Question about citizens arrest the officer and are covered by worker's comp while you are using that authority.
That's a really good point. The officer has the medical and financial support of the governing body that employs him. Joe citizen could be left holding the bag for everything. I have to question if NH residents really have to obey an order to help, given how the deck is stacked against them.
In NC there is no such thing as a citizen's arrest anymore.
As a former long time resident of NC I'm surprised to hear this. Could you post a reference to the law that rescinded this individual police power?

My curiosity comes from the fact that the power to arrest is a individually held power delegated to the police. The police being a professional, full time posse. If the citizens are now without that power, from whom is it delegated?
The law eliminating citizen's arrest in NC only changed a few years ago. Citizens still have the power to detain as I mentiioned before so I suppose the only difference is that a "citizen" cannot transport the detainee from the scene. I do know the new law only gives you power to detain someone until the police arrive. As I said earlier any citizen becomes an instant officer when they are assisting a sworn officer. Also a sheriff has the power to deputize anyone which I suppose would constitute the "posse" you mention. The power to arrest comes from state statute and the good folks in Raleigh obviously don't think it's a good idea for everyone to have that authority. Sorry I do not have the exact date of the change. My dial up makes looking up general statutes a pain in the butt.