Question about shimming scope rings


You are correct that you can ring (indent and possibly spoil optics alignment) scope tubes by having one ring off the axis of the other as by shimming up only the rear ring of a horizontal ring set. You really want to shim the whole base. Otherwise, use a tapered long range scope base. Another approach is to use the Burris XTR rings with pivoting ball-and-socket ring inserts that can be shimmed without stressing the scope tube because the ring insides turn with it. Barret has another solution.

I went through all your posts and corrected your tags. Here's what went wrong: You were omitting the [ that must begin the close quote tag for the quote tag pair to work.

You had:
[quote]content/quote], which produces itself:

It should have been:
[quote]content[/quote], Which produces:

You were also geting the opening bold tag inside the opening quote tag.

You had:
[quote[b]]content[/b]/quote], which produces:[quote]content/quote]

It should be:
[quote][b]content[/b][/quote], which produces:

The only inclusion that goes inside the quote tag brackets is =name, which credits the original poster as follows:


Will produce:
bigmouth said:
Thanks Unclenick. Since there's not a "reply with quote" feature, the only was I could figure out how was to "copy, then click on the "insert image" icon, and then hit paste with the cursor blinking in between the two - "quote l quote". I'll have to practice more.

I have used the Burris Signature rings before and tried them the first time on this crossbow but Scorpyd decided to put a short scope rail on their crossbows so I need extension type rings/mount as you can see in post #10.

At least you addressed my concern. Thanks.
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At least you addressed my concern. Thanks./QUOTE]

When I go to insert between the ][, for whatever reason the 2nd [ gets eliminated when I paste. Here's what it looks like if I manually add it back.

tpcolins said:
At least you addressed my concern. Thanks.

Got it! :)
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That's curious. I tried it several times, and it's not happening with me. Must be something about your system. But at least you now know why it wasn't working.

We turned off the quote feature here because people don't edit the quoted portions down to the sentences they want to respond to. They leave giant passages and photos all intact, which uses up a lot of storage space and bandwidth and nobody wants to reread it all anyway.
Unclenick said:
We turned off the quote feature here because people don't edit the quoted portions down to the sentences they want to respond to..

I always try to trim the quotes down. :)
