal firearms laws can be found here.

Although it requires some digging, state and local laws can be found here.
TX resident to TX resident firearm sales are legal as long as the seller has no reason to believe the purchaser can not legally posess the firearm.

The seller is not required to investigate to determine the eligibility of the purchaser, he just can't have any information that would indicate that the person is ineligible.
Either you aren't reading the responses above or you're just stubborn.
No, I'm thinking like a lawyer would...if what I find on the internet is NOT right and I do a deal that turns out to be illegal, then I'm screwed.

If I go pay a lawyer a few hundred dollars to research this and give me a professional answer...then I wouldn't get screwed half as bad because I can prove I attempted to do my due diligence by going out of my way to get a professional that lawyer would be open to a lawsuit from me and my new lawyer to cover the cost of my defense if it came to that.

I'm just wanting to CYA beyond a shadow of a doubt.

TX resident to TX resident firearm sales are legal as long as the seller has no reason to believe the purchaser can not legally posess the firearm.

The seller is not required to investigate to determine the eligibility of the purchaser, he just can't have any information that would indicate that the person is ineligible.
That's what I'd like to be able to prove with specific quotes both from applicable Federal and State laws, AND from case law citing several actual cases.
Interesting question. In Kentucky I have seen different requirements based on the county. At some auctions the sale has to go through a FFL dealer, but I have been to auctions where they only require an in state drivers license (no background check) and you can walk off with any type of gun, pistol or long gun.