I hope it passes it needs to be passed nationally! I think there should be restrictions on it definitely. Kinda like Samuel L. Jackson said in Pulp Fiction
"Yea it's legal, but they want you to smoke in your home or certain designated places."
I'm a smoker (tobacco only) , but I have the courtesy to not smoke around my non-smoking family and friends. I don't even smoke in my apartment. I'm 50/50 on the whole ban of smoking cigarettes indoors, but that's a debate for another time lol.
As far as marijuana goes I've yet to see the effects be any different than alcohol, except for most people I've seen high just wanna eat and chill out as opposed to drunks who wanna fight. I think if you wanna smoke in your house or a "Hash Bar" then fine by me. As long as you don't do it and drive or do it out around me while I'm eating/drinking/etc, I say go for it.